Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

I don't think we need new AG. Sessions didn't have a choice.

Sessions did not lie, and none of his interactions with Russians were in the capacity of being a member of Trump's team. They were part if his job as U.S. Senator. There is / was absolutely no reason to recuse himself, especially when compared to the conspirators.

Wrote the reasons why Comey should be fired. He advised Trump to fire Comey. Once Trump fired Comey, Rosenstein rushed to start an investigation into obstruction and get pal Mueller appointed Special Counsel. All of this makes Rosenstein one of the top 2 witnesses in an Obstruction case, a MASSIVE conflict of interest Rosenstein refuses to acknowledge.

Robert Mueller
A walking, talking conflict of intetest:
- Pals with Comey
- Comey's Mentor
- Friends with the Russian believed to have authored the Trump Dossier
- According to Oher, Oher and Steele were working with Mueller in early 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel

...but Sessions 'had no choice' but to recuse himself because he met with Russians as part if his job as Senator?


More importantly, if Sessions was going to recuse himself he had an obligation to let the President know, allowing Trump to pick someone else instead.

Besides, there has been so much evidence exposing collusion, obstruction, conspiracy, perjury, and more within his DOJ as well as in the CIA, NIA, and FBI but Sessions is completely AWOL, letting it happen.

He should have stepped back in and fired his Deputy US AG (Rosenstein) when it became clear he had broken the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.

No, sorry...Sessions needs to go. His own agency is out of control....Rosenstein, Oher....and he let himself be needlessly manipulated out of the picture and GONE ... rendered insignificant in his own agency.

He's got to go.
Google any fact check site:
In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute," Comey said.

What an intricate web Hillary, the DNC, and vermin Dems have woven.
When it all becomes transparent and apparent, you would think that Hillary would be honorable and commit seppuku.
But vermin have no honor.

That doesn't appear to be it. As the declassifications have very little if anything to do with Hillary. The russia investigation began at the FBI in July of 2016. Hillary had retired as Secretary of State in 2013, 3 years earlier.

They are targeting the FBI's Russia investigation. But inconsistently.

For example, the the heart of the republican narrative on the FISA warrants being that the political motivation of the Steele Dossier *wasn't* disclosed to the judges.

Yet vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If 'full disclosure' was the goal, why not declassify the very portions that are in dispute? It looks like Trump is trying to declassify only those pages that forward the far right narrative that the political motive of the Steele Dossier wasn't revealed to the FISA judges.

And intentionally *withholding* the those portions that portions that confirm that the political motivations of the Steele Dossier *was* revealed to FISA judges.....and then claiming they don't exist.

This is not a smart move. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice.

Only this time Trump doens't have a cut out man like Nunes and his selective revelations like with the debunked Nunes Memo. Trump doing this directly himself. Which removes many plausible defenses for Obstruction, placing the blame right at Trump's feet.

This is gonna bite Trump in the ass, big time.
You got him now, huh?

In their feverish and deluded minds, they probably do think they have him this time. Or next time. Or the next time. Or the time after that.

We're dealing with a serious case of delusional fixed beliefs that don't change, even when a person is presented with conflicting evidence. It's been said before and I'll say it again, "Liberalism is a mental disorder."

With 30 congressmen (including 15 republicans) who have already seen the unredacted FISA warrant, if this was going to be a serious issue it would have been a serious issue.

Trump didn't classify the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclose the political motivations of the Steele Dossier.

The Nunes memo didn't go anywhere for the exact same reason why this was a terrible idea on Trump's part: as it kept the portions of the FISA warrant application where the FBI disclosed the political motivation for the Steele Dossier classified.

And Trump just made the same mistake, save this time without Nunes to blame.

If is classified, what makes you think FBI disclosed political motivations?

I don't think we need new AG. Sessions didn't have a choice.

Sessions did not lie, and none of his interactions with Russians were in the capacity of being a member of Trump's team. They were part if his job as U.S. Senator. There is / was absolutely no reason to recuse himself, especially when compared to the conspirators.

Wrote the reasons why Comey should be fired. He advised Trump to fire Comey. Once Trump fired Comey, Rosenstein rushed to start an investigation into obstruction and get pal Mueller appointed Special Counsel. All of this makes Rosenstein one of the top 2 witnesses in an Obstruction case, a MASSIVE conflict of interest Rosenstein refuses to acknowledge.

Robert Mueller
A walking, talking conflict of intetest:
- Pals with Comey
- Comey's Mentor
- Friends with the Russian believed to have authored the Trump Dossier
- According to Oher, Oher and Steele were working with Mueller in early 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel

...but Sessions 'had no choice' but to recuse himself because he met with Russians as part if his job as Senator?


More importantly, if Sessions was going to recuse himself he had an obligation to let the President know, allowing Trump to pick someone else instead.

Besides, there has been so much evidence exposing collusion, obstruction, conspiracy, perjury, and more within his DOJ as well as in the CIA, NIA, and FBI but Sessions is completely AWOL, letting it happen.

He should have stepped back in and fired his Deputy US AG (Rosenstein) when it became clear he had broken the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.

No, sorry...Sessions needs to go. His own agency is out of control....Rosenstein, Oher....and he let himself be needlessly manipulated out of the picture and GONE ... rendered insignificant in his own agency.

He's got to go.

If he goes, Rosenstein takes over DOJ completely.

Sessions recusal just shows how honest and uncorrupted he is. Not being involved into investigation makes it appear that Democrats are in charge and in control, and since they had nothing on Trump, Democrats can't claim something was hidden from them, meanwhile they just exposed their own corruption.

I think this declassification is not the end and that more is coming.

I don't think we need new AG. Sessions didn't have a choice.

Sessions did not lie, and none of his interactions with Russians were in the capacity of being a member of Trump's team. They were part if his job as U.S. Senator. There is / was absolutely no reason to recuse himself, especially when compared to the conspirators.

Wrote the reasons why Comey should be fired. He advised Trump to fire Comey. Once Trump fired Comey, Rosenstein rushed to start an investigation into obstruction and get pal Mueller appointed Special Counsel. All of this makes Rosenstein one of the top 2 witnesses in an Obstruction case, a MASSIVE conflict of interest Rosenstein refuses to acknowledge.

Robert Mueller
A walking, talking conflict of intetest:
- Pals with Comey
- Comey's Mentor
- Friends with the Russian believed to have authored the Trump Dossier
- According to Oher, Oher and Steele were working with Mueller in early 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel

...but Sessions 'had no choice' but to recuse himself because he met with Russians as part if his job as Senator?


More importantly, if Sessions was going to recuse himself he had an obligation to let the President know, allowing Trump to pick someone else instead.

Besides, there has been so much evidence exposing collusion, obstruction, conspiracy, perjury, and more within his DOJ as well as in the CIA, NIA, and FBI but Sessions is completely AWOL, letting it happen.

He should have stepped back in and fired his Deputy US AG (Rosenstein) when it became clear he had broken the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.

No, sorry...Sessions needs to go. His own agency is out of control....Rosenstein, Oher....and he let himself be needlessly manipulated out of the picture and GONE ... rendered insignificant in his own agency.

He's got to go.

If he goes, Rosenstein takes over DOJ completely.

Sessions recusal just shows how honest and uncorrupted he is. Not being involved into investigation makes it appear that Democrats are in charge and in control, and since they had nothing on Trump, Democrats can't claim something was hidden from them, meanwhile they just exposed their own corruption.

I think this declassification is not the end and that more is coming.

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If Trump fires Rosenstein he picks a new US AG. Rosenstein does not take over.

Trump needs to hire a truly impartial, objective pitbull that will dispense justice equally. In that scenario Rosenstein is indicted...along with McCabe, Comey, Brennan, and possibly even Mueller.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents
/----/ Perhaps a little payback for the delay in the Kavanaugh vote over these bogus charges.

I guess Democrats will offer to kill allegations against judge Kavanaugh, and shutting down Mueller probe in exchange for pullback of declassification of documents. Trump will reject it, because Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed regardless. Maybe they'll fund the wall?

I heard on the radio that nine budgets were submitted, and not one of them had funding for the wall. Then the Republicans can't figure out why we elected Donald Trump.
Trying to discredit an active investigation while calling for the end to the same forwarding a narrative you KNOW that full disclosure doesn't support?

And you're dumb enough to do it personally rather than using a cut-out man like Nunes to forward your fraudulent narrative for you?

A total bone head move. Manafort flipping must have thrown Trump something fierce.

It is going to get worse before it gets better. LOTS worse.
Just wait until Little Jared, Roger Stone and Don "Guido" Trump Junior are indicted.
That's next - Buckle up .. Captain Chaos will go off the loop.
Likely in the end, he may need to be forcibly removed.


Even in they had anything negative to say about Trump, do you really think they would give Mueller that information; the only man that could pardon them?
Looks like an act of desperation from Crooked Donnie

Don’t you want to know for sure that the FBI is crooked or not, if they aren’t then good, if they are then we will see, why are you against that, the documents will be un redacted so MSM can’t put spin on it.

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my body is ready :banana:

JUST IN: Pres. Trump authorizes declassification of select materials related to FISA application for Carter Page, and release of "all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr."

That does not sound like the actions of a guilty man.

The President can declassify ANYTHING he chooses too, it's called "Executive Privilege." Trump is standing his ground and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

I think he finally did it because top democrats made a threat to Trump if he did do it, Trump doesn’t like threats

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here we go again... deja vu....

Republicans SELECTIVELY releasing classified documents to support 'their story' while holding all else back...

Then 2 weeks later, with Democrats fighting and screaming to release the FULL CONTEXT and full content surrounding the classified documents released by the president and republicans, and it is then showed,

the republican's ''story'', falls flat on its face!

Bring it on! It's not like Dems are not experienced at this point, with these Republican tactics, meant only for the Trump cult! :rolleyes:

That’s what everyone has been wanting, all the documents, but something tells me they probably don’t want anymore released.

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my body is ready :banana:

JUST IN: Pres. Trump authorizes declassification of select materials related to FISA application for Carter Page, and release of "all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr."

That does not sound like the actions of a guilty man.

The President can declassify ANYTHING he chooses too, it's called "Executive Privilege." Trump is standing his ground and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

I think he finally did it because top democrats made a threat to Trump if he did do it, Trump doesn’t like threats

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I believe that it was more about the phony rape claim on Kavanaugh. I think he should have waited until just before midterms to release it.

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