Trump outsmarts Cruz--------------again

GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Commence backpedaling! :lol:
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
Trump made a good point on how they all pledged to support the winner .

Funny, TEd wanted to trap Don by forcing the support pledge when he thought Don may run a 3rd party . Instead it was Ted who broke the pledge ! Tool!

This has to be a first,Timmy came to the proper conclusion all on his own.

I say somthing nice abou th Don and this is what I get.
If and when Trump loses the election, Cruz will be in the pole position for the 2020 race.

Like I said. Nothing to lose, and much to gain.
Bullshit dude. Getting booed off the stage at the RNC convention is not a resume enhancer.

90% of that booing was from the NY delegates sitting on the front row ... half of the damn place was empty.


It wasn't the New York delegation. It was the California delegation.

The first thing I pointed out to my wife last night when we turned on the convention was that they had moved the California delegation front and center, because I saw the big black chick with the afro whose photo I had posted on this forum yesterday. There had been some discussion asking where the black people were at the GOP convention.

Word about the pastiness of the GOP convention's complexion must have gotten back to the powers that be. They had to get a black face in the picture whenever a crowd shot was shown during the speeches.

That black woman was not front and center in the first two days.


the booing was from Cali on the front row ... :lmao:
No, the booing was from more than the front row. You started with a false premise.

nope, the entire floor is the front row .. splitting hairs

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Trump made a good point on how they all pledged to support the winner .

Funny, TEd wanted to trap Don by forcing the support pledge when he thought Don may run a 3rd party . Instead it was Ted who broke the pledge ! Tool!

This has to be a first,Timmy came to the proper conclusion all on his own.

I say somthing nice abou th Don and this is what I get.

Hey,I gave you an agree,what more do you want?
GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Commence backpedaling! :lol:
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the GOP start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

It's like they are Bernie supporters. LOL

I'm not cruz fan, in fact aside from Trump's boorishness and embrace of racism and misogyny, not to mention his disrespect to Obama in saying he's somehow a foreign terrorist, I'd much prefer Trump. However, Trump has not outsmarted Cruz. If Trump wins, Cruz is finished regardless. If Trump looses, the Trumpeters will go back wherever they came from, and Trump's name will be burned in effigy along with the entire collection of memorabilia from this election
GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Commence backpedaling! :lol:
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.

ummm, the "illegals' are leaving, and not much of a problem to start with, and you appear to have as good a chance being accidentally killed by law enforecement as a terrorist in this country
Rafael may have hurt himself short term, but not long term.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
If someone said my father killed JFK, I wouldn't endorse them either. EVER!
Finally, Ted did something honorable.
GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Commence backpedaling! :lol:
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.
Sounds? LOL
When did he fail to endorse the winner? You make no sense. He said that so it's an out for Cruz? How does that work?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
He wants to bring in REFUGEES who are FLEEING from the terrorists, you fucking retard.

When you turn away refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

You are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

It's also self-defeating. The refugees are excellent sources of intelligence, and some of them might even help us infiltrate domestic cells of terrorists.

Reagan brought in 10,000 Iranians during the PEAK of Iranian terrorism, when Americans were shitting their pants over Iran and the Ayatollah. When Iran was bombing our embassies and exporting terrorism all over the world.

And not one of those Iranian refugees blew anything up.

Those were the days when Republicans had balls.

Nowadays, they sound like the long-haired pussy radicals of the 60s, whining about "the Establishment", shitting their pants in public, and nominating a limousine liberal for President.
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
He wants to bring in REFUGEES who are FLEEING from the terrorists, you fucking retard.

When you turn away refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

You are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

It's also self-defeating. The refugees are excellent sources of intelligence, and some of them might even help us infiltrate domestic cells of terrorists.


So tell me. How does one go about vetting someone from a war torn country that has no government records?
Hell,Barry let in the chick who helped kill all those people in San Bernardino.
When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
He wants to bring in REFUGEES who are FLEEING from the terrorists, you fucking retard.

When you turn away refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

You are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

It's also self-defeating. The refugees are excellent sources of intelligence, and some of them might even help us infiltrate domestic cells of terrorists.


So tell me. How does one go about vetting someone from a war torn country that has no government records?
Hell,Barry let in the chick who helped kill all those people in San Bernardino.
You know, you pants shitting tards use the exact same TardLogic™ as the people who want to ban guns.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


You want to punish all the law abiding gun owners Muslims because of the actions of a few.

It cracks me up you virulently oppose vetting people who want to own a gun, but want someone of the wrong religion to be. Even though way, way, way, way, way more, TENS OF THOUSAND MORE EVERY YEAR, are killed by guns in America than are killed by terrorists.
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
Don't be a dipshit.

It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. No way around that fact. It happened.
Trump said he was not going to honor the pledge.

Please explain how Cruz not honoring the pledge is bad, while Trump not honoring it is okay.

Trump invalidated the pledge when he backed out of it. No one owed him shit once he did that.

That was after the establishment started trying to undermine him.

When did the pseudo-cons start stealing from the 60s radicals?

"The Establishment." :lol:

Trump is as Establishment as it gets. Only, he's from the Democratic Establishment.

So where are all these dems who want to stop illegals and terrorist?
And in case you missed it. It started when RINOs started ignoring their constituents.
It's really really really ignorant and retarded to claim the Democrats don't want to stop terrorism. You sound like a moron.

Than why is Barry the muslim sympathizer importing them?
Don't be a dipshit.

It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. No way around that fact. It happened.

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