Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

No, the weak IRS who has been chronically defunded and deranged by the elite ruling class let him get away with fraud for decade after decade.

Obama ain’t auditing Trump, kiddo.

Oh yeah, especially under Potentate Obamugabe who weaponized the IRS and attacked political enemies..

Could you BE anymore fucking stupid?


Nearly 700 pages of Obama IRS Scandal documents show that officials working under Obama used “inappropriate political labels” to have conservative tax-exempt organizations receive unfair treatment by the IRS. reports:

The documents were made available following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in 2015.

The FOIA request was made following a scandal in 2013, that revealed the US Internal Revenue Service had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. The revelation led to wide condemnation of the agency and prompted several investigation, including an FBI order by the US Attorney General Eric Holder.

Initial reports described the selection as nearly exclusively targeting conservative groups with terms such as “Tea Party” in their names but later it was found that some liberal groups were also selected for additional review.

In January 2014, the FBI told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of “enemy hunting”, and that the investigation continued. On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed.

Of the 695 pages of documents released by the IRS, 61 percent were withheld in their entirety. Among the new materials is a June 20, 2013 memo from Karen Schiller, then acting-director suspending the use of the controversial Be on the Lookout (BOLO) and Touch and Go (TAG) lists that was used for identifying terms conservative and liberal groups.

Another document is an August 8, 2013 memo, where Schiller admits the IRS used political labels in targeting groups for special scrutiny and possible audit and directing the organization in the future to screen organization based only on their activities “not words” or “labels of any kind.”

Included in the documents is a “Dear [Applicant]” letter that offers applicants an “expedited process” for 501( c) (4)s in exchange for restriction on their activities.

“This optional expedited process is currently available only to applicants for 501(c)(4) status with applications pending for more than 120 days as of May 28, 2013, that indicate the organization may be involved in political campaign intervention”.


If the Mugabe IRS could have GOTTEN Trump, they would have, by hook or crook.
No, the weak IRS who has been chronically defunded and deranged by the elite ruling class let him get away with fraud for decade after decade.

Obama ain’t auditing Trump, kiddo.

Oh yeah, especially under Potentate Obamugabe who weaponized the IRS and attacked political enemies..

Could you BE anymore fucking stupid?


Nearly 700 pages of Obama IRS Scandal documents show that officials working under Obama used “inappropriate political labels” to have conservative tax-exempt organizations receive unfair treatment by the IRS. reports:

The documents were made available following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in 2015.

The FOIA request was made following a scandal in 2013, that revealed the US Internal Revenue Service had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. The revelation led to wide condemnation of the agency and prompted several investigation, including an FBI order by the US Attorney General Eric Holder.

Initial reports described the selection as nearly exclusively targeting conservative groups with terms such as “Tea Party” in their names but later it was found that some liberal groups were also selected for additional review.

In January 2014, the FBI told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of “enemy hunting”, and that the investigation continued. On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed.

Of the 695 pages of documents released by the IRS, 61 percent were withheld in their entirety. Among the new materials is a June 20, 2013 memo from Karen Schiller, then acting-director suspending the use of the controversial Be on the Lookout (BOLO) and Touch and Go (TAG) lists that was used for identifying terms conservative and liberal groups.

Another document is an August 8, 2013 memo, where Schiller admits the IRS used political labels in targeting groups for special scrutiny and possible audit and directing the organization in the future to screen organization based only on their activities “not words” or “labels of any kind.”

Included in the documents is a “Dear [Applicant]” letter that offers applicants an “expedited process” for 501( c) (4)s in exchange for restriction on their activities.

“This optional expedited process is currently available only to applicants for 501(c)(4) status with applications pending for more than 120 days as of May 28, 2013, that indicate the organization may be involved in political campaign intervention”.


If the Mugabe IRS could have GOTTEN Trump, they would have, by hook or crook.

The IRS using political keywords to police “charities” which aren’t supposed to be political?

It will be in the first paragraph of every article about his presidency.:auiqs.jpg:

Unnamed sources say that Barack Obama raped a 4 year old boy on the Resolute desk while Michelle (Big Mike) watched.

Prove it isn't true, Herr Himmler!
The whole innocent until prove guilty, escapes you, doesn't it? Good luck with your theory. I'll wait for the indictment, but won't hold my breath.


Of everyone that I have met and know well when it comes to the tax paying game...its my democrat friends that work the hardest at reducing their tax burden.....Republicans including myself think we will get audited so we generally pay more than we should by not going for every deduction we can....I have a good friend that's a dem...and he has been fighting the IRS over his home office deduction for six years even though he retired three years ago...he still tries to write off his mortgage payments......I just laugh at him and shake my head.....

I do in oh so many ways (snicker), and that is what a good accountant will do for you.

Anyone who wants to pay more can send it in.

But anything Trump does is
Orange Man Bad

Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.
The IRS using political keywords to police “charities” which aren’t supposed to be political?


Red Herring fallacy will not save you.

You lied that the IRS is "weak," in fact the Obama regime terrorized his enemies with a weaponized IRS that preyed on conservatives.
Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.
To be fair... The way the NYT explained it was horrible to begin with.. But we are also talking about very complex tax system.

I do in oh so many ways (snicker), and that is what a good accountant will do for you.

Anyone who wants to pay more can send it in.

But anything Trump does is
Orange Man Bad

Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.
Another Trump expert you are. What will you say when he leaves office broke and in jail?
I'll tell you this, if Trump produces his tax returns and shows the NYTs to have published wrong information, it will go a long way in getting Trump re-elected.

If Trump is telling the truth and the Times is lying, call out their bluff.

It will spur on Trump's re-election campaign.

Gee, almost if the whole fraud by the Biden Campaign was designed to get Trump to release his taxes, which the little Goebbels will attack once he does...
"Hundreds of millions"of dollars in debt. He managed his businesses the same way he has managed America..

The slime ball didn't pay any taxes for a decade and only paid 750 dollars in taxes for 2 years.

That's disgusting. For a man who claims to be a billionaire.

I paid more in federal income taxes than trump did. I'm not a billionaire.

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with our nation.

People are sick of it. We pay our taxes while those like trump don't pay anything.

I wish we had a tax cold that everyone pays their fair share.
All the wealthy do it. They all have tax attorneys finding them every deduction possible. Did you happen to miss Rachel Maddow's big scoop where she found out TRUMP! paid 38 mil in taxes in just one year? That's how it works when you have hundreds of businesses. Sometimes you make a buttload of money, other times you take a loss and write it off on taxes. Pretty cool setup, huh?
Trump's IRS slapped a tax lien on me, my real-estate, stocks, bank accounts, vehicles & everything I own & took away my passport because they lost my tax return & didn't notify me. I re-filed last November & they show they received it, but did nothing with it because of Covid. They continue to stall to rack up fines, penalties & interest!!!
:fu:FU Trump!!! :ahole-1:

I do in oh so many ways (snicker), and that is what a good accountant will do for you.

Anyone who wants to pay more can send it in.

But anything Trump does is
Orange Man Bad

Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.

Donald Trump has been under audit by the IRS since 2002. If he was somehow in arrears with his taxes, there would have already been some sort of settlement, and it would have been plastered all over the evening news.

The IRS generally doesn't take 18 years to figure out if you owe them or not.
They don't know cap gains are reported on your 1040, and they think you're ignorant?

I will wait for you to post up where I said Cap gains are not on PIT...


You’re confused. I suggest you read The NY Times piece to catch up.
You are confused if you think for one second that the NYT is going to be a fair source on anything Trump, let alone his tax returns.
NYT has his 1040. Capital gains are on the 1040. He paid next to nothing, including capital gains. His businesses are pass through entities. They don’t pay corporate taxes. It’s all in his income tax return.
We don't know what the NYT has... they refuse to show anything they have, and basically just say "trust us".
Trump's admin claims an entirely different story, and wanted evidence from NYT as to how they arrived to the number... of course... the NYT said no to "protect sources".

So at this point, the story is much ado about nothing unless they produce documentation showing what they claim to be true.
Trump’s administration says lots of shit, but they’ve said publicly that they have no obligation to be truthful with the media so I don’t really care.
When did they say that?

On that note....apparently the the corrupt media feels they have no obligation to be truthful to the public either. That's why we keep catching them fabricating news passing off their opinions as journalism.
Nah. Media reports truth. Trump says it’s a lie. You believe Trump. We find out media was right, Trump lied. You never seem to notice.

If you think it's right for the media to advocate for one side or the other then you pretty y much think collusion to win elections is alright. You sense of fairness is shot.
You could give a flying-fuck if the media helps put corrupt Democrats in office, even it they use Chinese money to help them do it.

The media advocates for all kinds of things. Some in the media advocate for Trump. Some advocate for Biden. Some neither.

Question is what the truth lies and the answer is almost never with Trump.

And there is where you fail.
No media should act as an advocate when they refuse to identify themselves as such.

That's fraud..... you know that, right?

The truth is usually the opposite of what the media claims, 98% of Trump coverage from all media sources is negative, by design.

This is how you go from being a Republic to being an authoritarian state. Total control of a corrupt staterun media by a socialist government.

This is Nancy Pelosi explaining how they do it:

"Hundreds of millions"of dollars in debt. He managed his businesses the same way he has managed America..
So in other words he is broke and doesnt pay his fair share? Don't try and convince his trailer trash cultists.
Sounds like you think those who have nothing (broke) need to pay more. Is that true?
..he's actually the first POTUS in a long time to take care of America
Only if you ignore highest unemployment since the great depression, and the most Americans killed since WW II.

The trump virus makes the total deaths of WWII minuscule. 420 thousand Americans died in WWII. America was in that war for 4 years.

Thus far over 200 thousand Americans have died of trump's virus. The virus has been here approximately 9 months. The trump virus has killed FIVE TIMES the amount of deaths in WWII in just 9 months.

How many more will die? What will be the total when it's all done? How many hundreds of thousands?
Biden gets elected, it becomes him with his name attached to it, as well as the economic impact of shutting down for too long.
"Hundreds of millions"of dollars in debt. He managed his businesses the same way he has managed America..

The slime ball didn't pay any taxes for a decade and only paid 750 dollars in taxes for 2 years.

That's disgusting. For a man who claims to be a billionaire.

I paid more in federal income taxes than trump did. I'm not a billionaire.

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with our nation.

People are sick of it. We pay our taxes while those like trump don't pay anything.

I wish we had a tax cold that everyone pays their fair share.

I paid more in federal income taxes than trump did. I'm not a billionaire.

No doubt, he has better tax lawyers than you.

He better. Those walls are closing in on :)
Hmmm. Now where have I heard that before?
I find it disgusting that the far right wing cares more about suing The NY Times than the fact that trump didn't pay a penny in federal income taxes for a decade and only paid 750 dollars in federal income taxes for 2016 and 2017.

It doesn't seem like they care that if they themselves paid more than a dollar in taxes they paid more than trump did for a decade. If they paid more than 750 dollars then paid more than trump paid in 2016 and 2017.

Yet they want to sue The NY Times.

And paid 38 mil in one year. Don't forget that one. Face it, your childish rant is not at TRUMP!. It's really at the tax code that was deliberately made as complicated as possible to make it easy to pin something on everyone. And guess who gleefully wrote that code?

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