Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
This is civil discourse?
Sorry willow No it's not civil But ah's supporting this trump misfit don't deserve civil
Sorry willow No it's not civil But ah's supporting this trump misfit don't deserve civil
LMAO ....

As if your psycho Leftist ass has authority over what is Civil ....

Folks there is a reason these assholes are considered to be suffering from a Mental Disorder.
Only mental disorder is yours and other ah's that support this racist do nothing lying POS ,this cancer on America , trump.
I'm a traitor ??? The pos you support ,supports the KLAN Think they love the Jews??? Really?

Well yeah, you most definitely are a fucking traitor.

And you're a lying little fuck.

{ Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. }

Well GAWDAMN ya little cum guzzler, the Klan, like the BLM Klan, was a democrat terrorist group created to engage in terrorism against Republicans - JUST LIKE YOU FUCKING TRAITORS do today.
Sorry willow No it's not civil But ah's supporting this trump misfit don't deserve civil

And what do your fucking traitors deserve, other than a rope or some lead?

Honestly, how do you think this "revolution" of your's will end? Yeah, you may weaken the nation enough that your boss Xi can invade, as you desire - but do you REALLY think he'll make you a king? Really?
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Not for anyone else in the country, so I'd have to say no, hair cuts are not deductible.

Movies and TV shows have hair and make up people on payroll and
those costs aren't deductible?

Please explain further.
What company of Trump's took the deduction?

the IRS knows, and said it was all legal and in compliance with the tax code (written mostly by democrats by the way)
Where did the IRS say that one person, having their hair cut and styled for $1400 dollars a pop each week of the year, is deductible?

If it is deductible to spend that amount each week for one celebrity to have their hair styled, then "Houston, we've got a problem" with the tax code!
We're long past that stage. The tax code was, I believe, deliberately made so complex that it could be used against virtually anyone someone powerful wants eliminated. Heck, even IRS agents don't always agree on it.
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Hadit you're right and wrong It sure is about more than the cheaters taxes ,the taxes he wouldn't show . But I don't want blood no matter how it comes. What I want is a president to be respected not some AH that acts like he's born in the gutter ,that's a liar ,and a bully ,and maybe a pervert too? Is that too much to ask for?
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Hadit you're right and wrong It sure is about more than the cheaters taxes ,the taxes he wouldn't show . But I don't want blood no matter how it comes. What I want is a president to be respected not some AH that acts like he's born in the gutter ,that's a liar ,and a bully ,and maybe a pervert too? Is that too much to ask for?
You lied. Why is that OK?

Is asking you to go by what you ask of others too much to ask for?
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Hadit you're right and wrong It sure is about more than the cheaters taxes ,the taxes he wouldn't show . But I don't want blood no matter how it comes. What I want is a president to be respected not some AH that acts like he's born in the gutter ,that's a liar ,and a bully ,and maybe a pervert too? Is that too much to ask for?
You just described the vast majority of people who actually want to be president (you couldn't pay me enough to do the job). There are two men that I can think of right off the bat would not check those boxes, one was president and the other was defeated when he ran. They are Jimmy Carter and Mitt Romney. Carter is a decent man by all accounts, well spoken, not given to gratuitous insults, gentle and kind. Great, but he was a lousy president. Romney was also well spoken and gentle in rhetoric, not given to insults and not a pervert. He was brutally and personally savaged by those who only wanted someone in office with a certain letter behind his name. Now, let's look at the two running right now. We already know what you think about TRUMP!, but are you willing to turn a blind eye to Quid Pro Joe's issues as well and vote for him?

Joe lies.
Joe is a bully.
Joe is a pervert.

Given those qualities and your stated aversion to them, do you see how a vote for him would be hypocritical?
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Hadit you're right and wrong It sure is about more than the cheaters taxes ,the taxes he wouldn't show . But I don't want blood no matter how it comes. What I want is a president to be respected not some AH that acts like he's born in the gutter ,that's a liar ,and a bully ,and maybe a pervert too? Is that too much to ask for?
You just described the vast majority of people who actually want to be president (you couldn't pay me enough to do the job). There are two men that I can think of right off the bat would not check those boxes, one was president and the other was defeated when he ran. They are Jimmy Carter and Mitt Romney. Carter is a decent man by all accounts, well spoken, not given to gratuitous insults, gentle and kind. Great, but he was a lousy president. Romney was also well spoken and gentle in rhetoric, not given to insults and not a pervert. He was brutally and personally savaged by those who only wanted someone in office with a certain letter behind his name. Now, let's look at the two running right now. We already know what you think about TRUMP!, but are you willing to turn a blind eye to Quid Pro Joe's issues as well and vote for him?

Joe lies.
Joe is a bully.
Joe is a pervert.

Given those qualities and your stated aversion to them, do you see how a vote for him would be hypocritical?
His lies if not misspeaking are small He is far from a bully or a pervert Only filthy minded people could think what he's done is perversion of any kind
Look old if you can't see the pos for what he is it says lots about you

Oh we see him for what he is, a usurper barging in on our elitist rulers and disrupting their graft and corruption.
Come on un ,get real for once We have a grifter presidency now He majors in graft and corruption Owes 400 million ??? To who? Putin?? who has him by the nads You really support a president whose lips are attached to Putins butt ?? Really?
How did Hunter get the $3.5M from Russia?
Prove hunter did get $3.5 million from Russia first.... who in russiia, what was it for, was it to hunter personally, or to his co owned firm....what was the business contract for if it is his firm?

Why does any of this matter???? Was something illegal done or suspected of being done?
Trump did nothing illegal. doesn't stop the left
How many lawsuits against him ??2000??? Trump is a crook
You're a traitor. How many long suits vs. you?
You don’t say that. It’s a day of atonement. Further shows you’re not a real Jew.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, considered to be holiest day of the Jewish year. Traditionally, the blood of an animal was sacrificed as a way to remove sin or defilement. Azog you had 10 days before your name is written into the book of death ,,Good luck
And yet you don't say Happy with it. You're a fraud and you're old. Won't be around much longer.
lol doc today says I have many years left And your name is NOT in the book of life I won't go to the funeral
What % you pay in Fed taxes? 15% on your $15M?
I pay nothing on an IRA until I take it out Been 3 or ,400,000 the last couple of years You figure out what 38% of that is And then there's a RE business
You mean you don’t pay anything!? Illiterate traitor.
ASSHOLE What's 38% of 400,000 ?? Whats about 30 % of another 300,000? Are you as smart as you think you are?
They don't care. They want power and will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Some of them want revenge against those who have done better than they. Some want revenge on the universe for them being born.

But ALL of them harbor ill will toward mankind.
Yes ....

This is why Leftist is considered a Mental Disorder.
IDIOTS Which one of you paid less than the 750 in taxes Trump your crooked AH paid ???
Why should he have paid more?
Because the kid delivering my newspaper pays more Trump is a cheating SOB
1. If he paid his legal bill, why are you whining about it? You do know, don't you, that when you own hundreds of businesses and have an army of tax attorneys, there are a lot of ways to offset losses, right? Especially when democrats write new tax laws allowing it to happen. Or are you just irate that he didn't get socked with a huge tax bill? You ought to check that bile, it's going to kill you one day.

2. You still get newspapers delivered? You do know there is this thing called the internet, right?
10 years of 15 the supposed billionaire paid NO TAXES and in 2 years he pays 750?? and you make excuses for the moron whose only income pluses were as a game show host and putting his name on buildings owned by others? He needed those lawyers cause he screwed so many and you support this sick POS ? Well good for you
Okay, so your main reason for wanting him to pay more is Orange Man Bad? You can't point to a law he's broken, so your real complaint is with the guys who wrote the tax code, and guess what, one of them is running against TRUMP!. Might want to make sure you don't accidentally vote for him on Nov 10.
So it matters not that your leader the billionaire LOL pays NOTHING for 10 of 15 years ?? The man is a cheating slimebag before his presidency and during And schmucks like you don't give a shit FU
And again you prove my point. You don't like it that he legally lowered his tax bill and you want him to pay more because Orange Man Bad, aka your feelz. Like I said, your real complaint should be with the guys who wrote and passed the laws allowing him to do it, and something tells me you're going to vote for one of them. Kind of odd, that.
Was it legal hadit? Are you sure? No lying about values when borrowing money? And just who does he owe 400 million to?? Putin? Who does he owe favors to?? You think thats all well and good for our President?
Until proven otherwise, it was legal, your opinion to the contrary. And if his return is found to be in error (even after the IRS has inspected it multiple times), and he pays a fine to bring everything up to date, will you be satisfied or still demanding another pound of flesh? Something tells me this is about far more than tax legalities with you. You want blood, no matter how you get it.
Hadit you're right and wrong It sure is about more than the cheaters taxes ,the taxes he wouldn't show . But I don't want blood no matter how it comes. What I want is a president to be respected not some AH that acts like he's born in the gutter ,that's a liar ,and a bully ,and maybe a pervert too? Is that too much to ask for?
You just described the vast majority of people who actually want to be president (you couldn't pay me enough to do the job). There are two men that I can think of right off the bat would not check those boxes, one was president and the other was defeated when he ran. They are Jimmy Carter and Mitt Romney. Carter is a decent man by all accounts, well spoken, not given to gratuitous insults, gentle and kind. Great, but he was a lousy president. Romney was also well spoken and gentle in rhetoric, not given to insults and not a pervert. He was brutally and personally savaged by those who only wanted someone in office with a certain letter behind his name. Now, let's look at the two running right now. We already know what you think about TRUMP!, but are you willing to turn a blind eye to Quid Pro Joe's issues as well and vote for him?

Joe lies.
Joe is a bully.
Joe is a pervert.

Given those qualities and your stated aversion to them, do you see how a vote for him would be hypocritical?
His lies if not misspeaking are small He is far from a bully or a pervert Only filthy minded people could think what he's done is perversion of any kind
You're willfully closing your eyes to Biden's entitlement mentality and yes, he lies and he is a bully.
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Sorry Mr hadit ,imo Biden is a Saint compared to the lowest of low,Trump Biden never received 100,s of millions from his daddy and blew it , didn't screw his own family of monies coming to them ,,no bankrupt businesses no 3 marriages cheating on them all ,no screwing almost everyone working for him ,no keeping blacks out of apartments he owns I can write pages on this mean nasty bullying liar but I'll just leave it there

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