Trump outsmarts Cruz--------------again

Cruz made sure the top story of the day was him not endorsing Trump. It is what most people are talking about. How was Cruz outsmarted again?

Duh, getting booed off the stage at the RNC convention-------------------

The night the Vice-President was introduced and most people are talking about Cruz. He stole the thunder.

Sanders and his supporters are sell outs for supporting Hillary, but Cruz and his supporters should just shut up and support Trump regardless!? Seems like an odd double standard.
Yes because Democrat media outlets control our brains.

Lyin Ted was too small for the job. Now Pence on the other hand ....

BTW, that the media focuses on isn't what normal people should focus on. They will focus on whatever they think will harm their Republican enemies the most. They are the media wing for the Democrat party, it should be obvious at this point to all.
You said "small" and "hand"...*snicker*
Lyin Ted was too small for the job. Now Pence on the other hand ....

BTW, that the media focuses on isn't what normal people should focus on. They will focus on whatever they think will harm their Republican enemies the most. They are the media wing for the Democrat party, it should be obvious at this point to all.
You said "small" and "hand"...*snicker*
Hits close to home for you, huh? :lol:

better to figure it out now that he is a snake in the grass

then after he is sitting on the SC bench for the next 40 years

I think he would have made a great Supreme Court Justice and would have rendered verdicts consistent with Constitutional freedoms. That would have been great. However, he let being pissed off at Trump for the hardball politics in the Primaries cloud his judgement at showing class last night. He should have used the 1976 Reagan model.

better to figure it out now that he is a snake in the grass

then after he is sitting on the SC bench for the next 40 years

I think he would have made a great Supreme Court Justice and would have rendered verdicts consistent with Constitutional freedoms. That would have been great. However, he let being pissed off at Trump for the hardball politics in the Primaries cloud his judgement at showing class last night. He should have used the 1976 Reagan model.

he talks a great talk

thats it

most career politicians do

he should kept his word
Trump made a good point on how they all pledged to support the winner .

Funny, TEd wanted to trap Don by forcing the support pledge when he thought Don may run a 3rd party . Instead it was Ted who broke the pledge ! Tool!
Cruz made sure the top story of the day was him not endorsing Trump. It is what most people are talking about. How was Cruz outsmarted again?

Duh, getting booed off the stage at the RNC convention-------------------

The night the Vice-President was introduced and most people are talking about Cruz. He stole the thunder.

Sanders and his supporters are sell outs for supporting Hillary, but Cruz and his supporters should just shut up and support Trump regardless!? Seems like an odd double standard.
Bernie cried about big money influencing politics and then endorses Goldman Sachs. He and his lemmings are sell outs. His supporters were played by Hillary.
There was so much talk about "Trump has to sign the pledge" and he did. But apparently signing it meant nothing to Cruz, Kasich, and Bush. Those three bastards have harmed the party that they claim to be part of. Hypocrisy is not limited to democrats, even though they are very accomplished at it.

Its sad that the GOP establishment is so scared of the candidate chosen by the people-------------------could it be that Trump threatens their power?
By allowing Cruz to speak at the convention, knowing that he was not going to endorse him, Trump won another victory over Cruz. Cruz got booed off the stage and destroyed any chance he had at a 2020 run. He looked like a sore loser and put himself in the same category as crybaby Jebby.

Then to have Eric Trump and Newt come up next with a great speeches completed the demise of Cruz as anything more than a Texas senator.

Sorry Ted, you made some good points but you got out maneuvered.

obviously for ted his word is not his bond

The left is having a field day with this, even though it's stupid. Of course Cruz didn't endorse Trump. Not only did Trump insult his wife, Trump has a lot of anti-conservative views that Cruz doesn't agree with. What's the thought here though? That Cruz not endorsing Trump is going to cause Cruz supporters to stay home in November? Cause that's the only possible angle i can see this having any affect. If the left thinks they're going to make any headway by using this to say "oh look the republicans aren't united" then what else is new? We've seen that for months now, and it's what makes Trump appealing to people who are fed up with slimy Washington elite politicians.
After all the nasty things trump said about cruz do you expect cruz to lay down and forget about them? I sure wouldnt. Its cruz who got the publicity and he got it by standing his ground. Now who is trumps vp pick again? When is his speech?
After all the nasty things trump said about cruz do you expect cruz to lay down and forget about them? I sure wouldnt. Its cruz who got the publicity and he got it by standing his ground. Now who is trumps vp pick again? When is his speech?
You're on a political board and you are this clueless? Pence gave the best speech I think I've ever heard. Cruz should have put the party and its' objectives over hurt feelings but couldn't rise to the occasion. Same with Kaisich and Bush. They will probably vote for Hillary and their wallets.
Cruz is a lying piece of shit. He is NOT a real Conservative. The balance of the SCOTUS will shift to liberal for generations if Hillary wins. That is what is at stake here. Cruz in his petty war with Trump is doing his best to make sure Conservatism dies. It's clear now Cruz doesn't care about Conservatives but is only interested in his own career.
Politics is all about onesself. It isnt about the people any more. I really dont think it matters who wins. In the end the rich and powerful stay in control and laugh at the working class who believe all the media hype and bs at both conventions. To me this election is all about entertainment. The whole thing in a sense is hilarious. Poltically fervent folk havent figured out they are dupes.
Politics is all about onesself. It isnt about the people any more. I really dont think it matters who wins. In the end the rich and powerful stay in control and laugh at the working class who believe all the media hype and bs at both conventions. To me this election is all about entertainment. The whole thing in a sense is hilarious. Poltically fervent folk havent figured out they are dupes.
Wrong wrong and wrong. Listen to yourself. The left wing has gone from ask not what your country can do for you to ask what the country can do for you.

The left and right are at odds on almost everything. I have no idea why you are even here making a fool of yourself.
Cruz has proven true the impression that he is a Peevish self-serving creep. All he's did with his stunt is to make Trump look a bit statesmanlike.

He's turned himself into an asterisk.
Politics is all about onesself. It isnt about the people any more. I really dont think it matters who wins. In the end the rich and powerful stay in control and laugh at the working class who believe all the media hype and bs at both conventions. To me this election is all about entertainment. The whole thing in a sense is hilarious. Poltically fervent folk havent figured out they are dupes.
Wrong wrong and wrong. Listen to yourself. The left wing has gone from ask not what your country can do for you to ask what the country can do for you.

The left and right are at odds on almost everything. I have no idea why you are even here making a fool of yourself.

This is so true. JFK would had made a great Republican in 2016.
Jim Geraghty at NRO;

"But why is everyone so surprised? Trump nicknames him “Lyin’ Ted,” argues he’s a Canadian ineligible for the presidency, retweets an image mocking his wife’s appearance and suggests his dad had a role in killing JFK, and never apologizes for any of it… and the Trump team is surprised Cruz didn’t endorse him?"

Ted is just being Ted. No ass kissing there. Although he may have just blown his only chance to get appointed to the Supreme Court.
After all the nasty things trump said about cruz do you expect cruz to lay down and forget about them? I sure wouldnt. Its cruz who got the publicity and he got it by standing his ground. Now who is trumps vp pick again? When is his speech?

He signed the pledge to support the nominee of the party. What about that confuses you?

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