Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Should make for some very interesting reading don't you think??

The vast majority of those insisting they want to see Trump's tax returns wouldn't know how to read them and if anything was wrong with them. If they were honest, what they REALLY want is for their favorite hate merchant to tell them what they should act outraged about.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents
and Adam Schiff says he's abusing his powers and non transparent. WTF? how is releasing information to the public not transparent?

Hey one of you leftists in here, explain how releasing these documents isn't being transparent? I'll wait.

Oh and how is it an abuse of power exactly?

Is he legally able to? yes sir, so how is it abuse?

Maybe you can share with us what Adam Schiff is worried about exactly?
Well looks like overnight the leftists have lost their shit...they see their dream of President Trump being taken out in a coup quickly slipping through their fingers...but I do hope they try a coup....President Trump declares martial law,imprisons or executes all of the coup traitors,fixes the constitution and allows for a president to serve as many terms as he likes....:)
Schiff and Pelosi are clinging to their setup meeting in Trump Tower and repeating collusion collusion collusion until someone believes them, Remember lawyers are taught "repeat something 3x and someone believes it". The GOP wants to expose the Deep State setup of Trump and exonerating Clinton. The community organizer did an outstanding job of packing the FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI with loyalists.
Schiff and Pelosi are clinging to their setup meeting in Trump Tower and repeating collusion collusion collusion until someone believes them, Remember lawyers are taught "repeat something 3x and someone believes it". The GOP wants to expose the Deep State setup of Trump and exonerating Clinton. The community organizer did an outstanding job of packing the FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI with loyalists.
what's their issue exactly?
Schiff and Pelosi keep whining about Trump. This is how the voters should compare the Trump admin against the dems in 2018 and 2020

If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t.
Trying to discredit an active investigation while calling for the end to the same forwarding a narrative you KNOW that full disclosure doesn't support?

And you're dumb enough to do it personally rather than using a cut-out man like Nunes to forward your fraudulent narrative for you?

A total bone head move. Manafort flipping must have thrown Trump something fierce.

It is going to get worse before it gets better. LOTS worse.
Just wait until Little Jared, Roger Stone and Don "Guido" Trump Junior are indicted.
That's next - Buckle up .. Captain Chaos will go off the loop.
Likely in the end, he may need to be forcibly removed.


Even in they had anything negative to say about Trump, do you really think they would give Mueller that information; the only man that could pardon them?

I say let the pardons commence!

It will a) subject them to the NY Southern District and other state prosecutions where Donald has no authority b) they'll be forced to testify under oath where needed c) they lose their 5th amendment privilege and d) if they lie, off to jail they go!

Oh and one more thing - Another nail in the obstruction of justice coffin for the Orange Clown.
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State prosecutions are not part of the Mueller investigation, so what?
No one is forced to testify.
the 5th is always there in the US, take it to the USSC

There is no obstruction w/o a crime.
What Ford woman? She just became a nobody. :laughing0301:

They didn't even have time to drag her out, she's still a nobody.

It came out her brother works for the firm used by Hillary to pay for the dossier...:eusa_shhh:
Worse still is she can not articulate the day it happened, where it happened, who was present, and who hosted the party. Even the woman she cited as being present stated this woman is lying and the event never happened... This woman has sever credibility problems...

I hadn't heard she cited a woman being at the party, is Ford claiming the woman was one of the 4 people? Has Ford said how she ended up at the party, like did she go with a friend? If she was 15 someone else must have drove her to the party. Does she say how she got home? If she walked it's hard to buy she can't remember where the party was. For it being such a tragic life event it's hard to believe she doesn't have a general date, when you start to think back on something that happened so many years ago you should be able to remember events that happened shortly after, like did she go on a family vacation, was it before or after the 4th of July, was school starting in a few weeks or had school just let out for summer break. It's not believable to have such a detailed description of what happened without knowing where it happened and when.
Ford has a lot of holes.. This morning it is now just two women and then later it was just one man acting as a look out who vehemently denies anything like that ever happened. She cant remember what year it occurred in, where it occurred, and now who in the hell was present or even the host of the party.. Ford is a liar. This is all made up bull shit.

They got a hold of her therapy records where she stated it was four guys that attacked her. Now it’s two. She also never said Kavanaugh was one of them.

Frankenstein stated she didn’t want her story coming out. If there is any truth to that, WTF did she take a polygraph test a month ago?????

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Nothing has been released. They've been declassified but tons of people still need to review them before they will be made public. If they contain confidential information they will be withheld from the public.

Guys this fucking thread is not about the sex assault accusations. We already have enough threads about that. This one is about the declassification of documents regarding the Russia investigation.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
This is a fine example why Demonicrats and even some Repulsivcans are at war with Trump.

You know what progressives, Trump is EXACTLY what you claimed to desire for years. A DC outsider with the balls to make real changes. You turned because your party of preference told you to. Turns out the only balls you appreciate are those on your chin, all while the liberal elite has you bent over.
It's simple. She's either lying or a ditz with a faulty memory.
I know I can't recall all the party's I went to forty years ago. I doubt anyone can. And why this is just stupid and sleazy.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
why is Adam Schiff against it then?
Trump only declassified 21 of 412 pages of the FISA application. So much for 'full disclosure', huh.

What you DON'T know because your mind belongs to CNN is --- that those FULL applications were leaked over 18 months ago. To major newspapers, to the Congress, etc. Thru that House security guy who was boinking the NY Times 20 something reporter.

So people KNOW what portions of the docs are in dispute. In FACT -- your highly incompetent and unlikeable field marshal Adam Shiftless SPECIFIED those 21 pages as exculpatory evidence to counter the allegations coming from the Intel committee. So these are the KEY PAGES in contention. The rest of these applications is likely boiler plate and required fluff.

So -- If Shiftless says the key is those 21 pages and HE'S READ the whole document --- that's good enough for me...

You CNN/MSNBC droids are SO BEHIND on all this, all you're gonna be able to do is pitch a hissy fit for the next year or so as the indictments and trials begin... Anyone of the Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, even Page and several more are looking at criminal conspiracy and obstruction and security violations..
This is a fine example why Demonicrats and even some Repulsivcans are at war with Trump.

You know what progressives, Trump is EXACTLY what you claimed to desire for years. A DC outsider with the balls to make real changes. You turned because your party of preference told you to. Turns out the only balls you appreciate are those on your chin, all while the liberal elite has you bent over.
Changes to what? The Constitution? The rule of law? What specific changes are you talking about?
The entire discussion on the Ford lady has to stop. Has NOTHING to do with this thread. Take it to the merged 13 threads on THAT topic. Thread bans and warnings will follow if it persists.
Thanks! In thread news, every time Trump gets hit with a bunch of facts, truths, indictments, or convictions he doesn't like, he loses his mind,by obstructing justice. Congressman criticizes Trump's move on classified docs
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.

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