Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Don't you idiots find anything wrong here?
Over the years, President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed has featured messages slamming others for not paying taxes, bragging about how rich he is, criticizing those paying taxes overseas, and even claiming he pays “more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.”

It all reads differently now after The New York Times obtained decades of Trump’s tax information and found that he “has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”

Perhaps nowhere is the disconnect between his public message and apparent private financial situation more stark than in the messages Trump has tweeted out over the years.

U.S. President Donald Trump is using a mobile phone during a roundtable discussion on the reopening of small businesses in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis

For the record, Trump has denied the report. “It’s totally fake news,” he said Sunday evening and added Monday morning that he “paid many millions of dollars in taxes but was entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation & tax credits.”

It’s often been noted that there’s “always a tweet” buried somewhere in Trump’s timeline that relates to the scandal of the moment. In this case there are scores of them. With an assist from the always helpful Trump Twitter Archive, here are some of the starkest examples.

Times he slammed others for not paying taxes
The key finding in the Times report was that he paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and another $750 in 2017. He also paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

That didn’t stop him from attacking others for supposedly not paying enough in taxes. In 2012, he tweeted that then-President Barack Obama “only pays 20.5%” of his earnings in tax
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
Dude ...

You are parroting Fake News from Fake News NY Times ....

No normal thinking person is taking you seriously at the moment.

Er, no. Nobody is taking Deplorables seriously. Nobody ever has.
What part of the NY Times piece is fake? Have you even read it? I doubt it, there is a paywall there, and I bet 1) either you couldn't afford to pay for it; or 2) if you could, you wouldn't anyway because your nimrod brain and Dear Leader are telling you it is fake news. Now, that being said, only a Deplorable would denounce something without even reading it first.
If President Trump only made enough in one year to break even, the freaky monsters in Hilary's War Room would be instructed to go for all capitalists' necks who got in her way. That means, first take the info to the rottenist. America-hating news outlet, the NYTimes to set up revenge against Lady Hillary MacBeth Clinton's worst enemy of the last ten minutes and start hacking.

If I wasn't for freedom of speech, I'd report this so it could head off into Conspiracy Theory land where it belongs. However, the upside is, that all us normals on this board get to see yet another example of your whackadoodleness..
Trump is low life scum In personal debt for over 400 million That's the real story Who has leverage over him?? He's compromised.. Putin?? Are all you fn repubs stupid??
The local uneducated dipshit heard from. Hey dumbfuck, YOU are low life scum. What part of INCOME TAX does your pea brain not understand? Trump takes no salary and does not currently run his businesses moron. Seems the IRS sees nothing illegal here. Continue your crying.
You are fos Trump is a crook and still runs his failing businesses You need 70K for hair cuts ?
Don't you idiots find anything wrong here?
Over the years, President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed has featured messages slamming others for not paying taxes, bragging about how rich he is, criticizing those paying taxes overseas, and even claiming he pays “more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.”

It all reads differently now after The New York Times obtained decades of Trump’s tax information and found that he “has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”

Perhaps nowhere is the disconnect between his public message and apparent private financial situation more stark than in the messages Trump has tweeted out over the years.

U.S. President Donald Trump is using a mobile phone during a roundtable discussion on the reopening of small businesses in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis

For the record, Trump has denied the report. “It’s totally fake news,” he said Sunday evening and added Monday morning that he “paid many millions of dollars in taxes but was entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation & tax credits.”

It’s often been noted that there’s “always a tweet” buried somewhere in Trump’s timeline that relates to the scandal of the moment. In this case there are scores of them. With an assist from the always helpful Trump Twitter Archive, here are some of the starkest examples.

Times he slammed others for not paying taxes
The key finding in the Times report was that he paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and another $750 in 2017. He also paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

That didn’t stop him from attacking others for supposedly not paying enough in taxes. In 2012, he tweeted that then-President Barack Obama “only pays 20.5%” of his earnings in tax
The key finding in the Times report is that it's just one more unsubstantiated attack by a media outlet that makes no attempt to hide it's willingness to lie if it hurts this President!
You are fos Trump is a crook and still runs his failing businesses You need 70K for hair cuts ?

LOL...I was thinking the same thing. Two things
1) I get about 8 haircuts a year for about $25 a pop so how his is $70,000 beggar's belief
2) Looking at his hair, they're not doing a good job - especially at that price.
You people will be begging us on your knees for food within 6 months. And we'll cut off California's water supply :muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.
You'll be in the poor house long before the rest of the states. You do know that the likes of NY contributes 10s of billions to the federal tax coffers, while red states like Kentucky (good old Mitch McConnell) take billions in hand outs. You do get that, right? So, please - leave.....I dare you...:muahaha:

Slap on Trump a 100 percent tax and confiscate all his wealth to pay for the green new deal...and the wall!
The problem with punishing people who worked hard and/or gave the world a patent that enabled the lame to walk is that taking away thievery is against the Constitution that allows free people to pursue happiness.

Not only that, but wealth allows the employment of helpers to keep large households well-run in addition to hiring several or even thousands of laborers to do a profitable high-paying job. And run right, the good business can continue serving America long after the entrepreneur"s time on earth is gone. God bless freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Yea!
Don't you idiots find anything wrong here?
Over the years, President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed has featured messages slamming others for not paying taxes, bragging about how rich he is, criticizing those paying taxes overseas, and even claiming he pays “more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.”

It all reads differently now after The New York Times obtained decades of Trump’s tax information and found that he “has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”

Perhaps nowhere is the disconnect between his public message and apparent private financial situation more stark than in the messages Trump has tweeted out over the years.

U.S. President Donald Trump is using a mobile phone during a roundtable discussion on the reopening of small businesses in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis

For the record, Trump has denied the report. “It’s totally fake news,” he said Sunday evening and added Monday morning that he “paid many millions of dollars in taxes but was entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation & tax credits.”

It’s often been noted that there’s “always a tweet” buried somewhere in Trump’s timeline that relates to the scandal of the moment. In this case there are scores of them. With an assist from the always helpful Trump Twitter Archive, here are some of the starkest examples.

Times he slammed others for not paying taxes
The key finding in the Times report was that he paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and another $750 in 2017. He also paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

That didn’t stop him from attacking others for supposedly not paying enough in taxes. In 2012, he tweeted that then-President Barack Obama “only pays 20.5%” of his earnings in tax
The key finding in the Times report is that it's just one more unsubstantiated attack by a media outlet that makes no attempt to hide it's willingness to lie if it hurts this President!
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you
Trump is low life scum In personal debt for over 400 million That's the real story Who has leverage over him?? He's compromised.. Putin?? Are all you fn repubs stupid??
Oh, Eddie...the Mueller "team" took a microscope to Trump's financial dealings and came up with nothing but you think he's "compromised"? He's not taking a salary, dude! That's not what people who are broke do! You'd grasp that simple concept if you just thought about it for a nano second instead of lapping up the gruel that CNN and MSNBC are feeding you on a daily basis!
Nothing? BS Barr minimized what they said... Barr is in trumps pocket, 2 pos ... How many pardons ,jail sentences indictments do you need to show you you're swimming in a
lake of vomit with repubs Trump hasn't changed He was alway a pos
Don't you idiots find anything wrong here?
Over the years, President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed has featured messages slamming others for not paying taxes, bragging about how rich he is, criticizing those paying taxes overseas, and even claiming he pays “more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.”

It all reads differently now after The New York Times obtained decades of Trump’s tax information and found that he “has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”

Perhaps nowhere is the disconnect between his public message and apparent private financial situation more stark than in the messages Trump has tweeted out over the years.

U.S. President Donald Trump is using a mobile phone during a roundtable discussion on the reopening of small businesses in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis

For the record, Trump has denied the report. “It’s totally fake news,” he said Sunday evening and added Monday morning that he “paid many millions of dollars in taxes but was entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation & tax credits.”

It’s often been noted that there’s “always a tweet” buried somewhere in Trump’s timeline that relates to the scandal of the moment. In this case there are scores of them. With an assist from the always helpful Trump Twitter Archive, here are some of the starkest examples.

Times he slammed others for not paying taxes
The key finding in the Times report was that he paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and another $750 in 2017. He also paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

That didn’t stop him from attacking others for supposedly not paying enough in taxes. In 2012, he tweeted that then-President Barack Obama “only pays 20.5%” of his earnings in tax
The key finding in the Times report is that it's just one more unsubstantiated attack by a media outlet that makes no attempt to hide it's willingness to lie if it hurts this President!
President Trump paid over a million dollars in federal taxes alone in 2016. The liars are the ones who published a measly amount as all that President Trump. Money man Lou Dobbs confirmed it today, because apparently the Democrats are so fearful of another Trump, all they have is nothingburger lies like the title of this thread to muster their faux outrage against Trump. Who this very day received his third Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Glory to God for his kindly mercy to America's peacemaker, President Donald J Trump.
Last edited:
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
Dude ...

You are parroting Fake News from Fake News NY Times ....

No normal thinking person is taking you seriously at the moment.

Er, no. Nobody is taking Deplorables seriously. Nobody ever has.
What part of the NY Times piece is fake? Have you even read it? I doubt it, there is a paywall there, and I bet 1) either you couldn't afford to pay for it; or 2) if you could, you wouldn't anyway because your nimrod brain and Dear Leader are telling you it is fake news. Now, that being said, only a Deplorable would denounce something without even reading it first.
If President Trump only made enough in one year to break even, the freaky monsters in Hilary's War Room would be instructed to go for all capitalists' necks who got in her way. That means, first take the info to the rottenist. America-hating news outlet, the NYTimes to set up revenge against Lady Hillary MacBeth Clinton's worst enemy of the last ten minutes and start hacking.

If I wasn't for freedom of speech, I'd report this so it could head off into Conspiracy Theory land where it belongs. However, the upside is, that all us normals on this board get to see yet another example of your whackadoodleness..
Hillary is under the microscope for orchestrating a coup against her adversary, President Donald J. Trump, and her orchestrations are looking exactly and precisely like treason of the worst kind against the people of the United States. You can't make all her criminal acts against President Trump up. She's damaged dozens of his associates just to get her revenge in the form of a coup.
Reading excuses for Trump tax cheating or losing millions in business is hilarious whichever one is true or both are true.

Give it up, Champ, the news is out, see it in another thread. Trump paid millions in taxes, the $750 you idiots are claiming is only the difference left over between what his preparers had calculated and already paid and what the IRS final calculation was! Another NYT lie BUSTED. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump's tax liability was 5.2 million dollars those years.

People are so intentionally dishonest.

Doesn't make me "happy" or unhappy. He's paid what is due. Change the tax laws if you don't like it.
Stop lying about Trump supporters.

You realize Trump cut his taxes by being a really BAD businessman. Loosing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Which is the opposite of how Trump painted himself.
I have a motto.

never take financial advice from someone who can't spell "losing".
Every citizen who paid significant taxes in full and on time, every year and have never had problem on an audit think it is funny as hell, and suspect the trumpster is a fraudster and tax cheat. Just sayin.., since there are a lot of us in that category.
To believe something that ridiculous you'd have to believe the IRS has been in cahoots with Trump for years
then. Do you also believe in vampires and leprechauns?

Do you people not see how bizarre your paranoid fantasies are?
You people will be begging us on your knees for food within 6 months. And we'll cut off California's water supply :muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.
You'll be in the poor house long before the rest of the states. You do know that the likes of NY contributes 10s of billions to the federal tax coffers, while red states like Kentucky (good old Mitch McConnell) take billions in hand outs. You do get that, right? So, please - leave.....I dare you...:muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.

Powered by what?
They can't even keep the lights on.
You people will be begging us on your knees for food within 6 months. And we'll cut off California's water supply :muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.
You'll be in the poor house long before the rest of the states. You do know that the likes of NY contributes 10s of billions to the federal tax coffers, while red states like Kentucky (good old Mitch McConnell) take billions in hand outs. You do get that, right? So, please - leave.....I dare you...:muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.

Powered by what?
They can't even keep the lights on.

Cali can't even build a working sewer system.
You people will be begging us on your knees for food within 6 months. And we'll cut off California's water supply :muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.
You'll be in the poor house long before the rest of the states. You do know that the likes of NY contributes 10s of billions to the federal tax coffers, while red states like Kentucky (good old Mitch McConnell) take billions in hand outs. You do get that, right? So, please - leave.....I dare you...:muahaha:

Cali will build a desalination plant.

Powered by what?
They can't even keep the lights on.

Cali can't even build a working sewer system.

Meh....just poop in the street.

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