Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

You're missing the main points
1. The origin of the investigation was bogus, and if challenged in court, up to the USSC, Trump would win. (per Dershowitz)
2. When Mueller issues his report, Trump's new head of DOJ can circular file it
3. What law enforcement are you bragging on? Trump can't be indicted while president.
4. Trump can't "obstruct" regarding a "non-crime". First you need to prove a crime, then you need to prove obstruction, and Article-2 protects Trump's actions.

We're waiting for your "evidence" of a crime, got any? (HINT: NO)
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

You're missing the main points
1. The origin of the investigation was bogus, and if challenged in court, up to the USSC, Trump would win. (per Dershowitz)
if it is bogus, you are stating that as fact What is your evidence it is bogus? If you do not prove that, you are a liar.
2. When Mueller issues his report, Trump's new head of DOJ can circular file it
To do what? Hide the real evidence? Obstruct this investigation to cover up wrong doing? If trump has done nothing wrong, why would it be hidden? If it is hidden, then that confirms his guilt. Simple as that.
3. What law enforcement are you bragging on? Trump can't be indicted while president.
There is nothing written that says he cannot, or is in the Constitution. It's an open question that has never been challenged? And why are you so obvious in your complicity to protect a criminal?
4. Trump can't "obstruct" regarding a "non-crime". First you need to prove a crime, then you need to prove obstruction, and Article-2 protects Trump's actions.
Negative! Constructing a lying story on Air Force One to tell the world that the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions, while later admitting it wasn't, is a text book definition of obstruction.

We're waiting for your "evidence" of a crime, got any? (HINT: NO)
It's been posted several times on this thread. Start looking.
Okay, we'll just have to watch the movie to see the ending. I'm betting on Trump and against the Deep State conspirators.
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

no winger, documents that prove the guilt of the Clinton campaign, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein, Obama, Lynch, Holder, and the entire bunch of lying assholes. Its over dude, better pack your shit and move to Venezuela.
Okay, we'll just have to watch the movie to see the ending. I'm betting on Trump and against the Deep State conspirators.
Okay, we'll just have to watch the movie to see the ending. I'm betting on Trump and against the Deep State conspirators.
Thanks for proving to us all that you are a liar, and that you have no intelligent means or relevant information to prove this investigation is bogus. This is exactly why Trump and his supporters have no credibility. In the long haul, this will be the nail in the coffin for the party. The lies. Actually, the country has gotten a two and a half year education about what this Republican party stands for, and that they will lie, cheat, and break the law, to get what they want, every step of the way. This is what it has come to. That kind of a country, won't stand for long.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents
Without redaction, minus what he doesn't want to read. This is obstruction of justice. Trump is in desperation mode now.
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

no winger, documents that prove the guilt of the Clinton campaign, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein, Obama, Lynch, Holder, and the entire bunch of lying assholes. Its over dude, better pack your shit and move to Venezuela.
What are the proven lies? Are you part of the investigation, that you would know that they all lied via these documents? If you can't answer that question honestly, you are the liar, not them. Where's the evidence?
Many people need to be brought to justice, then put in prison for what these criminals have put this country, and its citizens through.

We all know who did what and we, the people, have long memories.

We are not subjects, we are citizens.

We rule you.

You politicians don't get to push us around like you have been doing.

This isn't a dictatorship - this is a Representative Republic, and you corrupt politicians have been misrepresenting us - you people are done messing with us!

It's time to pay the piper.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

There is no obstruction. Don't you think that Trump's lawyers know more about what obstruction is than you do?
Where's the link to those declassified documents? Am I missing the link? Want to read them.
You'll have to wait for those Trump doesn't want you to read, while he obstructs justice. His family is in trouble because of Manafort and Trump knows it. He knows Manafort and Cohen know where the bodies are hidden about his family, and he's desperate to expose documents that help him and his family. Not to find out the truth. And unfortunately for Trump, more truth is coming.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

There is no obstruction. Don't you think that Trump's lawyers know more about what obstruction is than you do?
You mean Trump's T.V. lawyer? Lol! No, Mueller and team already know what they have on Trump, and it is definitely obstruction. You know nothing about written law. You are way out of your league boss.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

There is no obstruction. Don't you think that Trump's lawyers know more about what obstruction is than you do?
You mean Trump's T.V. lawyer? Lol! No, Mueller and team already know what they have on Trump, and it is definitely obstruction. You know nothing about written law. You are way out of your league boss.

If Mueller had anything like that, he would have made that case already.
The entire discussion on the Ford lady has to stop. Has NOTHING to do with this thread. Take it to the merged 13 threads on THAT topic. Thread bans and warnings will follow if it persists.
Thanks! In thread news, every time Trump gets hit with a bunch of facts, truths, indictments, or convictions he doesn't like, he loses his mind,by obstructing justice. Congressman criticizes Trump's move on classified docs

You SURE of that? Or is it when the unavoidable revelations of "interfering with a opposition political campaign" by spying and punking and abusing govt power hit the news ---- it's YOU and the 1/2 of the TDS public -- that ---- lose their minds?

Important question really is -- how can reasonably IGNORE the power of the FBI/CIA/Media/others being coordinated in an ATTACK against a rival political faction?

If the situation made your tribe the victim, there'd already be firing squads and riots..
I hadn't heard she cited a woman being at the party, is Ford claiming the woman was one of the 4 people? Has Ford said how she ended up at the party, like did she go with a friend? If she was 15 someone else must have drove her to the party. Does she say how she got home? If she walked it's hard to buy she can't remember where the party was. For it being such a tragic life event it's hard to believe she doesn't have a general date, when you start to think back on something that happened so many years ago you should be able to remember events that happened shortly after, like did she go on a family vacation, was it before or after the 4th of July, was school starting in a few weeks or had school just let out for summer break. It's not believable to have such a detailed description of what happened without knowing where it happened and when.
Ford has a lot of holes.. This morning it is now just two women and then later it was just one man acting as a look out who vehemently denies anything like that ever happened. She cant remember what year it occurred in, where it occurred, and now who in the hell was present or even the host of the party.. Ford is a liar. This is all made up bull shit.

They got a hold of her therapy records where she stated it was four guys that attacked her. Now it’s two. She also never said Kavanaugh was one of them.

Frankenstein stated she didn’t want her story coming out. If there is any truth to that, WTF did she take a polygraph test a month ago?????

Sent from my iPad using
Kavanaugh and his ability to deny this event, and based on the testimony of the supposed victim, who doesn't remember which party or event it was, raises the question, how does he know which event to deny?

He categorically denied that anything like that ever happened.
If he said he "never went to a party like that", how did he know there was "a party like that" not to go to?

He's simply reacting to get description of the alleged event. Duh.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

So Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to him?
Here's whats going to happen.
Trump is going to declassify docs damaging to the dem narrative.
Shortly there after we'll find out what the real story is.
If dems go into spin control we know the declass is real,if they demand the release of the rest of the docs they may have a case....or they're just stalling again.
Last time republicans declassified crap it didn't go so well for them.

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