Trump orders media blackout on new Iran war

Trump Orders Media Blackout On New Iran War
Alex Jones covers how President Trump likely ordered a media blackout on the unfolding events with Iran, Israel, and Syria, as reports emerge of rocket exchange and air strikes.

This explains why we might not have heard it on MSM...

Then look at the media of other countries

Breaking News, World News & Video from Al Jazeera

The same thing happened when the cheney conspiracy hijacked the U.S. military and invaded Iraq. No news was coming in about the reaction from foreign capitals across the world, and all we got from the U.S. stations were those "embedded" journalist reports about riding in a tank, flying sand, and pulling down statues.

Try the BBC, of course, and Reuters, AP, and other sites depending what language(s) you can read.

And the US media has shown it'll get behind war, even if it's ridiculous as hell.

It looks like Trump is attempting to make Bush's wars look not so bad.
It amazes me how people make shit up and act like it is fact.
Actions like that is why russia used social media trolls. Because of idiots.... because of stupid people that dont care about reality.

Yes, well. The partisan politics seems to make things a little worse. Though to be honest there are people in the UK who act the same as partisan hacks in the US too.

But then if you think about it, religion is one of the first things kids get to learn. They learn to BELIEVE and they learn the skills of how to force people to accept the beliefs rather than look at reality.

The US has something like 75% religious population or more. Literally 75% of people are bring their kids up to REJECT fact and truth from an early age.
Trump Orders Media Blackout On New Iran War
Alex Jones covers how President Trump likely ordered a media blackout on the unfolding events with Iran, Israel, and Syria, as reports emerge of rocket exchange and air strikes.

This explains why we might not have heard it on MSM...

Then look at the media of other countries

Breaking News, World News & Video from Al Jazeera

The same thing happened when the cheney conspiracy hijacked the U.S. military and invaded Iraq. No news was coming in about the reaction from foreign capitals across the world, and all we got from the U.S. stations were those "embedded" journalist reports about riding in a tank, flying sand, and pulling down statues.

Try the BBC, of course, and Reuters, AP, and other sites depending what language(s) you can read.

And the US media has shown it'll get behind war, even if it's ridiculous as hell.

It looks like Trump is attempting to make Bush's wars look not so bad.
It amazes me how people make shit up and act like it is fact.
Actions like that is why russia used social media trolls. Because of idiots.... because of stupid people that dont care about reality.

Yes, well. The partisan politics seems to make things a little worse. Though to be honest there are people in the UK who act the same as partisan hacks in the US too.

But then if you think about it, religion is one of the first things kids get to learn. They learn to BELIEVE and they learn the skills of how to force people to accept the beliefs rather than look at reality.

The US has something like 75% religious population or more. Literally 75% of people are bring their kids up to REJECT fact and truth from an early age.
I would have changed the subject, too, if i felt like i was the subject of harsh criticism ;)
We (The US) do not need to go to war with Iran.

Give it 15 years, and Iran will emerge onto the world stage as decent players and people.

Do the "regime-change" thing again and it will be obligatory to genocide a whole type of people.

PS: "Regime-Change" has never worked successfully.

There were more Christmas trees in Iran than American public schools.
Trump Orders Media Blackout On New Iran War
Alex Jones covers how President Trump likely ordered a media blackout on the unfolding events with Iran, Israel, and Syria, as reports emerge of rocket exchange and air strikes.

This explains why we might not have heard it on MSM...

Then look at the media of other countries

Breaking News, World News & Video from Al Jazeera

The same thing happened when the cheney conspiracy hijacked the U.S. military and invaded Iraq. No news was coming in about the reaction from foreign capitals across the world, and all we got from the U.S. stations were those "embedded" journalist reports about riding in a tank, flying sand, and pulling down statues.

Try the BBC, of course, and Reuters, AP, and other sites depending what language(s) you can read.

And the US media has shown it'll get behind war, even if it's ridiculous as hell.

It looks like Trump is attempting to make Bush's wars look not so bad.
near as i remember, the media was hot and heavy on NO WMD!!!! SUCKERS!!!

so unless you've got some shiney hidden gems of articles wrapped up back there, the media didn't get behind the war itself. they got behind 9/11 efforts and drifted when bush drifted to iraq where there was no proof they were involved in 9/11.

Any WMD's found were pre-1991 manufactured.
Those WMD were stockpiled in a munitions dump and discovered by troops. The containers were sealed and categorized by the IAEA prior to the Iraq invasion. Due to the fact that the US's invasion used too few troops to totally secure Iraq, after the find my the troops the WMDs were left unguarded. Later, much of the contained sealed WMD's were found missing. Some of these weapons were used by Iraqi insurgents, who later formed ISIS.
There is zero evidence that Saddam had continued any WMD programs after his defeat in 1991.
Videotape shows GIs at site that held missing explosives
The MSM was right about no WMD's.
Has all hell broken loose over there?

I think the news on it has been toned down or tone deaf on it....but I do not believe that President Trump ordered it, though he may be the cause of it....

His reality show, is taking up all the space on the news, with one scandal after another with his surrounding circle of "friends", Stormy, Avenatti, Cohen, Manafort, Gina Haskell hearings, whether Trump is going to testify or plead the 5th, Guilliani's wonderful Debut this week, NY foe to Trump prosecutor's sadistic sex abuse, and what in the heck Mueller is up to speculations have all of our heads spinning and no more stories are able to jump on to the Merry go round spinning on the Set........
Has all hell broken loose over there?

I think the news on it has been toned down or tone deaf on it....but I do not believe that President Trump ordered it, though he may be the cause of it....

His reality show, is taking up all the space on the news, with one scandal after another with his surrounding circle of "friends", Stormy, Avenatti, Cohen, Manafort, Gina Haskell hearings, whether Trump is going to testify or plead the 5th, Guilliani's wonderful Debut this week, NY foe to Trump prosecutor's sadistic sex abuse, and what in the heck Mueller is up to speculations have all of our heads spinning and no more stories are able to jump on to the Merry go round spinning on the Set........
What is up with all this crazy sex stuff in the news? I would have never even dreamed of some of the stuff I have been reading about! I do not get it, especialy the people who want pain! I have had some girls want me to get rough with them, sorry not into that! Mean while I am thinking what kind of crazy person wants me to hurt them. Those people seem like trouble to me and I quickly start distancing my self. Maybe I am some sort of prude,IDK. I never felt like one till recently!

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