Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents
/----/ Perhaps a little payback for the delay in the Kavanaugh vote over these bogus charges.

I guess Democrats will offer to kill allegations against judge Kavanaugh, and shutting down Mueller probe in exchange for pullback of declassification of documents. Trump will reject it, because Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed regardless. Maybe they'll fund the wall?

I heard on the radio that nine budgets were submitted, and not one of them had funding for the wall. Then the Republicans can't figure out why we elected Donald Trump.

We all know problem are not just Democrats. Exposing them and replacing them takes time.
How about the mod who said my post was trolling identify themselves and my post so I know WTF you're talking about?
It would be informative and enlightening.
Trying to discredit an active investigation while calling for the end to the same forwarding a narrative you KNOW that full disclosure doesn't support?

And you're dumb enough to do it personally rather than using a cut-out man like Nunes to forward your fraudulent narrative for you?

A total bone head move. Manafort flipping must have thrown Trump something fierce.

It is going to get worse before it gets better. LOTS worse.
Just wait until Little Jared, Roger Stone and Don "Guido" Trump Junior are indicted.
That's next - Buckle up .. Captain Chaos will go off the loop.
Likely in the end, he may need to be forcibly removed.


Forcibly? You lefties are always ready for violence when things are not going your way thru ballot box.

Oh, easy on shrooms, kid.
In their feverish and deluded minds, they probably do think they have him this time. Or next time. Or the next time. Or the time after that.

We're dealing with a serious case of delusional fixed beliefs that don't change, even when a person is presented with conflicting evidence. It's been said before and I'll say it again, "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
If the media couldn't tell them what to think, what would they think?

Their mind would be a complete void.

Do you have a debate platform? No! Can you formulate one? No! Would it require a full brain that has the ability to reason, and manufacture ideas? Yes! So, what are your abilities related to this debate, and do you have any ideas that challenge the ideas that have already been thought through?

My purpose is not to debate you here. My purpose is to show you just you how delusional you are, in hopes that we'll hear a loud popping noise as you pull your head out of your ass.

Dude, all you're doing is demonstrating that you're intent on ignoring the HUGE holes here.

As Trump didn't declassify the vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant applications where the FBI disclosed the political motivation of the Steele Dossier.

While simultaneously pushing a narrative that those portions *don't exist*.

Trump is actively withholding the information that contradicts his own narrative. Save this time he doesn't have a cut out man like Nunes to do it for him. He's taken a direct hand to push a narrative that full disclosure of the FISA warrant application does not support.

Nunes had the cover of his own investigation to shield his selective declassifications. Trump has so such protections. The full implications of Obstruction of Justice land squarely at Trump's feet.

Which was just stupid.

With zero application for charges against anyone in the FBI, as the FISA application includes disclosure of the political motivations for the Steele Dossier. This is solely to try and shape *public* perception by withholding information from the public to try and discredit the FBI investigation.

But with *nothing* shielding Trump from Obstruction of Justice implications.

Trump buried you Marxists.

The purpose of the fake rape charges that Dianne Feinstein (D. - Beijing) fabricated is to delay confirmation of Kavanaugh until after the election.

The plot is that the Communists will take control of the House, and maybe even the Senate and then scuttle not just Kavanagh, but any judicial appointment that Trump makes.

This is why Ford has refused to appear in the Senate. Her master, the Chinese agent, doesn't want a hearing, she wants to DELAY long enough that the Maoists take the Senate.

But you of the Khmer Rouge aren't going to take the Senate now.

You're not even going to take the house. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. America survives, you lose.

IF Mitch McConnel had ANY balls, the Chinese spy would be brought up on charges. You see, as a member of the Senate judiciary committee, Beijings puppet had a legal duty to turn over any and all evidence pertaining to the Kavanaugh confirmation. By sitting on the letter that she or her Chinese handlers ghost wrote for professor Ford, she has committed a felony.

I mean, she's a fucking Chinese spy, so I doubt that worries her, but still.
At this point I hope he does. It will expose massive evidence of obstruction if he does. Power or no power. Do it. Getter done! Let the people know just how criminal you are.

Will you take up arms to defend the Oligarchs you serve? This blows the lid off of the acts of the Obama regime in rigging the 2016, this ends any chance you Communists had of taking over congress, either house.

You may very well be too dumb to grasp what this all means, but your masters aren't, and they are scared.

So when the day comes that George Soros or Mark Zuckerburg ask you to sacrifice your life for the cause of ending white America? Christine Ford has stepped up with false rape allegations to save abortion. Is your life so important that you won't sacrifice it to end white people?

The party depends on you, and people like you, Comrade.
The only thing dumb, is the fact I took the time to read this, while you're too retarded to prove it.
Wow, that's fascinating.... in a department of about 500 people.

And Rosenstein is only "screwed" because the criminal president, who is the main target of the investigation, has the power to fire him.

LOLOLOLOL, you can pray, or talk crap all you want, it is over, and I have a feeling you know it. Have a great week, lololol, we are-)
No you're not, you're having a horrible week. A horrible summer, really. That's why you are acting like a deranged fool....

How could he possibly be having a horrible week or summer when trump is winning at every turn?
There is no winning when Trump puts lives at risk to save his own hide;

Deadline: White House on MSNBC

Page not found.....kinda like your intellect.
Page can be found. You have to get on the site. You'll find it if you want to see it.
They got a hold of her therapy records where she stated it was four guys that attacked her. Now it’s two. She also never said Kavanaugh was one of them.

Frankenstein stated she didn’t want her story coming out. If there is any truth to that, WTF did she take a polygraph test a month ago?????

That polygraph test looks suspicious to me.

And why to wait with information for two months before releasing it?
The MSM will be doing everything to either ignore it and/or totally bury that the documents are being released, they are going to Spin and Distract.

They will, but this will be impossible for them to bury.

A sitting president used the federal government to rig a presidential election. When despite the tampering of the DOJ and FSB the outsider still won, that apparatus engaged in a plot to overthrow the government of the United States, a plot still underway by traitors now unmasked.

This is the biggest scandal in American history, by a HUGE margin.

Unless the deep state stages an armed coup in the next day or two and throws every independent and honest news source from Breitbart to Fox in prison, there is no way to contain this.

Of course CNN and the NY Times will lie, that is their nature as soldiers of the Marxist democrats, but it will not succeed. When documents are flying, the pitiful Goebbels of the NY Times pouting and saying "Nuhn uhn" doesn't count for much.

Man, you are a nut-case. How is it "obstruction" is Trump is exposing to the light of day, the serious criminal activity that took place among the higher-echelon in the Justice Department?

Aren't you liberals the ones who are always squawking about "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?

Transparency obstructs the democrats war against America.
That polygraph test looks suspicious to me.

And why to wait with information for two months before releasing it?

Since Professor Ford intended to stay anonymous - as she claims, why would she take a polygraph in August? :dunno:

Obvious fraud is obvious.
^^ desperate Trumpkin fantasy.

For one, Mueller will not be "making any case" against Trump. He will be giving his information to Rosenstein. Second, Mueller will not be making anything public regarding Trump, as that is the prerogative of congress. Third, Mueller and Rosenstein won' do a ting regarding trump, until the investigation is finished.

I rate your post, "Hopelessly divorced from reality".

You can believe that if you like. But anything that is media fodder is almost immediately leaked to the MSM, especially before midterms. Muller's idea is to keep this going until midterms, so he can't close the case just yet.
Mueller will stay quiet until after midterms, as, unlike president moron, he will observe long standing traditions that are in place to protect the integrity of elections.

I didn't say Mueller will leak it. We know how close the association between anonymous sources and the left media are. Almost like twins.

Given the fact this is all about destroying Trump, if there was anything that could harm him, it would be out or will come out before the midterms.
I wasn't talking about leaks.

And no, it's not about destroying Trump. That is also pure trumpkin fantasy.

Right. Hilary and the DNC paid millions for opposition research on Trump, handed it over to the FBI, and they got a surveillance warrant for it. But it was never about destroying Trump.
Of course, there was not much in the dossier that the FBI wasn't onto, and it merely corroborated their info and suspicions. This became public knowledge months ago.

And Clinton's campaign did nothing illegal. It was already investigated. Now, coordinating directly with a foreign government to interfere by illegal hacking? We that's a different legal matter entirely. Don't get mad at me, write your congressman and change the laws.

I just checked the scoreboard....your reflexive whataboutism isn't working.
You can believe that if you like. But anything that is media fodder is almost immediately leaked to the MSM, especially before midterms. Muller's idea is to keep this going until midterms, so he can't close the case just yet.
Mueller will stay quiet until after midterms, as, unlike president moron, he will observe long standing traditions that are in place to protect the integrity of elections.

I didn't say Mueller will leak it. We know how close the association between anonymous sources and the left media are. Almost like twins.

Given the fact this is all about destroying Trump, if there was anything that could harm him, it would be out or will come out before the midterms.
I wasn't talking about leaks.

And no, it's not about destroying Trump. That is also pure trumpkin fantasy.

Right. Hilary and the DNC paid millions for opposition research on Trump, handed it over to the FBI, and they got a surveillance warrant for it. But it was never about destroying Trump.
Of course, there was not much in the dossier that the FBI wasn't onto, and it merely corroborated their info and suspicions. This became public knowledge months ago.

And Clinton's campaign did nothing illegal. It was already investigated. Now, coordinating directly with a foreign government to interfere by illegal hacking? We that's a different legal matter entirely. Don't get mad at me, write your congressman and change the laws.

I just checked the scoreboard....your reflexive whataboutism isn't working.

The FBI does their own investigation and research before Ears politicized them. When was the last time they ever needed some dossier?

Clinton did nothing illegal because she didn't present the dossier as investigative research (not opposition research) as the FBI did to get a warrant. In fact, the information that Steele leaked to the press, the FBI knew it was him that leaked it and went to court to say that the press even agrees with their findings. Of course they did, it all came from the same person.
All that crap about how the fisa Warrenton was based only in the dossier turned out not to be true, along with the fact that the source was indeed disclosed. That pretty much blew his ridiculous narrative right outta the water.

Whats a FISA Warrenton?
Autocorrect on this phone is bizzare sometimes.

Who the fuck uses autocorrect?
Actually, A lot of people. But feel free to rage about it. :71:

Glory in your stupidity......
Gotta lotta experience in that do ya?
Whats a FISA Warrenton?
Autocorrect on this phone is bizzare sometimes.

Who the fuck uses autocorrect?
Actually, A lot of people. But feel free to rage about it. :71:
He's just another pissy tRumpkin looking for something, anything, to criticize normal folks and make himself feel better.

Another dumbass who cant spell.
Lol, well at least you've got that going for ya.
The FBI does their own investigation and research before Ears politicized them. When was the last time they ever needed some dossier?
An absurd thing to say.... literally everything they do involving intel relies on dossiers... the CIA, too... that is literally what they do...

The FBI did nothing illegal. The things you are saying are absurd.

When are you going to get tired of parroting these talking points? Do you not get tired of failure?
The MSM will be doing everything to either ignore it and/or totally bury that the documents are being released, they are going to Spin and Distract.

They will, but this will be impossible for them to bury.

A sitting president used the federal government to rig a presidential election. When despite the tampering of the DOJ and FSB the outsider still won, that apparatus engaged in a plot to overthrow the government of the United States, a plot still underway by traitors now unmasked.

This is the biggest scandal in American history, by a HUGE margin.

Unless the deep state stages an armed coup in the next day or two and throws every independent and honest news source from Breitbart to Fox in prison, there is no way to contain this.

Of course CNN and the NY Times will lie, that is their nature as soldiers of the Marxist democrats, but it will not succeed. When documents are flying, the pitiful Goebbels of the NY Times pouting and saying "Nuhn uhn" doesn't count for much.
That's the thing about these Trump apologists. They can dish out the bs, but when it comes time to back up what they say, they fold like the liars that they are. Ha liar, can you prove Obama used the federal government to try and rig an election? With luck, you'll push out a retarded answer, next to the other question you never answered.
The FBI does their own investigation and research before Ears politicized them. When was the last time they ever needed some dossier?
An absurd thing to say.... literally everything they do involving intel relies on dossiers... the CIA, too... that is literally what they do...

The FBI did nothing illegal. The things you are saying are absurd.

When are you going to get tired of parroting these talking points? Do you not get tired of failure?

Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!

We don't know if the FBI did anything illegal, but we're about to find out. There is no way anybody can convince me that they went to a FISA court, told them that they had opposition research paid for by the candidate and her party, and got a warrant out of it. It just didn't happen that way.

So it all boils down to the application. What questions were asked and how were they answered? Hough Hewitt the radio show host said he filled out those applications when he worked in Washington, and there is no way in hell that if they were filled out honestly, a judge would even see them yet alone grant a warrant that way.
Okay, so when was the last time the FBI used a dossier paid for by an opposition candidate? Name one!
Why? Who cares? It was raw intelligence used to get a surveillance warrant, and not by any means the only intel they used. I'm just going to leave you to it on this one.... have fun, but you are wasting your time. Papadpolous opened his big mouth and got himself caught. Flynn was a foreign agent and colluded with Russian officials after the election, and he is now going to jail. Manafort, a part of the Putin machine, is going to jail and singing like a canary. Cohen, trump's personal attorney, is going to jail. Your FISA trinket will not save you, shaman. ;)

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