Trump or Obama did more for drug offenses! Barr wrote " The Case for More Incarceration!" which led the way for


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
1994 Crime Bill.

New Rule Permits Early Release for Thousands of Drug Offenders

July 18, 2014

WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of prisoners serving time for federal drug offenses will be eligible to seek early release beginning next year.
In testimony before Congress and the Sentencing Commission, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has pushed for reductions in drug sentences. Highlighting racial disparities, he has cast prison policy as a civil rights issue. He has separately begun a Justice Department review to help nonviolent prisoners apply for presidential clemency.
  • “This is a milestone in the effort to make more efficient use of our law enforcement resources and to ease the burden on our overcrowded prison system,” Mr. Holder said.

WASHINGTON — President Obama is on pace to be the first president in decades to leave office with a federal prison population that is smaller than when he was sworn in, a reflection of eight years of liberal criminal justice policies, historically low crime rates and an aggressive use of presidential commutations.

Mr. Obama granted clemency to 79 federal prisoners on Tuesday, bringing his total to more than 1,000 inmates, most of whom were serving lengthy prison terms under strict sentences imposed at the height of the war on drugs. An additional 13,000 people have been released early by the courts, the Justice Department said.

But looming over the announcement was the fact that President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, strongly opposed Mr. Obama’s liberal approach to criminal justice. Mr. Sessions favors vigorous enforcement of drug laws and the use of mandatory minimum sentences.

Sure Obama did it in his second term but the First Step act was in 2018 and Barr didn't take the helm till 2019.
How many drug dealers and takers have Tramp let out of prison?

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