Trump outsmarts Cruz--------------again

Cruzzie sided with the establishment in the end.
Trump is as Establishment as it gets.

And it cracks me up, all this whining about the Establishment. You rubes sound exactly like the 60s left wing radicals. :lol:
I knew stokey carmichael. Stokey was a friend of mine. You're no stokey carmichael.;)
btw: Did you know Eldredge Cleaver joined the Mormon Church?
CHUCK TODD: David Brooks, what do you most likely think is going to happen now? Is it Trump, Cruz, or Paul Ryan?

DAVID BROOKS: I think it's likely to be Trump. I think he's the walking dead. I think he'll get the nomination and he will just go down to a crushing defeat. And will be known for a hundred years from now, people will say, "Who's the biggest loser in American politics?" And it won't be McGovern, it won't be Dukakis, the word Trump. And I hope when he's down there in Hades he's aware of all that.

Meet the Press - April 3, 2016
Cruz made sure the top story of the day was him not endorsing Trump. It is what most people are talking about. How was Cruz outsmarted again?

You got me.. I don't see how booing the constitution and demonstrating that trump isn't the choice of even their conscience hurts Cruz. Nor do I see how it helps unite people behind trump.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
Cruz had more to gain than lose. And it worked.

Donnie fired up his base. RW's were impressed. Outside of that, the convention is still laying there flat on the floor.

Unless you are watching CSPAN you are not seeing a large part of the convention. On the networks the talking heads are speaking over most of the speeches.

For instance, last night Laura Ingraham knocked it out of the ball part and CNN, MSNBC and Fox were talking over most of her speech.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
Cruz had more to gain than lose. And it worked.
How so? Piling up your shit won't impress.
Certainly by now he realizes how badly he screwed up.

How do you screw up by encouraging the party to stand for its values, the constitution, and voting for your conscience?
He signed a pledge of support so that pesky standing for values thing didn't enter into his conscience. It was a do as I say not as I do message.
Donald Trump invalidated that pledge when he went after Cruz's wife and father.

Trump is a gutter piece of shit without any honor whatsoever.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
Cruz had more to gain than lose. And it worked.
How so? Piling up your shit won't impress.
If and when Trump loses the election, Cruz will be in the pole position for the 2020 race.

Like I said. Nothing to lose, and much to gain.
Cruz signed a pledge ..

how the fuck is that working out right about now?


politicians signing a pledge .. AND RW'S AT THAT !

By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
Cruz had more to gain than lose. And it worked.
How so? Piling up your shit won't impress.
If and when Trump loses the election, Cruz will be in the pole position for the 2020 race.

Like I said. Nothing to lose, and much to gain.
Bullshit dude. Getting booed off the stage at the RNC convention is not a resume enhancer.
Certainly by now he realizes how badly he screwed up.

How do you screw up by encouraging the party to stand for its values, the constitution, and voting for your conscience?
He signed a pledge of support so that pesky standing for values thing didn't enter into his conscience. It was a do as I say not as I do message.
Donald Trump invalidated that pledge when he went after Cruz's wife and father.

Trump is a gutter piece of shit without any honor whatsoever.

Was that some asterisk in the pledge ?
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
I haven't seen much positive about Cruz. You have an odd way of defining winning. The fact that people are talking about someone is no reflection of how favorable it is. And what the media focuses on only demonstrates what's important to them, not the country.
Cruz had more to gain than lose. And it worked.
How so? Piling up your shit won't impress.
If and when Trump loses the election, Cruz will be in the pole position for the 2020 race.

Like I said. Nothing to lose, and much to gain.
Bullshit dude. Getting booed off the stage at the RNC convention is not a resume enhancer.
Getting booed off the stage by Trump's Chumps is a badge of honor.
Certainly by now he realizes how badly he screwed up.

How do you screw up by encouraging the party to stand for its values, the constitution, and voting for your conscience?
He signed a pledge of support so that pesky standing for values thing didn't enter into his conscience. It was a do as I say not as I do message.
Donald Trump invalidated that pledge when he went after Cruz's wife and father.

Trump is a gutter piece of shit without any honor whatsoever.

Was that some asterisk in the pledge ?
Trump also dumped the pledge. He announced in April he was not going to honor it.

Commence backpedaling!
GOP candidates back off pledge to support nominee -

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all stepped back from their earlier pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during Tuesday night's CNN town hall.

"All of us shouldn't even have answered that question," Kasich said of the pledge party officials asked all the candidates to sign in September.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump said, when asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he continued "to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"

Commence backpedaling! :lol:

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