Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

There are only a few weeks until the midterm elections. Last week the Intelligence Committee announced there was still nothing to implicate Trump in any arena. I think Trump let this go on for a reason. It exonerates him at every turn. Now it is his turn. And the extent of the swamp dweller's illegal activities will be on the news daily right up to election day, and will expand in scope for the next 2 years as more roll over on their higher-ups. We are about to realize exactly how heinous Deep State really is. It will resonate with voters...
Such optimism

Did the House Intelligence Comittee have access to the testimony of Flynn, Manafort, Cohen et al?

Dunno. But with Nunes as the head of the Committee, its not the best source of information. The House Committee investigation into Russian Election meddling already missed *huge* details confirmed by both our intelligence agencies and the Senate Investigation.
But they won't be able to. FOX News, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Sarah Carter, Laura Ingraham, and Rush Limbaugh will not let them sweep it under the proverbial rug. They've been pushing this issue for the last three years, even before Trump was elected. The sock-puppet media will try to spin ot whatever way they can or like you said, ignore it.

But this isn't going to simply disappear: Just because the Ostrich has it's head in the sand, doesn't mean there isn't eminent danger.

Could they REFUSE the Presidential Order to declassify all these documents? Could External Forces ie. FBI, Department of Justice etc say no they will NOT declassify all these documents? I read that this is within a President's Constitutional Right to order the declassification of ANYTHING he wants, but could the Anti-Trump Crowd in the FBI, Department of Justice say no? If they did they what would happen, what does a President have that can FORCE them to release everything?

Trump is not forcing them to do anything that would violate the law, as he is the Chief Executive Officer of this country. Deliberately failing to observe a Presidential order would be tantamount to treason.
At this point I hope he does. It will expose massive evidence of obstruction if he does. Power or no power. Do it. Getter done! Let the people know just how criminal you are.

Man, you are a nut-case. How is it "obstruction" is Trump is exposing to the light of day, the serious criminal activity that took place among the higher-echelon in the Justice Department?

Aren't you liberals the ones who are always squawking about "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?

Easy. Trump is knowingly pushing a narrative he knows that full disclosure of the FIFA warrant doesn't support for the purpose of discrediting the FBI Russia investigation.

The declassification is selective, with the vast majority of those portions of the FISA warrant application where FBI discloses the political motivation of the Steele Dossier still classified. All while Trump pushes a narrative that the portion of the FISA warrant that Trump is withholding....doesn't exist.

Nunes already tried this. It didn't work, as the FBI *did* disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. 30 members of Congress, including 15 republicans, have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant. And nothing happened.

Save this time, Trump doesn't have anyone like Nunes to take the fall for such selective declassifications. All Trump has done is eliminate plausible denialbility for a littany of Obstruction of Justice charges.

Which is just....profoundly stupid. Manafort agreeing to work with Mueller must have really spooked Trump.
It threw him a loop. He's running around as we speak like the chicken with the head cut off. When I heard the guilty plea by Manafort last week, and that Manafort was working for Mueller, I knew next week Trump was going to do something really stupid. Lol! It only took until Monday. And his Sheep are shittin in the pants too.
Could they REFUSE the Presidential Order to declassify all these documents? Could External Forces ie. FBI, Department of Justice etc say no they will NOT declassify all these documents? I read that this is within a President's Constitutional Right to order the declassification of ANYTHING he wants, but could the Anti-Trump Crowd in the FBI, Department of Justice say no? If they did they what would happen, what does a President have that can FORCE them to release everything?
He can have them declassified. But he exposes himself to obstruction, because he is exposing evidence in a criminal investigation against him. Trump at this point is desperate. He knows Flynn and Manafort have already talked.

There is no "criminal investigation" against Trump. So your theory is moot.
What rock are you hiding under? Are you saying there is no investigation into his charitable organization, or his Emoluments violations? Are you saying that Mueller isn't looking into whether Trump conspired with the Russians to get elected, or used Cambridge Analytica through Russia to help get him elected? Are you saying that the SDNY isn't investigating Trump about campaign finance violations with porn stars? Is that what you are saying?

The investigation is into Russia collusion which as we know, there is none. It is not and never was a criminal investigation on Donald Trump. Even Comey told him that. The investigation was launched on members of is administration--not him.
From page #209 you failed to rebut my argument or answer my questions. You failed to do this, because you have no intellectually informative material to do so. You are arguing through denial, not through any confirmed information. Big fail on your part. Trump is under criminal investigation, and he has been from the start.

He is, huh? Then who was the FISA warrant for that the FBI requested, Donald Trump?

As far as what the FBI is investigating, we don't know until something comes out.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.
Here's what's going to happen. They won't find a Democrat narrative. Only a law enforcement narrative, where four judges approved a FISA warrant against Page, that the FBI requested.
Could they REFUSE the Presidential Order to declassify all these documents? Could External Forces ie. FBI, Department of Justice etc say no they will NOT declassify all these documents? I read that this is within a President's Constitutional Right to order the declassification of ANYTHING he wants, but could the Anti-Trump Crowd in the FBI, Department of Justice say no? If they did they what would happen, what does a President have that can FORCE them to release everything?

Trump is not forcing them to do anything that would violate the law, as he is the Chief Executive Officer of this country. Deliberately failing to observe a Presidential order would be tantamount to treason.
At this point I hope he does. It will expose massive evidence of obstruction if he does. Power or no power. Do it. Getter done! Let the people know just how criminal you are.

Man, you are a nut-case. How is it "obstruction" is Trump is exposing to the light of day, the serious criminal activity that took place among the higher-echelon in the Justice Department?

Aren't you liberals the ones who are always squawking about "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?

Easy. Trump is knowingly pushing a narrative he knows that full disclosure of the FIFA warrant doesn't support for the purpose of discrediting the FBI Russia investigation.

The declassification is selective, with the vast majority of those portions of the FISA warrant application where FBI discloses the political motivation of the Steele Dossier still classified. All while Trump pushes a narrative that the portion of the FISA warrant that Trump is withholding....doesn't exist.

Nunes already tried this. It didn't work, as the FBI *did* disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. 30 members of Congress, including 15 republicans, have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant. And nothing happened.

Save this time, Trump doesn't have anyone like Nunes to take the fall for such selective declassifications. All Trump has done is eliminate plausible denialbility for a littany of Obstruction of Justice charges.

Which is just....profoundly stupid. Manafort agreeing to work with Mueller must have really spooked Trump.
It threw him a loop. He's running around as we speak like the chicken with the head cut off. When I heard the guilty plea by Manafort last week, and that Manafort was working for Mueller, I knew next week Trump was going to do something really stupid. Lol! It only took until Monday. And his Sheep are shittin in the pants too.

More than likely Trump declassified some of those documents because the Democrats got an operative to come out with this phony rape story. Kavanaugh is Trump's guy. The parts that are not declassified are likely a threat to the FBI and everybody involved in general.
He can have them declassified. But he exposes himself to obstruction, because he is exposing evidence in a criminal investigation against him. Trump at this point is desperate. He knows Flynn and Manafort have already talked.

There is no "criminal investigation" against Trump. So your theory is moot.
What rock are you hiding under? Are you saying there is no investigation into his charitable organization, or his Emoluments violations? Are you saying that Mueller isn't looking into whether Trump conspired with the Russians to get elected, or used Cambridge Analytica through Russia to help get him elected? Are you saying that the SDNY isn't investigating Trump about campaign finance violations with porn stars? Is that what you are saying?

The investigation is into Russia collusion which as we know, there is none. It is not and never was a criminal investigation on Donald Trump. Even Comey told him that. The investigation was launched on members of is administration--not him.
From page #209 you failed to rebut my argument or answer my questions. You failed to do this, because you have no intellectually informative material to do so. You are arguing through denial, not through any confirmed information. Big fail on your part. Trump is under criminal investigation, and he has been from the start.

He is, huh? Then who was the FISA warrant for that the FBI requested, Donald Trump?

As far as what the FBI is investigating, we don't know until something comes out.
I asked that question about you being under a rock as a joke. Now it is no joke. You don't know who the FISA was for? Boss, you are in the wrong place. Go back to your Legos.
There are only a few weeks until the midterm elections. Last week the Intelligence Committee announced there was still nothing to implicate Trump in any arena. I think Trump let this go on for a reason. It exonerates him at every turn. Now it is his turn. And the extent of the swamp dweller's illegal activities will be on the news daily right up to election day, and will expand in scope for the next 2 years as more roll over on their higher-ups. We are about to realize exactly how heinous Deep State really is. It will resonate with voters...
Conspiracy to attack the U.S. in an election with foreign adversaries, proven. Obstruction of justice on multiple fronts, proven. Illegal campaign finance violations with porn stars, proven. Conspiracy with a data firm through Russia to help Trump in a presidential election, proven. Emoluments and charity violations, under investigation.

left wing bull shit ... piles of it....
Another coward with nothing to debate. We don't need this scandal to let the world know it's a lie. All we need are USMB Trump Sheep to prove that for us. They're the best at exposing the lies.
You have no clue about the law. Your a liar. One can not debate a liar who will make shit up and treat it as truth. I'm tired of shoveling your bull shit and Democrat bull shit lies in general..

You have no proof of any crime. All you have is made up lies and half-truths...
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.

Here's the problem with that narrative: Nunes already tried it. It didn't work. And with 30 members of Congress that have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant with nothing happening.....its unlikely to work this time. Nunes already tried to push the narrative that FISA warrants didn't disclose the political nature of the Steele Dossier. Until it was revealed that yes, the FBI did disclose it.

Which is why Trump didn't declassify the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclosed the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. Where if 'full disclosure' were Trump's goals, this would have been included in the declassification.

That was a huge mistake on Trump's part. As it demonstrates an intentional attempt to by Trump to push a narrative about the FBI (that they didn't disclose the political nature of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges) that full disclosure of the warrant doesn't support.

And Trump knows full disclosure doesn't support
.....for the purpose of discrediting the FBI investigation. Except without Nunes as a cut out man.
Trump is not forcing them to do anything that would violate the law, as he is the Chief Executive Officer of this country. Deliberately failing to observe a Presidential order would be tantamount to treason.
At this point I hope he does. It will expose massive evidence of obstruction if he does. Power or no power. Do it. Getter done! Let the people know just how criminal you are.

Man, you are a nut-case. How is it "obstruction" is Trump is exposing to the light of day, the serious criminal activity that took place among the higher-echelon in the Justice Department?

Aren't you liberals the ones who are always squawking about "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?

Easy. Trump is knowingly pushing a narrative he knows that full disclosure of the FIFA warrant doesn't support for the purpose of discrediting the FBI Russia investigation.

The declassification is selective, with the vast majority of those portions of the FISA warrant application where FBI discloses the political motivation of the Steele Dossier still classified. All while Trump pushes a narrative that the portion of the FISA warrant that Trump is withholding....doesn't exist.

Nunes already tried this. It didn't work, as the FBI *did* disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. 30 members of Congress, including 15 republicans, have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant. And nothing happened.

Save this time, Trump doesn't have anyone like Nunes to take the fall for such selective declassifications. All Trump has done is eliminate plausible denialbility for a littany of Obstruction of Justice charges.

Which is just....profoundly stupid. Manafort agreeing to work with Mueller must have really spooked Trump.
It threw him a loop. He's running around as we speak like the chicken with the head cut off. When I heard the guilty plea by Manafort last week, and that Manafort was working for Mueller, I knew next week Trump was going to do something really stupid. Lol! It only took until Monday. And his Sheep are shittin in the pants too.

More than likely Trump declassified some of those documents because the Democrats got an operative to come out with this phony rape story. Kavanaugh is Trump's guy. The parts that are not declassified are likely a threat to the FBI and everybody involved in general.
Do you know what "more than likely" is worth? About two buckets of shit.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.
Here's what's going to happen. They won't find a Democrat narrative. Only a law enforcement narrative, where four judges approved a FISA warrant against Page, that the FBI requested.

Right, because you really believe that the FBI went to the judge, told him or her that they have information on Trump's team that was paid for by Hillary and the DNC'; opposition research that came from a foreign entity, that he got from the Russians, and he or she said "Okay, that's fine with me, here's your warrant?"
At this point I hope he does. It will expose massive evidence of obstruction if he does. Power or no power. Do it. Getter done! Let the people know just how criminal you are.

Man, you are a nut-case. How is it "obstruction" is Trump is exposing to the light of day, the serious criminal activity that took place among the higher-echelon in the Justice Department?

Aren't you liberals the ones who are always squawking about "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?

Easy. Trump is knowingly pushing a narrative he knows that full disclosure of the FIFA warrant doesn't support for the purpose of discrediting the FBI Russia investigation.

The declassification is selective, with the vast majority of those portions of the FISA warrant application where FBI discloses the political motivation of the Steele Dossier still classified. All while Trump pushes a narrative that the portion of the FISA warrant that Trump is withholding....doesn't exist.

Nunes already tried this. It didn't work, as the FBI *did* disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. 30 members of Congress, including 15 republicans, have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant. And nothing happened.

Save this time, Trump doesn't have anyone like Nunes to take the fall for such selective declassifications. All Trump has done is eliminate plausible denialbility for a littany of Obstruction of Justice charges.

Which is just....profoundly stupid. Manafort agreeing to work with Mueller must have really spooked Trump.
It threw him a loop. He's running around as we speak like the chicken with the head cut off. When I heard the guilty plea by Manafort last week, and that Manafort was working for Mueller, I knew next week Trump was going to do something really stupid. Lol! It only took until Monday. And his Sheep are shittin in the pants too.

More than likely Trump declassified some of those documents because the Democrats got an operative to come out with this phony rape story. Kavanaugh is Trump's guy. The parts that are not declassified are likely a threat to the FBI and everybody involved in general.
Do you know what "more than likely" is worth? About two buckets of shit.

So what are your claims other than "more than likely?"
There is no "criminal investigation" against Trump. So your theory is moot.
What rock are you hiding under? Are you saying there is no investigation into his charitable organization, or his Emoluments violations? Are you saying that Mueller isn't looking into whether Trump conspired with the Russians to get elected, or used Cambridge Analytica through Russia to help get him elected? Are you saying that the SDNY isn't investigating Trump about campaign finance violations with porn stars? Is that what you are saying?

The investigation is into Russia collusion which as we know, there is none. It is not and never was a criminal investigation on Donald Trump. Even Comey told him that. The investigation was launched on members of is administration--not him.
From page #209 you failed to rebut my argument or answer my questions. You failed to do this, because you have no intellectually informative material to do so. You are arguing through denial, not through any confirmed information. Big fail on your part. Trump is under criminal investigation, and he has been from the start.

He is, huh? Then who was the FISA warrant for that the FBI requested, Donald Trump?

As far as what the FBI is investigating, we don't know until something comes out.
I asked that question about you being under a rock as a joke. Now it is no joke. You don't know who the FISA was for? Boss, you are in the wrong place. Go back to your Legos.

The FISA warrant was for Carter Page--not Donald Trump you fool. You have no idea WTF you're even talking about. I tried to be nice by asking a question so you could come to the realization you were wrong. But no. Instead, you come out with insults.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.

Here's the problem with that narrative: Nunes already tried it. It didn't work. And with 30 members of Congress that have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant with nothing happening.....its unlikely to work this time. Nunes already tried to push the narrative that FISA warrants didn't disclose the political nature of the Steele Dossier. Until it was revealed that yes, the FBI did disclose it.

Which is why Trump didn't declassify the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclosed the political motivations of the Steele Dossier. Where if 'full disclosure' were Trump's goals, this would have been included in the declassification.

That was a huge mistake on Trump's part. As it demonstrates an intentional attempt to by Trump to push a narrative about the FBI (that they didn't disclose the political nature of the Steele Dossier to the FISA judges) that full disclosure of the warrant doesn't support.

And Trump knows full disclosure doesn't support
.....for the purpose of discrediting the FBI investigation. Except without Nunes as a cut out man.
Hey Retard... the other regions of the document are already public... Left wing retard..
There are only a few weeks until the midterm elections. Last week the Intelligence Committee announced there was still nothing to implicate Trump in any arena. I think Trump let this go on for a reason. It exonerates him at every turn. Now it is his turn. And the extent of the swamp dweller's illegal activities will be on the news daily right up to election day, and will expand in scope for the next 2 years as more roll over on their higher-ups. We are about to realize exactly how heinous Deep State really is. It will resonate with voters...
Conspiracy to attack the U.S. in an election with foreign adversaries, proven. Obstruction of justice on multiple fronts, proven. Illegal campaign finance violations with porn stars, proven. Conspiracy with a data firm through Russia to help Trump in a presidential election, proven. Emoluments and charity violations, under investigation.

left wing bull shit ... piles of it....
Another coward with nothing to debate. We don't need this scandal to let the world know it's a lie. All we need are USMB Trump Sheep to prove that for us. They're the best at exposing the lies.
You have no clue about the law. Your a liar. One can not debate a liar who will make shit up and treat it as truth. I'm tired of shoveling your bull shit and Democrat bull shit lies in general..

You have no proof of any crime. All you have is made up lies and half-truths...
If it was all made up, you would already have the information, and the guts to debate what I have already claimed as fact. Do you know why you have not mounted that challenge? For the exact reasons I just gave. You are intellectually and informatively bankrupt to mount that challenge, because you have no information, and you aren't smart enough to realize it.
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

You need to change the channel.

You really don’t have a clue what actually happened

because the libtard media has filled your head with bull shit….

It’s time to pay for your dirty deeds….

Turn on FOX for the truth….

Don’t be afraid of the TRUTH…
What rock are you hiding under? Are you saying there is no investigation into his charitable organization, or his Emoluments violations? Are you saying that Mueller isn't looking into whether Trump conspired with the Russians to get elected, or used Cambridge Analytica through Russia to help get him elected? Are you saying that the SDNY isn't investigating Trump about campaign finance violations with porn stars? Is that what you are saying?

The investigation is into Russia collusion which as we know, there is none. It is not and never was a criminal investigation on Donald Trump. Even Comey told him that. The investigation was launched on members of is administration--not him.
From page #209 you failed to rebut my argument or answer my questions. You failed to do this, because you have no intellectually informative material to do so. You are arguing through denial, not through any confirmed information. Big fail on your part. Trump is under criminal investigation, and he has been from the start.

He is, huh? Then who was the FISA warrant for that the FBI requested, Donald Trump?

As far as what the FBI is investigating, we don't know until something comes out.
I asked that question about you being under a rock as a joke. Now it is no joke. You don't know who the FISA was for? Boss, you are in the wrong place. Go back to your Legos.

The FISA warrant was for Carter Page--not Donald Trump you fool. You have no idea WTF you're even talking about. I tried to be nice by asking a question so you could come to the realization you were wrong. But no. Instead, you come out with insults.
You asked me if it was Trump. I didn't ask you squirt.
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

You need to change the channel.

You really don’t have a clue what actually happened

because the libtard media has filled your head with bull shit….

It’s time to pay for your dirty deeds….

Turn on FOX for the truth….

Don’t be afraid of the TRUTH…
And the truth is? LOl! Answer, you haven't a clue.

Lisa Page notes there was NO PROBABLE CAUSE to seat Mueller in documents released tonight from the DOJ.....

Page was the responsible DOJ counsel at that time. This means there was no reason to seat Mueller.. This is going to blow up tomorrow... This shows the whole thing was politically motivated... Damn!
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.
Here's what's going to happen. They won't find a Democrat narrative. Only a law enforcement narrative, where four judges approved a FISA warrant against Page, that the FBI requested.

Thats why Trump is declassifying it eh?

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