Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

FBI, DOJ Plan Redactions Despite Trump’s Document Order
Process or substance is the name of the game. I know of no Trump Sheep who are interested in "substance". I wonder why? Lol!

Extremists are stupid people?
"Extremists" are dangerous people.
Left is trying to block president's constitutional powers. They're getting exposed and they don't like it.

It smells like coup. These agencies serve at the discretion of the president, the head of the executive branch of government.


It is not a coup. They are taking their duties to the country seriously unlike Trump who wants to do this for selfish reasons.
They keep throwing that spaghetti up against the wall. It's not going to stick. The rule of law and the truth won't allow it.
here we go again... deja vu....

Republicans SELECTIVELY releasing classified documents to support 'their story' while holding all else back...

Then 2 weeks later, with Democrats fighting and screaming to release the FULL CONTEXT and full content surrounding the classified documents released by the president and republicans, and it is then showed,

the republican's ''story'', falls flat on its face!

Bring it on! It's not like Dems are not experienced at this point, with these Republican tactics, meant only for the Trump cult! :rolleyes:

Yeah that was so funny when the Democrats finnaly released theirs..

here we go again... deja vu....

Republicans SELECTIVELY releasing classified documents to support 'their story' while holding all else back...

Then 2 weeks later, with Democrats fighting and screaming to release the FULL CONTEXT and full content surrounding the classified documents released by the president and republicans, and it is then showed,

the republican's ''story'', falls flat on its face!

Bring it on! It's not like Dems are not experienced at this point, with these Republican tactics, meant only for the Trump cult! :rolleyes:

Yeah that was so funny when the Democrats finnaly released theirs..

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Wasn't it though? We haven't heard from Nunes since about that. Sure put his corrupt ass on ice.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

FBI, DOJ Plan Redactions Despite Trump’s Document Order
Process or substance is the name of the game. I know of no Trump Sheep who are interested in "substance". I wonder why? Lol!

Because there's only 5 of them and they don't represent real people?
Nunes has been fighting to get the data declassified for ages, he's probably checking that it all was issued and is reading thru it to nail whoever broke the law. Nunes is a hero and has been right from day-1. The criminals are well known, the nooses are just starting to tighten.
You're right, there is no Russian collusion. There is a Russian conspiracy that has already been proven. There is the Trump Tower meeting that involves an attack against the U.S., involving Americans and Russians to subvert an election. There is the conspiracy by Cambridge Analytica that Trump hired, to use stolen data through Russia to influence the election. And there is also the conspiracy through Sam Patten to use Russian funds to also influence the election.

Add to that, there are multiple obstruction violations.

Dude come on.

YOu know those didn't influence the election. Hillary influenced the election by sucking.

Are those things anything like Schiff thinking he had a RUSSIAN with naked photos of Trump? The recorded phonecall. If authentic, was Schiff breaking the law?

Why doesn't the Uranium One deal concern you, since you are so concerned about foreign interference with domestic issues?
If those truths aren't good enough for you that Trump's conspiracies didn't influence this election, actual voter suppression did. And here are a few established proofs where suppression curtailed the numbers. The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

What votes were changed in what precincts and what would the outcome have been without this supposed influence?

I understand you've been in a basement, or wherever for years, but do you know how to use google?

Why doesnt the Uranium One deal bother you?

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked by Shep Smith.
Nunes has been fighting to get the data declassified for ages, he's probably checking that it all was issued and is reading thru it to nail whoever broke the law. Nunes is a hero and has been right from day-1. The criminals are well known, the nooses are just starting to tighten.

When Nunes was offered the chance to view the unredacted documents, he showed little interest in examining them. Nunes is crooked and the noose should have his name on them.
Dude come on.

YOu know those didn't influence the election. Hillary influenced the election by sucking.

Are those things anything like Schiff thinking he had a RUSSIAN with naked photos of Trump? The recorded phonecall. If authentic, was Schiff breaking the law?

Why doesn't the Uranium One deal concern you, since you are so concerned about foreign interference with domestic issues?
If those truths aren't good enough for you that Trump's conspiracies didn't influence this election, actual voter suppression did. And here are a few established proofs where suppression curtailed the numbers. The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

What votes were changed in what precincts and what would the outcome have been without this supposed influence?

I understand you've been in a basement, or wherever for years, but do you know how to use google?

Why doesnt the Uranium One deal bother you?

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked by Shep Smith.

What does that mean, exactly?
Nunes has been fighting to get the data declassified for ages, he's probably checking that it all was issued and is reading thru it to nail whoever broke the law. Nunes is a hero and has been right from day-1. The criminals are well known, the nooses are just starting to tighten.

When Nunes was offered the chance to view the unredacted documents, he showed little interest in examining them. Nunes is crooked and the noose should have his name on them.

To his credit, Nunes refused to drink the deep state kool ade, and called a spade a spade, meaning he saw the conspiracy afoot, and it wasn't Russian Collusion with Trump. The GOP senators (like Burr) keep drinking the kool ade instead of seeing thru the dems' collusion bullshit. Maybe now that some of the important docs have been declassified the Seantors will see where the conspiracies are.

How do think Nunes is "crooked"? He and Jim Jordan have been focused like lasers uncovering the deep state conspiracy.
Hillary was supposed to be President so the fleecing of America could continue by the corrupt in government.

She lost.

it fucked everything up.

They had to get Trump out somehow.

This is how they tried.

Frankly, I am SHOCKED they haven't gone Kennedy on him.
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Nunes has been fighting to get the data declassified for ages, he's probably checking that it all was issued and is reading thru it to nail whoever broke the law. Nunes is a hero and has been right from day-1. The criminals are well known, the nooses are just starting to tighten.

When Nunes was offered the chance to view the unredacted documents, he showed little interest in examining them. Nunes is crooked and the noose should have his name on them.

To his credit, Nunes refused to drink the deep state kool ade, and called a spade a spade, meaning he saw the conspiracy afoot, and it wasn't Russian Collusion with Trump. The GOP senators (like Burr) keep drinking the kool ade instead of seeing thru the dems' collusion bullshit. Maybe now that some of the important docs have been declassified the Seantors will see where the conspiracies are.

How do think Nunes is "crooked"? He and Jim Jordan have been focused like lasers uncovering the deep state conspiracy.
If Nunes didn't read the redacted memo, how can he call a "spade a spade"? You aren't making a logical/ intelligent defense for Nunes.

If Nunes saw that there was no Russian conspiracy with Trump, then why did he manufacture his own false memo, he can't back up? Your argument makes no sense whatsoever. He and Jim Jordan aren't focused like lasers, because the memo they manufactured is lost in the dust bin of history. There hasn't been a peep about their own memo having any credibility, because the Democrats redaction destroyed it. Which by the way, proves there is no deep state.
Nunes has been fighting to get the data declassified for ages, he's probably checking that it all was issued and is reading thru it to nail whoever broke the law. Nunes is a hero and has been right from day-1. The criminals are well known, the nooses are just starting to tighten.
His own memo was a big fraud, and the redacted Democrat memo proved it. Nunes has been desperate trying to be relevant. Too bad that's never going to happen again after his first false scandal he tried to manufacture, with his midnight run to the WH. He tried to create a false story, that never was. Nunes is dirty baggage now. No one with a brain the size of a slug is going to believe Nunes now.
Nunes is doing his job but is being obstructed by the deep state. The Deep State loyalists are hoping that the dems take control of the House so the investigations stop. Trump needs to get the documents released ASAP so it doesn't matter who controls the House in 2019
Devin Nunes, House Intelligence Chairman, says Justice Department hoping 'Republicans will lose the House' - CNNPolitics
Nunes can't do his job if he gets caught making up scandals that don't exist with the WH, then recuses himself from a committee where he was doing Trump's dirty work, and not the work of the people.Then he decided not to do his work again by manufacturing another false narrative with a memo that was easily redacted by the Democrats, where Nunes ultimately had to go back into the shadows again. He got his ass handed to him twice for doing exactly "not his job". He has publicly embarrassed himself twice.

And why would Nunes want the investigations to stop, when there are multiple indictments, convictions, and immunity deals taking place to get to the truth about Trump/Russia? Lol! Take a wild guess?
The MSM will be doing everything to either ignore it and/or totally bury that the documents are being released, they are going to Spin and Distract.

They will, but this will be impossible for them to bury.

A sitting president used the federal government to rig a presidential election. When despite the tampering of the DOJ and FSB the outsider still won, that apparatus engaged in a plot to overthrow the government of the United States, a plot still underway by traitors now unmasked.

This is the biggest scandal in American history, by a HUGE margin.

Unless the deep state stages an armed coup in the next day or two and throws every independent and honest news source from Breitbart to Fox in prison, there is no way to contain this.

Of course CNN and the NY Times will lie, that is their nature as soldiers of the Marxist democrats, but it will not succeed. When documents are flying, the pitiful Goebbels of the NY Times pouting and saying "Nuhn uhn" doesn't count for much.
That's the thing about these Trump apologists. They can dish out the bs, but when it comes time to back up what they say, they fold like the liars that they are. Ha liar, can you prove Obama used the federal government to try and rig an election? With luck, you'll push out a retarded answer, next to the other question you never answered.

Comrade, the President of the United States just declassified documents that show the biggest scandal and abuse of power in the history of this nation by the Obama regime and the deep state.

You're too dumb to grasp what it all means, but John Brennan gets it and is panicking.

Brennan begged Dan Coats, who now runs the FBI to engage in treason, as Brennan himself has done.

John Brennan hopes 'individuals of conscience' will block Trump's declassification order

Think the commie traitor will flee before his passport is cancelled?

If he doesn't go fast, he'll go to prison or follow McVeigh for a richly deserved ride on a gurney.
Um, I think you are confused as to which side has all the people going to jail....

You're using the the same lines of the Nazi guards at Treblinka as the allies closed in.

The game is over, your little revolution has failed.

I honestly think that President Trump should pardon disgraced former president Obama. Imprisoning or executing Barack Obama will just further tear the nation apart, despite the fact that Obama's actions are treason.
The MSM will be doing everything to either ignore it and/or totally bury that the documents are being released, they are going to Spin and Distract.

They will, but this will be impossible for them to bury.

A sitting president used the federal government to rig a presidential election. When despite the tampering of the DOJ and FSB the outsider still won, that apparatus engaged in a plot to overthrow the government of the United States, a plot still underway by traitors now unmasked.

This is the biggest scandal in American history, by a HUGE margin.

Unless the deep state stages an armed coup in the next day or two and throws every independent and honest news source from Breitbart to Fox in prison, there is no way to contain this.

Of course CNN and the NY Times will lie, that is their nature as soldiers of the Marxist democrats, but it will not succeed. When documents are flying, the pitiful Goebbels of the NY Times pouting and saying "Nuhn uhn" doesn't count for much.
That's the thing about these Trump apologists. They can dish out the bs, but when it comes time to back up what they say, they fold like the liars that they are. Ha liar, can you prove Obama used the federal government to try and rig an election? With luck, you'll push out a retarded answer, next to the other question you never answered.

Comrade, the President of the United States just declassified documents that show the biggest scandal and abuse of power in the history of this nation by the Obama regime and the deep state.

You're too dumb to grasp what it all means, but John Brennan gets it and is panicking.

Brennan begged Dan Coats, who now runs the FBI to engage in treason, as Brennan himself has done.

John Brennan hopes 'individuals of conscience' will block Trump's declassification order

Think the commie traitor will flee before his passport is cancelled?

If he doesn't go fast, he'll go to prison or follow McVeigh for a richly deserved ride on a gurney.

anyone that disobeys trumps lawful order need to be arrested and tried

end of story
The MSM will be doing everything to either ignore it and/or totally bury that the documents are being released, they are going to Spin and Distract.

They will, but this will be impossible for them to bury.

A sitting president used the federal government to rig a presidential election. When despite the tampering of the DOJ and FSB the outsider still won, that apparatus engaged in a plot to overthrow the government of the United States, a plot still underway by traitors now unmasked.

This is the biggest scandal in American history, by a HUGE margin.

Unless the deep state stages an armed coup in the next day or two and throws every independent and honest news source from Breitbart to Fox in prison, there is no way to contain this.

Of course CNN and the NY Times will lie, that is their nature as soldiers of the Marxist democrats, but it will not succeed. When documents are flying, the pitiful Goebbels of the NY Times pouting and saying "Nuhn uhn" doesn't count for much.
That's the thing about these Trump apologists. They can dish out the bs, but when it comes time to back up what they say, they fold like the liars that they are. Ha liar, can you prove Obama used the federal government to try and rig an election? With luck, you'll push out a retarded answer, next to the other question you never answered.

Comrade, the President of the United States just declassified documents that show the biggest scandal and abuse of power in the history of this nation by the Obama regime and the deep state.
So, I see you came back for more liar. You failed to prove Obama rigged the election by your claims, and you double downed on the lie again. People this is what a real liar looks like.

You're too dumb to grasp what it all means, but John Brennan gets it and is panicking.

Brennan begged Dan Coats, who now runs the FBI to engage in treason, as Brennan himself has done.
Prove it, or it's yet another lie?

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