Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.

If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal. The only documented Russian collusion here was between Hillary and where Steele got his information from.
Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.
And Sammy the Bull made a deal for tax evasion. You really should stop clinging to this talking point.
If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal.
Hmm, no. It's going to be a big deal with rabid Trumpkins no matter what, just like it is now. Which is to say, a debunked talking point, to the rest of the world
Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.

If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal. The only documented Russian collusion here was between Hillary and where Steele got his information from.

Putin has admitted he wanted Trump to win. The Russians did everything they could to make it happen. You are3 just a member of liars for Trump0.
Left is trying to block president's constitutional powers. They're getting exposed and they don't like it.

It smells like coup. These agencies serve at the discretion of the president, the head of the executive branch of government.

Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.

If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal. The only documented Russian collusion here was between Hillary and where Steele got his information from.

Putin has admitted he wanted Trump to win. The Russians did everything they could to make it happen. You are3 just a member of liars for Trump0.

Yeah, they did everything they could but had no affect on the election.
This is a fine example why Demonicrats and even some Repulsivcans are at war with Trump.

You know what progressives, Trump is EXACTLY what you claimed to desire for years. A DC outsider with the balls to make real changes. You turned because your party of preference told you to. Turns out the only balls you appreciate are those on your chin, all while the liberal elite has you bent over.
Changes to what? The Constitution? The rule of law? What specific changes are you talking about?

Changes to policy.
Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.

If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal. The only documented Russian collusion here was between Hillary and where Steele got his information from.

Putin has admitted he wanted Trump to win. The Russians did everything they could to make it happen. You are3 just a member of liars for Trump0.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
You're right, there is no Russian collusion. There is a Russian conspiracy that has already been proven. There is the Trump Tower meeting that involves an attack against the U.S., involving Americans and Russians to subvert an election. There is the conspiracy by Cambridge Analytica that Trump hired, to use stolen data through Russia to influence the election. And there is also the conspiracy through Sam Patten to use Russian funds to also influence the election.

Add to that, there are multiple obstruction violations.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
You're right, there is no Russian collusion. There is a Russian conspiracy that has already been proven. There is the Trump Tower meeting that involves an attack against the U.S., involving Americans and Russians to subvert an election. There is the conspiracy by Cambridge Analytica that Trump hired, to use stolen data through Russia to influence the election. And there is also the conspiracy through Sam Patten to use Russian funds to also influence the election.

Add to that, there are multiple obstruction violations.
Funny faces usually mean surrendering to the truth. Thanks!
Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

Yes, all things not related to the election or collusion.

If the FBI presented false information or misleading information to get that warrant, you bet it's going to be a big deal. The only documented Russian collusion here was between Hillary and where Steele got his information from.
This here folks is a classic example of misinformed idiots.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
You're right, there is no Russian collusion. There is a Russian conspiracy that has already been proven. There is the Trump Tower meeting that involves an attack against the U.S., involving Americans and Russians to subvert an election. There is the conspiracy by Cambridge Analytica that Trump hired, to use stolen data through Russia to influence the election. And there is also the conspiracy through Sam Patten to use Russian funds to also influence the election.

Add to that, there are multiple obstruction violations.

Dude come on.

YOu know those didn't influence the election. Hillary influenced the election by sucking.

Are those things anything like Schiff thinking he had a RUSSIAN with naked photos of Trump? The recorded phonecall. If authentic, was Schiff breaking the law?

Why doesn't the Uranium One deal concern you, since you are so concerned about foreign interference with domestic issues?
Mueller either has a case or he doesn't. Huber either has a grand jury or he doesn't. Congress is just starting their investigations now that Trump declassified some of the evidence. We just need to see how it all plays out, and hope that the Deep State gets crushed.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
This isn't a matter of "means and methods". This is 100% obstruction of justice by infiltrating a criminal investigation to steal evidence that involves the one being investigated.
The original FISA memo by Nunes created a false narrative by which the Democrats had to fix. Trump is literally trying to steal information from the FISA application that already cleared the FBI. The big problem with exposing more, is that it creates a national security risk to those witnesses/spies/ investigators trying to do their jobs. They can be exposed along with their families. Do you think Trump cares about that? Hell no! Trump is only concerned for his own skin. That is what concerns me, and should concern everyone. Instead, Republicans are playing up to this coward to obstruct justice. And in the end, he is going to find out, none of this will help him. And how do we know that? Because, by virtue of Trump's own corruption with the Nunes memo, we were forced to clear up the FISA false narrative Nunes tried to play out, in the beginning.

This stupid move by Trump is a second try at something he knows is nothing more than a distraction from Manafort and Cohen. The FISA scandal was already proven to be a nothing burger.
Funny that Dims are all of sudden concerned about means and methods and they don’t want unredacted documents released.


They are just afraid that everyone will know there was no basis for the FISA warrant and it was a bullshit set up job to try o get Trump out of office for any reason.

There is no Russia Collusion to rig the 2016POTUS election.

The DOJ did not tell the court the true source of the fake Dossier, which was the entire basis of the warrant.
You're right, there is no Russian collusion. There is a Russian conspiracy that has already been proven. There is the Trump Tower meeting that involves an attack against the U.S., involving Americans and Russians to subvert an election. There is the conspiracy by Cambridge Analytica that Trump hired, to use stolen data through Russia to influence the election. And there is also the conspiracy through Sam Patten to use Russian funds to also influence the election.

Add to that, there are multiple obstruction violations.

Dude come on.

YOu know those didn't influence the election. Hillary influenced the election by sucking.

Are those things anything like Schiff thinking he had a RUSSIAN with naked photos of Trump? The recorded phonecall. If authentic, was Schiff breaking the law?

Why doesn't the Uranium One deal concern you, since you are so concerned about foreign interference with domestic issues?
Based on your questions, I'm trying to figure out if you've been living on an Island, or were chained to someone's basement for the last ten years? You are so grossly uninformed, and years behind.

But do this for us if you will. Get on line and do about thirty minutes of research and tell us all how Clinton has culpability with Uranium one? Just to give you a good head start, there's been about three investigations into that, that have gone no where. So, if there is a there there, get back to us on your proof of Clinton and her wrong doing with Uranium one. And here's the best part, "YOU WON'T" .
Mueller either has a case or he doesn't. Huber either has a grand jury or he doesn't. Congress is just starting their investigations now that Trump declassified some of the evidence. We just need to see how it all plays out, and hope that the Deep State gets crushed.
It's not that Mueller doesn't have a case. It's a matter of how much evidence he already has. In the public domain, we know a bunch of the evidence ourselves. So, his guilt is a no brainer.
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