Trump: Our Press Has ‘Too Much Protection’

Trump simply has no long range vision, he is able to comprehend the last three minutes and can show us how to fix all that happened in that time span, but that's about it. His people are working on how to extend that time period with the teleprompter.
Trump explains why the First Amendment has ‘too much protection’ for free speech

“Our press is allowed to say whatever they want.”

If Donald Trump is president, he’d like to make some changes to the First Amendment.

In an interview with WFOR, CBS’ Miami affiliate, Trump was asked if he believes the First Amendment provides “too much protection.”

Trump answered in the affirmative, saying he’d like to change the laws to make it easier to sue media companies. Trump lamented that, under current law, “our press is allowed to say whatever they want.”

He recommended moving to a system like in England where someone who sues a media company has “a good chance of winning.”

Trump has recently threatened to sue the New York Times and the numerous women who say he has sexually assaulted them.

Trump is right that he would have a better chance of prevailing under English law where an allegedly defamatory statement is presumed to be false. There, it is up to the defendant in a libel suit to prove that their statements are true.

But even if U.S. law were more like England’s, Trump might still have difficulty in prevailing against his accusers or the New York Times.

More: Trump explains why the First Amendment has ‘too much protection’ for free speech

Trump is sounding more and more like a dictator to me.

For a party and people who claim only they love our constitution and follow it, they sure do violate it and want to make a lot of changes to it.

His statements show again that he hates freedom.

It also shows he has no idea how our government and nation works.

He can't just take freedom of speech and the press from Americans with his signature. The only way to do it is to pass a new amendment to the constitution that repeals freedom of speech and the press.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of that press he and conservatives hate so much.
. If not a liar and abuser of your freedoms or rights, then why fear anyone ??? Trump like anyone else would only want to go after abusers and liars who cause harm. Nothing more.

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