Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Just made this one myself you hypocrites!

View attachment 394070

How much did he pay in capital gains tax? how much did he pay in property tax? how much did he pay in sales tax? how much did he pay in fees? ect ect ect.

You are a loser.
These fuckwads could care less. They only care about one type of tax that the peasants can understand. The wealthy have to deal with untold other taxes.....which is why they're moving out of blue states in mass.
Just made this one myself you hypocrites!

View attachment 394070

How much did he pay in capital gains tax? how much did he pay in property tax? how much did he pay in sales tax? how much did he pay in fees? ect ect ect.

You are a loser.
Disingenuous fuckers. You guys polluted this board with “skin in the game” complaints about the poor who pay no income tax. 47% screamed Mitch Rome y (now a RINO). They pay payroll tax and sales tax and a whole bunch of other taxes. Shove that line of debate right up your... well I don’t want to be rude.
Which poor are speaking of? Welfare cases or the middle-class that Democrats target?
" Some people have more income than Trump and they pay NOTHING in income tax. " I don't see any names there, kumquat.

But since you asked, Gabriel Sedano and Victorina Ramirez, among others.

On a hospital construction project south of Atlanta, each of the several subcontractors has a different man using the same name and social security card. On some, an illegal immigrant foreman can pull SS cards out of his back pocket and offer a selection. They pay cash and top dollar for everything, and in rural communities, they're a reliable source of law enforcement income under catch and release programs - and frequently on a first-name basis at the Sheriff's office. You don't know anything about immigrant construction workers.
Oh so 2 illegal aliens were spotted on a Trump Golf course. Oh heavens! What do you think Trump does? Interview or interrogate every person working in every one of his properties ? The illegal aliens working there did not proclaim themselves as that. They hid the truth, which is on them, nobody else.

And I know more about illegal aliens, construction workers, or any others than you'll ever know, Mr Lightweight, and I've posted it here for years in almost 40,000 posts in this forum, and other forums going back to the 1990s. Go look up my illegal immigration OPs, and get yourself an education.

Oh, and you wanted a name of a rich guy who pays no US taxes ? How about George Soros ? Richard Branson. Jeff Bezos. Warren Buffet. The Rolling Stones. David Bowie. U2. Joe Francis. Ingvar Kamprad.
More from the NYTs.

“As the president wages a re-election campaign that polls say he is in danger of losing, his finances are under stress, beset by losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due that he has personally guaranteed. Also hanging over him is a decade-long audit battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the legitimacy of a $72.9 million tax refund that he claimed, and received, after declaring huge losses. An adverse ruling could cost him more than $100 million”.

The law Is catching up with the tax cheat and scam artist.

So, what is your complaint? If he is losing money then not paying taxes is perfectly reasonable.
Oh wait....I remember when Trump was running the argument I heard constantly from Trumpers was that he was a successful billionaire businessman. Now you know that was a lie. He only played one on TV. He was heavily in debt. What the tax returns reveal was that in 2016 Trump was hemorrhaging money. The theory is Trump ran for president to raise his profile and burnish his failing brand.

To his surprise, he won. Trump’s lifeline was now the presidency. He has been leveraging the presidency ever since to keep his sinking enterprises afloat. saying he didn't pay taxes proves he's not successful in business?
That's quite a stretch....even for you.
Yeah..I guess in your world paying $750.00 in taxes is a sign of success. Are you a graduate of Trump U?
Well, first of all, just because the CEO of Amazon says Trump did something he can't prove doesn't mean it's true. Because if he did prove it he would be charged with identity theft. He has no legal access to Trump's tax returns.
I don’t know what Jeff Bezos has to do with this, but we do have Trump’s tax returns, so we know what he paid in personal income taxes. He paid $750.00.
Jeff Bezos owns the Washington fucking tool.
You fucking idiot the story came from New York Times. Really, you should refrain from calling others names when you apparently don’t know your ass from your elbow.

THE NEW YORK TIMES?!!! LOL!!! Might as well be the bathroom wall.
This fails as a kill the messenger fallacy.
This is an old Democrat playbook.
Dingy Harry tried it on Romney.

He claimed Romney never paid taxes either
Just made this one myself you hypocrites!

View attachment 394070

How much did he pay in capital gains tax? how much did he pay in property tax? how much did he pay in sales tax? how much did he pay in fees? ect ect ect.

You are a loser.
Disingenuous fuckers. You guys polluted this board with “skin in the game” complaints about the poor who pay no income tax. 47% screamed Mitch Rome y (now a RINO). They pay payroll tax and sales tax and a whole bunch of other taxes. Shove that line of debate right up your... well I don’t want to be rude.
Which poor are speaking of? Welfare cases or the middle-class that Democrats target?
Poor people like Trump who earn less than $22k per year pay no income taxes. Have a fucking heart. Trump is struggling just as much as the 7-eleven clerk who is a single mom! Neither should pay taxes. Leave that to the rich except if you are super rich and can afford lawyer accountants.
How did the NY Times pull this rabbit out
of their hat ? NSA magic connections ?

Clapper tries to lie about it , but they're (selectively) sharing
their spy network with all the other fine agencies, including IRS.
If Trump had made his tax forms public from the beginning, as presidential candidates usually do, then none of this would be coming up now. It would all have been poured over years ago, and forensic accountants might have found lots of things to investigate. If Trump were not a shyster conman then that too might have been proven. But Trump is Trump and carved out special norms for himself. Of course Trump’s tax (and other) policies favor the rich, corporatIons, and Wall Street billionaires. It is what it is.
This fails as a kill the messenger fallacy.
But the Times has EARNED their bad reputation, ever since the hilarious 1979 oil shortage hoax story came out. They're still wiping the egg off their faces from that one. National Enquirer made them look like the fools that they were/are. :biggrin:
How did the NY Times pull this rabbit out
of their hat ? NSA magic connections ?

Clapper tries to lie about it , but they're (selectively) sharing
their spy network with all the other fine agencies, including IRS.
People out crooks. Happens all the time.
If Trump had made his tax forms public from the beginning, as presidential candidates usually do, then none of this would be coming up now. It would all have been poured over years ago, and forensic accountants might have found lots of things to investigate. If Trump were not a shyster conman then that too might have been proven. But Trump is Trump and carved out special norms for himself. Of course Trump’s tax (and other) policies favor the rich, corporatIons, and Wall Street billionaires. It is what it is.
But some of those tax policies favor the poor and the sick, as noted in Post # 725.
How did the NY Times pull this rabbit out
of their hat ? NSA magic connections ?
They needed a distraction.
They just released a DOJ report that Hillary (Fusion GPS) used a Russian Spy that was consider a threat to national security as a source for the Steele Dossier.
" Some people have more income than Trump and they pay NOTHING in income tax. " I don't see any names there, kumquat.

But since you asked, Gabriel Sedano and Victorina Ramirez, among others.

On a hospital construction project south of Atlanta, each of the several subcontractors has a different man using the same name and social security card. On some, an illegal immigrant foreman can pull SS cards out of his back pocket and offer a selection. They pay cash and top dollar for everything, and in rural communities, they're a reliable source of law enforcement income under catch and release programs - and frequently on a first-name basis at the Sheriff's office. You don't know anything about immigrant construction workers.
Oh so 2 illegal aliens were spotted on a Trump Golf course. Oh heavens! What do you think Trump does? Interview or interrogate every person working in every one of his properties ? The illegal aliens working there did not proclaim themselves as that. They hid the truth, which is on them, nobody else.

And I know more about illegal aliens, construction workers, or any others than you'll ever know, Mr Lightweight, and I've posted it here for years in almost 40,000 posts in this forum, and other forums going back to the 1990s. Go look up my illegal immigration OPs, and get yourself an education.

Oh, and you wanted a name of a rich guy who pays no US taxes ? How about George Soros ? Richard Branson. Jeff Bezos. Warren Buffet. The Rolling Stones. David Bowie. U2. Joe Francis. Ingvar Kamprad.

Two? You didn't read the linked articles, you yammering idiot.

I said you didn't provide names. Now you spew a few names - most non-Americans, and some deceased - and no evidence as to their tax payments. Sell stupid somewhere else.
They don't know cap gains are reported on your 1040, and they think you're ignorant?

I will wait for you to post up where I said Cap gains are not on PIT...


You’re confused. I suggest you read The NY Times piece to catch up.
You are confused if you think for one second that the NYT is going to be a fair source on anything Trump, let alone his tax returns.
NYT has his 1040. Capital gains are on the 1040. He paid next to nothing, including capital gains. His businesses are pass through entities. They don’t pay corporate taxes. It’s all in his income tax return.
We don't know what the NYT has... they refuse to show anything they have, and basically just say "trust us".
Trump's admin claims an entirely different story, and wanted evidence from NYT as to how they arrived to the number... of course... the NYT said no to "protect sources".

So at this point, the story is much ado about nothing unless they produce documentation showing what they claim to be true.
Trump’s administration says lots of shit, but they’ve said publicly that they have no obligation to be truthful with the media so I don’t really care.
When did they say that?

On that note....apparently the the corrupt media feels they have no obligation to be truthful to the public either. That's why we keep catching them fabricating news passing off their opinions as journalism.
Nah. Media reports truth. Trump says it’s a lie. You believe Trump. We find out media was right, Trump lied. You never seem to notice.

Trump’s administration says lots of shit, but they’ve said publicly that they have no obligation to be truthful with the media so I don’t really care.
Every administration says a lot of that is not different.
The media have been anything but truthful concerning Trump, so why do you automatically assume what the NYT claims about his taxes is true? Especially since they state it is from an unnamed source they won't reveal, nor reveal what documentation they have to come up with the number they came up with.
So you blindly believe whatever the NYT says? And they don't have to provide evidence to back up their claims?
At $750/year, it would only take Orange Judas 173 years to pay $130K to Stormy Daniels.
You think she gave a cash discount?
Trump’s administration says lots of shit, but they’ve said publicly that they have no obligation to be truthful with the media so I don’t really care.
Every administration says a lot of that is not different.
The media have been anything but truthful concerning Trump, so why do you automatically assume what the NYT claims about his taxes is true? Especially since they state it is from an unnamed source they won't reveal, nor reveal what documentation they have to come up with the number they came up with.
So you blindly believe whatever the NYT says? And they don't have to provide evidence to back up their claims?
This administration is making up shit about Hurricane paths to support Trump.

No, it’s very much not like any other administration.

The NY Times has a long track record of accurate reporting. Trump has a long track record of pathological lying.

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