Trump outsmarts Cruz--------------again

Politics is all about onesself. It isnt about the people any more. I really dont think it matters who wins. In the end the rich and powerful stay in control and laugh at the working class who believe all the media hype and bs at both conventions. To me this election is all about entertainment. The whole thing in a sense is hilarious. Poltically fervent folk havent figured out they are dupes.
Wrong wrong and wrong. Listen to yourself. The left wing has gone from ask not what your country can do for you to ask what the country can do for you.

The left and right are at odds on almost everything. I have no idea why you are even here making a fool of yourself.

This is so true. JFK would had made a great Republican in 2016.

From Kennedy to Obama------------how the democrat party has fallen. Its truly sad.
Jim Geraghty at NRO;

"But why is everyone so surprised? Trump nicknames him “Lyin’ Ted,” argues he’s a Canadian ineligible for the presidency, retweets an image mocking his wife’s appearance and suggests his dad had a role in killing JFK, and never apologizes for any of it… and the Trump team is surprised Cruz didn’t endorse him?"

Ted is just being Ted. No ass kissing there. Although he may have just blown his only chance to get appointed to the Supreme Court.

He also pissed off the Texas delegation. He may be serving his last term in congress.
Jim Geraghty at NRO;

"But why is everyone so surprised? Trump nicknames him “Lyin’ Ted,” argues he’s a Canadian ineligible for the presidency, retweets an image mocking his wife’s appearance and suggests his dad had a role in killing JFK, and never apologizes for any of it… and the Trump team is surprised Cruz didn’t endorse him?"

Ted is just being Ted. No ass kissing there. Although he may have just blown his only chance to get appointed to the Supreme Court.

He also pissed off the Texas delegation. He may be serving his last term in congress.

Not likely. He beat Trump 44-27 in Texas, and he beat his Democrat opponent 57-41 for Senate.
There was so much talk about "Trump has to sign the pledge" and he did. But apparently signing it meant nothing to Cruz, Kasich, and Bush. Those three bastards have harmed the party that they claim to be part of. Hypocrisy is not limited to democrats, even though they are very accomplished at it.

Its sad that the GOP establishment is so scared of the candidate chosen by the people-------------------could it be that Trump threatens their power?

You can't ever trust any politician and that includes the ones aligned with your political beliefs. Republicans politicians lie the same as Democrats.
Trump made a good point on how they all pledged to support the winner .

Funny, TEd wanted to trap Don by forcing the support pledge when he thought Don may run a 3rd party . Instead it was Ted who broke the pledge ! Tool!
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.

obviously for ted his word is not his bond

80's music reminds me of the music we had in the 60's
Trump made a good point on how they all pledged to support the winner .

Funny, TEd wanted to trap Don by forcing the support pledge when he thought Don may run a 3rd party . Instead it was Ted who broke the pledge ! Tool!
Did you think that up all by yourself......amazing.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.

He proved he is a politically thinned skinned idiot. Politics requires toughness and a willingness to do what is necessary, and sometimes that means swallowing hard and doing things you don't want to do. Bill and the pant suit bull dyke have mastered these qualities. That is why Hellary is likely going to be the next POTUS. She can take a punch and keep standing. Just imagine what she would have done to that sissy boi on the campaign trail...slice and dice. At least the big orange clown will fight back and muck it up with her.
After all the nasty things trump said about cruz do you expect cruz to lay down and forget about them? I sure wouldnt. Its cruz who got the publicity and he got it by standing his ground. Now who is trumps vp pick again? When is his speech?

In politics if you want a friend get a dog.

Politics is about getting results.

Crooked Hillary gets her results by corruption, dishonesty and influence peddling.

Trump was able to secure the nomination by not being a pawn of the establishment and not being afraid to call a spade a spade.

Cruz would have been better received if he had simply acknowledged that Trump is a better candidate than Crooked Hillary, which I am sure (despite the personal animosity) he believes.

Cruz probably screwed himself out of a Supreme Court nomination by being obstinate and that is not a good thing, either for him or the country.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.

negative media attention is not a win. Cruz made a fool of himself, he violated a pledge that he signed. His narcissism took over from his common sense.

Newt and Christie called him out on it. Trump beats Cruz again. Trump will beat crooked Hillary in November and the USA will finally be on a path back to sane government.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.

negative media attention is not a win. Cruz made a fool of himself, he violated a pledge that he signed. His narcissism took over from his common sense.

Newt and Christie called him out on it. Trump beats Cruz again. Trump will beat crooked Hillary in November and the USA will finally be on a path back to sane government.
Donald Trump is a piece of trash who went into the gutter to threaten Cruz's wife and to hatch a retarded conspiracy theory that Ted Cruz's father was complicit in JFK's assassination.

You have to be profoundly retarded to expect Ted Cruz to suck up to a piece of shit like Trump.

Cruz did EXACTLY the right thing. He shoved his foot right up Trump's tremendously fat ass.

Last night was Ted Cruz's 2020 acceptance speech.
If Cruz wasn't going to endorse Trump then he should have just stayed back on the porch with Kasich and Bush. He would have been perceived better.
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.
Everyone, including you, is talking about Cruz today, and little else.

Cruz wins. You fail.

negative media attention is not a win. Cruz made a fool of himself, he violated a pledge that he signed. His narcissism took over from his common sense.

Newt and Christie called him out on it. Trump beats Cruz again. Trump will beat crooked Hillary in November and the USA will finally be on a path back to sane government.
Donald Trump is a piece of trash who went into the gutter to threaten Cruz's wife and to hatch a retarded conspiracy theory that Ted Cruz's father was complicit in JFK's assassination.

You have to be profoundly retarded to expect Ted Cruz to suck up to a piece of shit like Trump.

Cruz did EXACTLY the right thing. He shoved his foot right up Trump's tremendously fat ass.

Last night was Ted Cruz's 2020 acceptance speech.

the Donald was pretty stupid to have him there. he had to know cruz would humiliate him.
Cruzzie sided with the establishment in the end.
Trump is as Establishment as it gets.

And it cracks me up, all this whining about the Establishment. You rubes sound exactly like the 60s left wing radicals. :lol:
Lots of coverage of Cruz non endorsement in today's media. One thing they should focus on is Cruz body language as he was giving his speech. I watched it and I couldn't make out the chants but clearly Cruz's smug look turned to concern as the tumult increased. I think he thought he would get support from the convention but he was shocked that the audience turned against him. The fact that he felt the need to give another speech today to explain last night's speech indicates that republican opinion has completely turned against him. Early reports indicated that high profile delegates called Cruz a "disgrace" to his face as he was hustled out the door. Trump was as gracious as he could be and thanked republicans for their support.

Donald Trump is a piece of trash who went into the gutter to threaten Cruz's wife and to hatch a retarded conspiracy theory that Ted Cruz's father was complicit in JFK's assassination.

You have to be profoundly retarded to expect Ted Cruz to suck up to a piece of shit like Trump.

Cruz did EXACTLY the right thing. He shoved his foot right up Trump's tremendously fat ass.

Last night was Ted Cruz's 2020 acceptance speech.

Trump plays hard ball to win. That is one the things that people like about him. That is one of the reasons many Americans think that kind of toughness is what the country needs to be great again after the weakness of the Obama shithead.

Cruz should have either been a chickenshit like Kasich and Bush or he should have given an endorsement. He tried to thread the needle and it backfired on him.
At the beginning of this campaign season, I didn't really like Ted Cruz much. But I am liking him more and more.

He is the conservative movement's conscience.

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