Trump orders millions of illegals arrested and deported - On the radio Just Now

Hopefully we've caught on to the dem/globalist plan to replace the middle class with immigrants in time.

I think many are aware of it......but there's no one left to stop it.

The vast majority of the dwindling population of those who care is over 65, too old to do a whole lot.....and more concerned with enjoying their peaceful, relaxing and fun retirement they've earned.

Meanwhile the crowd of Socialist pawns and young Hillary voters is growing exponentially.

I think we crossed the threshold where the latter overcomes the first in 2016.

whites "may" still be a majority ( for another 10 years or so maybe) but many whites today are all onboard with their own demise at the hands of the rad left because they don't get it. When they do, it'll be too late and like a deer in the headlights an instant before impact.
How about pay Planned Parenthood $100 a pop to sterilize all illegals coming in to this country.
Even The Children.

I'd allow that in exchange for Amnesty for these parasites.

Tree.....we ALL know that will never happen.
We should be realistic. Fantasies are never gonna change a thing.

But then, you were kidding.....right?
I'll help round them up.

Especially if there is a bounty, I'd use a front loader and a Dump Truck

You are one of the most ironic posters here!

you post "dems are nazis" and at the same time you want to kill illegals and dump their bodies in a pit....... just like the nazis did.

and you are SO STUPID you don't see the hypocrisy or the irony.
Oh Please Pig Phucker.

You throw babies in the Dumpster to the tune of 50 Million at your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps and almost all of them Blacks and Hispanics.

I am just offering Abortion Services in exchange for a small fee.

Since The Left wants to make it so you don't have to have a Medical Degree to kill babies, I figure I'd make a "KILLING" getting in on the ground floor.

That or just have you Left Tards send Planned Parenthood to The Border and start Late Term Abortions there.

Like anyone 60 years old or younger.

So either face the Planned Parenthood Executioner's Axe, or stay home in your own shit hole.

You are truly a disgusting piece of conservative crap.

I support a womans right to choose for her self.

YOU are promoting MURDER .
The President has no business making such an irresponsible announcement. These officers should have had the element of surprise to do their job.


I'm sure if the patrol or ICE thought it was a bad idea, they would have told him. It doesn't matter either way. Just as long as the job gets done.

Looks like we are currently beginning stage 7. Won't be long now.

Edit - I take that back. We've been in stage 7 for awhile now. I expect we are beginning stage 8 with these raids this weekend.

Right. It's genocide to remove people from your country that never belonged here in the first place, and adhere to a court order.
Mind blowing...all the filthy fucks in this thread that are somehow able to pretend that wetbacks are good for America is fascinating...I gotta believe many are filthy wetbacks

I have no problem with rounding up and processing (deporting?) illegals. I'm all for it!

I just can't agree with you conservatives that beating them, [putting them in cages or killing them is the AMERICAN THING TO DO!

Sounds awfully UNAmerican, if you ask me.

And if you do manage to kill so many families simply because they were here illegally please stop calling yourselves the GREATEST FREEST nation in the world.

Because you won't be.

We were all where you’re at long ago...good, real Americans are fed up, we’ve had enough, we’re done with the bleeding heart bullshit....we’re done with wetbacks and we don’t give two fucks if that means a reclassification of America’s status.

you're too f'n stupid to fathom what happens to an economy when 20 million people quit participating -

you're a simpleton.

Yeah, they are buying all those sports cars, boats and vacation homes.
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

another bullshit order comes out of Trumps fat ass, and he hasn't got a fucking dime from Congress to pay for it.

and his dimbass drones believe him -



ICE is already funded by our Congress, long before this came up. They are powerless to Trump's orders.
They certainly aren't funded for an operation of the size and scope suggested, dope.

They certainly are. What do you think, that we have on-call agents sitting at home waiting for a call to come to work?


SCORE !!!!!!

Mind blowing...all the filthy fucks in this thread that are somehow able to pretend that wetbacks are good for America is fascinating...I gotta believe many are filthy wetbacks

I have no problem with rounding up and processing (deporting?) illegals. I'm all for it!

I just can't agree with you conservatives that beating them, [putting them in cages or killing them is the AMERICAN THING TO DO!

Sounds awfully UNAmerican, if you ask me.

And if you do manage to kill so many families simply because they were here illegally please stop calling yourselves the GREATEST FREEST nation in the world.

Because you won't be.

We were all where you’re at long ago...good, real Americans are fed up, we’ve had enough, we’re done with the bleeding heart bullshit....we’re done with wetbacks and we don’t give two fucks if that means a reclassification of America’s status.

you're too f'n stupid to fathom what happens to an economy when 20 million people quit participating -

you're a simpleton.

You mean 20 million thirdworld cockroaches...right?
Higher wages
Improved public education
Improved healthcare
Shorter wait times in ER’s
Faster response times from first responders
Fewer incarcerated
Fewer on welfare
Less traffic
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways
Less rape and murder
Less spent on infrastructure
Less trash lining our roadways
Fewer shitty diapers in Walmart parking lots
Less pit bulls being abused
Etc etc
Fuck, that all sounds terrible doesn’t it?
Are you degenerates suddenly all about money and GDP?
You mean 20 million thirdworld cockroaches...right?
Higher wages
Improved public education
Improved healthcare
Shorter wait times in ER’s
Faster response times from first responders
Fewer incarcerated
Fewer on welfare
Less traffic
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways
Less rape and murder
Less spent on infrastructure
Less trash lining our roadways
Fewer shitty diapers in Walmart parking lots
Less pit bulls being abused
Etc etc
Fuck, that all sounds terrible doesn’t it?
Are you degenerates suddenly all about money and GDP?

They don't care. They're Mexicans and they believe America stole California and about 7 other US states from them in the 1800's and they want them back. Siete.

For all intents and purposes, they've taken California back. Almost Texas and working hard on about 10 other states.
America is now too politically correct to put up a fight.

And the Dems don't care if they get them back, as long as they give a little something something to the Dems in return (votes)

The Dems message is clear.....We Democrats are willing to sacrifice America....for Power.and personal enrichment over others.
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

another bullshit order comes out of Trumps fat ass, and he hasn't got a fucking dime from Congress to pay for it.

and his dimbass drones believe him -



ICE is already funded by our Congress, long before this came up. They are powerless to Trump's orders.
They certainly aren't funded for an operation of the size and scope suggested, dope.

They certainly are. What do you think, that we have on-call agents sitting at home waiting for a call to come to work?

No. I think they're funded for their usual operations. This is unusual.
Think critically for one minute if you are able. Do you think they have budgeted for even the transportation of millions of people?

Of course not.
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

another bullshit order comes out of Trumps fat ass, and he hasn't got a fucking dime from Congress to pay for it.

and his dimbass drones believe him -



ICE is already funded by our Congress, long before this came up. They are powerless to Trump's orders.
They certainly aren't funded for an operation of the size and scope suggested, dope.

They certainly are. What do you think, that we have on-call agents sitting at home waiting for a call to come to work?

No. I think they're funded for their usual operations. This is unusual.
Think critically for one minute if you are able. Do you think they have budgeted for even the transportation of millions of people?

Of course not.

The Brown Eradication / Operation Wetback 2.0 pays for itself....the arithmetic is elementary for all who have their heads pulled from their ass.
They don't care. They're Mexicans and they believe America stole California and about 7 other US states from them in the 1800's and they want them back. Siete.

For all intents and purposes, they've taken California back. Almost Texas and working hard on about 10 other states.
America is now too politically correct to put up a fight.

And the Dems don't care if they get them back, as long as they give a little something something to the Dems in return (votes)

The Dems message is clear.....We Democrats are willing to sacrifice America....for Power.and personal enrichment over others.
For me personally, I like Mexican food.

Looks like we are currently beginning stage 7. Won't be long now.

Edit - I take that back. We've been in stage 7 for awhile now. I expect we are beginning stage 8 with these raids this weekend.

Right. It's genocide to remove people from your country that never belonged here in the first place, and adhere to a court order.

Oh no, not genocide yet. You still have two steps to complete before the denial.

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