Trump: Only ‘Stupid’ People Think Warm Ties With Russia Are Bad Thing

Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Mr Trump is right! :thup:
our friends on the left are pulling their hair out over this

because fucking with Russia when we should be killing Islamic terrorists is a good idea


There mad that Putin is destroying the terrorist army Obama spent so much of his Presidency cultivating and protecting.

Putin wasn't bombing Isis, he was bombing civilians and hospitals.

Putin bombs hospitals

Putin bombs civilians

Republicans would do that here if they could get away with it. You know they would. They hate America and want it to be like Russia. They tell us what a great guy Putin is.

I believe they mean it, but I know Putin's a bad guy.

"he was bombing civilians and hospitals."

And Obama wasn't? Of course Obama bombing civilians and hospitals is ALWAYS an "accident", yes....okay :rolleyes-41:

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

One year after Kunduz: Battlefields without doctors, in wars without limits

Christopher Stokes, MSF General Director

"Today, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is remembering one of the darkest moments in its history. On 3 October 2015, U.S. airstrikes killed 42 people and destroyed the MSF trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. As we grieve the loss of our colleagues and patients, we are left with the question: is it still possible to safely provide medical care on the frontline? In the past year, there have been a further 77 attacks on medical facilities run and supported by MSF in Syria and Yemen. Hospitals are being continually dragged onto the battlefield, and patients and their doctors and nurses are sacrificed in the process."

MSF - Kunduz Médecins Sans Frontières

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

"US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children, activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State.

The bombing was part of a two-month push to seize the town of Manbij, a strategic centre, key to any future advance on Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa. Activists had warned of high civilian casualty rates from airstrikes in Manbij even before the latest airstrike.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, activists described coalition aircraft hitting a cluster of houses in the village of Tokkhar, where nearly 200 people had gathered to seek shelter as the frontline shifted towards their homes. Most of those inside were killed or injured.

Ahmad Mohammad from the Syrian Institute for Justice, a Turkey-based group which monitors human rights violations, has also documented 73 victims, from at least nine families. UK-based monitoring group AirWars has recorded the names of a similar number of dead from several different sources.

“This is likely the worst reported civilian toll of any coalition attack since the bombing campaign against Isis began nearly two years ago,” said AirWars director Chris Wood. The group had already warned of a rising civilian toll around Manbij.

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods. A coalition spokesman denied any change to its rules of engagement.

“The death toll is 117. We could document [the identity of] 73 civilians including 35 children and 20 women. The rest of the dead bodies are charred, or have been reduced to shreds,” said Adnan al-Housen, an activist from Manbij.

He said around 50 injured survivors were rushed for treatment to the border town of Jarablus, where they provided details about the attack."

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

And Obama enables his friends the Saudi Arabians to do the same.

“Atrocious attack”: U.S.-backed Saudi coalition bombs 4th MSF hospital in Yemen, killing 11 people

our friends on the left are pulling their hair out over this

because fucking with Russia when we should be killing Islamic terrorists is a good idea


There mad that Putin is destroying the terrorist army Obama spent so much of his Presidency cultivating and protecting.

Putin wasn't bombing Isis, he was bombing civilians and hospitals.

Putin bombs hospitals

Putin bombs civilians

Republicans would do that here if they could get away with it. You know they would. They hate America and want it to be like Russia. They tell us what a great guy Putin is.

I believe they mean it, but I know Putin's a bad guy.

We all know that you're a douche bag, deanie wienie.
Stupid people allows enemies to attack your infrastructure and lays down and begs to take it up the ass some more from those same enemies.
our friends on the left are pulling their hair out over this

because fucking with Russia when we should be killing Islamic terrorists is a good idea


There mad that Putin is destroying the terrorist army Obama spent so much of his Presidency cultivating and protecting.

Putin wasn't bombing Isis, he was bombing civilians and hospitals.

Putin bombs hospitals

Putin bombs civilians

Republicans would do that here if they could get away with it. You know they would. They hate America and want it to be like Russia. They tell us what a great guy Putin is.

I believe they mean it, but I know Putin's a bad guy.

"he was bombing civilians and hospitals."

And Obama wasn't? Of course Obama bombing civilians and hospitals is ALWAYS an "accident", yes....okay :rolleyes-41:

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

One year after Kunduz: Battlefields without doctors, in wars without limits

Christopher Stokes, MSF General Director

"Today, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is remembering one of the darkest moments in its history. On 3 October 2015, U.S. airstrikes killed 42 people and destroyed the MSF trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. As we grieve the loss of our colleagues and patients, we are left with the question: is it still possible to safely provide medical care on the frontline? In the past year, there have been a further 77 attacks on medical facilities run and supported by MSF in Syria and Yemen. Hospitals are being continually dragged onto the battlefield, and patients and their doctors and nurses are sacrificed in the process."

MSF - Kunduz Médecins Sans Frontières

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

"US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children, activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State.

The bombing was part of a two-month push to seize the town of Manbij, a strategic centre, key to any future advance on Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa. Activists had warned of high civilian casualty rates from airstrikes in Manbij even before the latest airstrike.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, activists described coalition aircraft hitting a cluster of houses in the village of Tokkhar, where nearly 200 people had gathered to seek shelter as the frontline shifted towards their homes. Most of those inside were killed or injured.

Ahmad Mohammad from the Syrian Institute for Justice, a Turkey-based group which monitors human rights violations, has also documented 73 victims, from at least nine families. UK-based monitoring group AirWars has recorded the names of a similar number of dead from several different sources.

“This is likely the worst reported civilian toll of any coalition attack since the bombing campaign against Isis began nearly two years ago,” said AirWars director Chris Wood. The group had already warned of a rising civilian toll around Manbij.

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods. A coalition spokesman denied any change to its rules of engagement.

“The death toll is 117. We could document [the identity of] 73 civilians including 35 children and 20 women. The rest of the dead bodies are charred, or have been reduced to shreds,” said Adnan al-Housen, an activist from Manbij.

He said around 50 injured survivors were rushed for treatment to the border town of Jarablus, where they provided details about the attack."

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

And Obama enables his friends the Saudi Arabians to do the same.

“Atrocious attack”: U.S.-backed Saudi coalition bombs 4th MSF hospital in Yemen, killing 11 people
morons like rdean think you can have wars without civilian casualties . . . at least they insist that Republicans fight such wars. Democrat Presidents can assassinate American citizens without a peep from rdean.
our friends on the left are pulling their hair out over this

because fucking with Russia when we should be killing Islamic terrorists is a good idea


There mad that Putin is destroying the terrorist army Obama spent so much of his Presidency cultivating and protecting.

Putin wasn't bombing Isis, he was bombing civilians and hospitals.

Putin bombs hospitals

Putin bombs civilians

Republicans would do that here if they could get away with it. You know they would. They hate America and want it to be like Russia. They tell us what a great guy Putin is.

I believe they mean it, but I know Putin's a bad guy.

"he was bombing civilians and hospitals."

And Obama wasn't? Of course Obama bombing civilians and hospitals is ALWAYS an "accident", yes....okay :rolleyes-41:

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

One year after Kunduz: Battlefields without doctors, in wars without limits

Christopher Stokes, MSF General Director

"Today, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is remembering one of the darkest moments in its history. On 3 October 2015, U.S. airstrikes killed 42 people and destroyed the MSF trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. As we grieve the loss of our colleagues and patients, we are left with the question: is it still possible to safely provide medical care on the frontline? In the past year, there have been a further 77 attacks on medical facilities run and supported by MSF in Syria and Yemen. Hospitals are being continually dragged onto the battlefield, and patients and their doctors and nurses are sacrificed in the process."

MSF - Kunduz Médecins Sans Frontières

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

"US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children, activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State.

The bombing was part of a two-month push to seize the town of Manbij, a strategic centre, key to any future advance on Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa. Activists had warned of high civilian casualty rates from airstrikes in Manbij even before the latest airstrike.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, activists described coalition aircraft hitting a cluster of houses in the village of Tokkhar, where nearly 200 people had gathered to seek shelter as the frontline shifted towards their homes. Most of those inside were killed or injured.

Ahmad Mohammad from the Syrian Institute for Justice, a Turkey-based group which monitors human rights violations, has also documented 73 victims, from at least nine families. UK-based monitoring group AirWars has recorded the names of a similar number of dead from several different sources.

“This is likely the worst reported civilian toll of any coalition attack since the bombing campaign against Isis began nearly two years ago,” said AirWars director Chris Wood. The group had already warned of a rising civilian toll around Manbij.

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods. A coalition spokesman denied any change to its rules of engagement.

“The death toll is 117. We could document [the identity of] 73 civilians including 35 children and 20 women. The rest of the dead bodies are charred, or have been reduced to shreds,” said Adnan al-Housen, an activist from Manbij.

He said around 50 injured survivors were rushed for treatment to the border town of Jarablus, where they provided details about the attack."

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

And Obama enables his friends the Saudi Arabians to do the same.

“Atrocious attack”: U.S.-backed Saudi coalition bombs 4th MSF hospital in Yemen, killing 11 people
morons like rdean think you can have wars without civilian casualties . . . at least they insist that Republicans fight such wars. Democrat Presidents can assassinate American citizens without a peep from rdean.

"morons like rdean think you can have wars without civilian casualties"

To rdean and Co. they think war is like Lego War, no actual civilians involved.

“Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is..."

A- Fucking-men.

THank God for the way that election went.

The alternative for The West would be unthinkably catastrophic.
A lot of people want ww3 as a distraction.

I think you are projecting rational thought onto the people in question.

I think they are consider Russia a defeated power to be easily pushed around.
So they want the distraction but think it's a harmless distraction?


Hence HIllary calls for a no fly zone, not even realizing that if she ever gives that order, she has set the conditions for WWIII.

Because she believes that our crushing of Iraq's military shows that the Soviet Union was "always a paper tiger".

And if a russian plane would go into the no fly zone, US military would shoot down that plane and we would be off to the races.

Won't be long before you're saying the same shit about the ISIS and Taliban hacking us.
“Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is..."

A- Fucking-men.

THank God for the way that election went.

The alternative for The West would be unthinkably catastrophic.
A lot of people want ww3 as a distraction.

And they are either insane or morons.

In a WWIII situation, with all sides using nuclear weapons there would be no winners, there would only be losers and what would be left? Potentially several billion people dead across the planet.

We are all mortal, nobody and nothing is invincible.

It's a situation that must be avoided at any and all costs.

This banging of war drums, taken to it's insane and illogical conclusion only results in WWIII and that's The End, that's no future for anyone no matter how wealthy or how poor, everyone goes.

Liberals have often accused me of being afraid, when I discuss my desire to avoid nuclear war.

Look at all the Comrades.

Do you have anything constructive to add? Thought not.

Are you kidding, Lucy? This is bodecea.

You don't think she would ruin her perfect streak now, do you? She is closing on on a hundred thousand posts and if you would think she'd ruin that by posting something constructive now, all of a sudden, you've got another thing coming!
You know how the Indian tribes united to kick the crap out of Custer? Remember how Russia and the USA came together to kick the crap out of Hitler? That isn't going to work this time. We no longer agree on who the enemy is. Syria is a perfect example. So is Iran.
Russia is going to invade Israel, flanked by the Islamic countries that surround Israel. We will tend to back Israel, much more so than Obama did. The false peace treaty may be the result of the invasion, even though Israel is victorious over the invaders. God is going to see to that.
In the final war, a few years later, all nations will come against Israel. And Israel will survive that too. Jesus, the Christ is going to see to that.

I hope Trump maintains a friendly relationship with Putin, and doesn't disregard the things we can agree on, but remembers to count the silverware when Putin leaves..
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Only stupid people think Russia is looking for warm ties.

Actual Russia citizens? Maybe. I'm cool with normal Russians. but Russian government? Hell no. They're snakes.
Seriously, will Trump look the other way with the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia...

I think Putin wants a man who he can stroke while going after his goals...

"US military chief General Raymond T Thomas said many former Eastern Bloc countries are “scared to death” of Russia and the vulnerable states are “desperate” for America’s leadership.

The US and its Nato allies will reportedly send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring 2017."
Won't be long before you're saying the same shit about the ISIS and Taliban hacking us.

"Won't be long before you're saying the same shit about the ISIS and Taliban hacking us."

As the Obama Administration has been enabling ISIS and also dropping them weapons and leaving weapons and military vehicles behind for them in both Syria and Iraq, would Obama even care if they'd already hacked you? Obama might have even given them the password.

This was an "accident", by "accident" they dropped weapons meant for the Kurds to ISIS.

The Pentagon blamed it on the wind, um, okay :rolleyes-41:

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

· Pentagon admits one of 28 loads missing and blames wind

"The Pentagon admitted on Wednesday that one of the airdrops of weapons intended for Kurds in the besieged Syrian town of Kobani almost certainly ended up in the hands of the Islamic State (Isis) fighters.

The Pentagon blamed the wind for possibly blowing the supplies off course and argued that one cache was not enough to make a significant difference to Isis.

Video footage released by Isis shows what appears to be one of its fighters in desert scrubland with a stack of boxes attached to a parachute. The boxes are opened to show an array of weapons, some rusty, some new. A canister is broken out to reveal a hand grenade. Other equipment appeared to be parts for rocket-propelled grenades.

The Pentagon said the pallet of weapons was one of 28 dropped, not six as previously reported."

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

An "accident" that is repeated is NOT an "accident" it's deliberate. The next time was even better, this was leaving behind weapons and also allowing military hardware including vehicles to fall into the hands of ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

"One of the earliest major setbacks in the war against ISIS came last June when the U.S.-backed Iraqi army was routed by Islamic militants in the northern Iraq city of Mosul. Government forces retreated from the Islamic jihadists’ assault. They left behind a trove of costly military hardware, including U.S.-made armored Humvees, trucks, rockets, machine guns and even a helicopter.

Last weekend, the new Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, gave Iraqi state television the first detailed accounting of those lost weapons. Some were old or barely functioning, but others were in good shape and of great value to the ISIS militants.

According to Reuters, the U.S.-made weaponry that fell into enemy hands including 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, and as many as 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, plus small arms and ammunition.

Although al-Abadi and other Iraqi and U.S. officials haven’t attached a dollar sign to the lost weaponry and vehicles, a back-of-the-envelope calculation of those losses might look something like this:

  • 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles @ $70,000 per copy. Total: $161 million
  • 40 M1A1 Abram tanks @ $4.3 million per copy. Total: $172 million
  • 52 M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems @ $527,337 per copy. Total: $27.4 million
  • 74,000 Army machine guns @ $4,000 per copy. Total: $296 million

The grand total comes to $656.4 million, but experts say those losses represent just a portion of the many hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S.-supplied military equipment that has fallen into ISIS’s hands and is being used against the U.S. and allied forces on the ground in Iraq and neighboring Syria."

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

Look at all the Comrades.

Do you have anything constructive to add? Thought not.

Are you kidding, Lucy? This is bodecea.

You don't think she would ruin her perfect streak now, do you? She is closing on on a hundred thousand posts and if you would think she'd ruin that by posting something constructive now, all of a sudden, you've got another thing coming!

Well yes, but I was attempting to put it in polite terms :smoke:
Seriously, will Trump look the other way with the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia...

I think Putin wants a man who he can stroke while going after his goals...

"US military chief General Raymond T Thomas said many former Eastern Bloc countries are “scared to death” of Russia and the vulnerable states are “desperate” for America’s leadership.

The US and its Nato allies will reportedly send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring 2017."

"I think Putin wants a man who he can stroke while going after his goals..."

Why is there always some weird Homo thing involved? Is it because those who make such statements are either repressed Homo's or Homo's who haven't donned the leather chaps and feather boas and come out in a Gay Pride Parade yet?

Either way they'd love nothing more than to meet Vladimir Putin so they could beg him to whip out his dick for them to lick.

They have a serious hard-on for Putin, that's why they always must make some Homo comment when they mention Putin.
Seriously, will Trump look the other way with the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia...

I think Putin wants a man who he can stroke while going after his goals...

"US military chief General Raymond T Thomas said many former Eastern Bloc countries are “scared to death” of Russia and the vulnerable states are “desperate” for America’s leadership.

The US and its Nato allies will reportedly send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring 2017."

I do not think we should be treaty bound to fight Russia over fucking Estonia.

Estonia is not worth WWIII.

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