Trump pays tribute to Patriot Prayer supporter shot dead as leader of far-right group says he had a ‘big heart’

"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.

Yet now you stay silent when an Antifa member murdered a Trump supporter leaving the scene. The Trump supporter did nothing wrong and was shot. How about the transgender that was beaten up by BLM and Antifa members? How about the innocent guy that got knocked out by a BLM supporter? Need more about Portland? You fake outrage is sickening. Hate groups have no business living in our society, however they have rights, as do these scum rioters that you say nothing about. However when someone attacks your man crush Trump, you can’t wait to gossip.

Again, you have no answers to these post except your normal insult. I get it, you can honestly debate so your cheap shots are all you have. You are left wing trash.
The thread is not about rioting. It is about the Pres condoning these idiots because they are on his team.
I think we can all agree that is a pretty shocking thing for the "Leader of the free World".

Needless to say this flew over your head by about a mile.

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.
President Trump is a good, patriotic man that cares deeply about his country. It's wonderful that you can see this, Tommy. There's hope for you yet!
Yep, PRAYING to JESUS is political extremism to some.

Antifa, has been cutting heads off Christian Statues, Burning Bibles and Desecrating Churches.

I think that the ONLY entity the left HATES more then Trump is JESUS.

Jesus loves all his creatures even the alt right groups.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.

Yet now you stay silent when an Antifa member murdered a Trump supporter leaving the scene. The Trump supporter did nothing wrong and was shot. How about the transgender that was beaten up by BLM and Antifa members? How about the innocent guy that got knocked out by a BLM supporter? Need more about Portland? You fake outrage is sickening. Hate groups have no business living in our society, however they have rights, as do these scum rioters that you say nothing about. However when someone attacks your man crush Trump, you can’t wait to gossip.

Again, you have no answers to these post except your normal insult. I get it, you can honestly debate so your cheap shots are all you have. You are left wing trash.
The thread is not about rioting. It is about the Pres condoning these idiots because they are on his team.
I think we can all agree that is a pretty shocking thing for the "Leader of the free World".

Needless to say this flew over your head by about a mile.

Tramp is only sorry the dead tramper cant vote for him.

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.
President Trump is a good, patriotic man that cares deeply about his country. It's wonderful that you can see this, Tommy. There's hope for you yet!
Wow that is a lot of BS.

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.
eat it.

people are tired of the lefts bullshit.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
bitch troll.

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.
President Trump is a good, patriotic man that cares deeply about his country. It's wonderful that you can see this, Tommy. There's hope for you yet!
Trump loves himself. Everything else is secondary.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.

Yet now you stay silent when an Antifa member murdered a Trump supporter leaving the scene. The Trump supporter did nothing wrong and was shot. How about the transgender that was beaten up by BLM and Antifa members? How about the innocent guy that got knocked out by a BLM supporter? Need more about Portland? You fake outrage is sickening. Hate groups have no business living in our society, however they have rights, as do these scum rioters that you say nothing about. However when someone attacks your man crush Trump, you can’t wait to gossip.

Again, you have no answers to these post except your normal insult. I get it, you can honestly debate so your cheap shots are all you have. You are left wing trash.
The thread is not about rioting. It is about the Pres condoning these idiots because they are on his team.
I think we can all agree that is a pretty shocking thing for the "Leader of the free World".

Needless to say this flew over your head by about a mile.
Down here inthe USA, Tommy, we have a saying for folk who can't stand stuff others do to justify their ankle biting, and you need to hear this little colloquilism this morning: "If ya can't stand the heat (President Trump being the heat), Get off the fire." ;)

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.

Lying about the dead to score a few points with your marxist party bosses is bad karma. BTW, shouldn't you be servicing your pedophilic "royalty".... that prince's dick ain't gonna suck itself. How many more millenniums are you peasants going to lick the asses of "royalty"? Really progressive stuff there!
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.

Yet now you stay silent when an Antifa member murdered a Trump supporter leaving the scene. The Trump supporter did nothing wrong and was shot. How about the transgender that was beaten up by BLM and Antifa members? How about the innocent guy that got knocked out by a BLM supporter? Need more about Portland? You fake outrage is sickening. Hate groups have no business living in our society, however they have rights, as do these scum rioters that you say nothing about. However when someone attacks your man crush Trump, you can’t wait to gossip.

Again, you have no answers to these post except your normal insult. I get it, you can honestly debate so your cheap shots are all you have. You are left wing trash.
The thread is not about rioting. It is about the Pres condoning these idiots because they are on his team.
I think we can all agree that is a pretty shocking thing for the "Leader of the free World".

Needless to say this flew over your head by about a mile.

It’s about you being dishonest. It’s about you again being a two-faced. It’s about a person who isn’t part of our election process butting in to our business.

Trump wanted to go into these cities and stop the rioting and Democratic mayors asked Trump and the feds to stay out. Trump then offered to help if asked and the Democratic mayors. It seems the Democrats have played politics throughout and it has led to deaths, yet now and only now is it wrong to take a political stand because the President took a stand you don't like. In one city a Democrat City Council member claimed that if were against the riots you were racist. Spare me your fake outrage.

I supported the peaceful protests and when they just became excuses for violence I quit supporting them. The violence from the left, the destruction of property, businesses losing billions, people being injured and it is all wrong. Violence solves nothing yet the two parties support their violence. Someone having a Trump rally is not a sign that you can go beat the hell out of them, that you can kill them. It is wrong, all the violence is wrong, yet you only condemn Trump and not the people that allowed this to continue until it has predictably gotten out of hand. Trump should have kept his mouth shut however, many Democrats should have put a stop to this long ago and now, only now you are upset? I put you in the same category as low life partisan scum.
See, even these unnamed witnesses admit the martyr was unarmed. Mace hardly compares to a firearm
See, even you admit the martyr was causing trouble, macing people. No doubt after some soulful prayer to baby Jesus.
IF the unnamed witnesses are telling the truth OR even if they exist at all.

Remember, the MSM is aka the LIARS(Liberal Intelligentsia And Rich Socialists) fabrications flow from then constantly.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.

Yet now you stay silent when an Antifa member murdered a Trump supporter leaving the scene. The Trump supporter did nothing wrong and was shot. How about the transgender that was beaten up by BLM and Antifa members? How about the innocent guy that got knocked out by a BLM supporter? Need more about Portland? You fake outrage is sickening. Hate groups have no business living in our society, however they have rights, as do these scum rioters that you say nothing about. However when someone attacks your man crush Trump, you can’t wait to gossip.

Again, you have no answers to these post except your normal insult. I get it, you can honestly debate so your cheap shots are all you have. You are left wing trash.
The thread is not about rioting. It is about the Pres condoning these idiots because they are on his team.
I think we can all agree that is a pretty shocking thing for the "Leader of the free World".

Needless to say this flew over your head by about a mile.

Tramp is only sorry the dead tramper cant vote for him.

More hate? Yet, you support the riots? You people are all nuts. Violence isn't the answer and yet that is all you want is hate, division, racism, bigotry, and keeping power through division. I hope that people like you are few and far between.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
bitch troll.
Who's the bitch troll Tommy, Leo or myself?
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
bitch troll.
Who's the bitch troll Tommy, Leo or myself?
Tommy. Apologies, was simply condensing your definition. :)
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
bitch troll.
Who's the bitch troll Tommy, Leo or myself?
Tommy. Apologies, was simply condensing your definition. :)
That's what I thought, however the USMB can produce the unexpected. He is no different than Russian trolls, he is a foreign entity trying to influence an American election. His country is a mess, higher death rate due to Covid because his country has ancient medical care. Racism is worse, it is so bad that they even refuse that it exists, that way they can point to other countries. If we tried to interfere with his elections he would go off the rails. The truth is no one gives a fuck about the country and even less about their leaders.

Dear me. Where will it end. Good people on all sides I suppose ?

This chap was a member of a violent far right group intent on causing trouble. If he had lived he may have matured into a decent citizen but right now he is another stat on trumps call to violence.

The guy is murdered for walking down the street in support of cops and you blame him? What an propagandist azz.
"In August 2019, Gibson, along with five other far-right extremists, was arrested for his actions in connection with a riot that took place in Portland on May 1. As a result of the riot, which took place outside a tavern, a woman was beaten unconscious and had her vertebrae broken.[97][98][99] A Navy veteran referred to as "Ben", who had infiltrated Patriot Prayer and took videos of the violence at their rallies, was expected to testify at Gibson's trial."

Pretty standard right-wing trash.
Funny how you know all about one lone loony far-right extremist yet no one knows who the hundreds of Antifa loonies that killed, looted, burned buildings, took over cities, and generally rioted throughout the U.S. are. Why is that Tommy? Ever think about that? Myopic much?

Hell, he is spoon fed his opinions, last week he asked about the riots and if they were as bad as he heard and claimed he knew nothing about them, yet he finds out about this right away?

Sounds like a set up guy. Some Russian troll, he can’t seem to respond or carry on a debate, just cusses you out and presents no real facts or debate skills. He is trying to interfere with our elections.
bitch troll.
Who's the bitch troll Tommy, Leo or myself?
Tommy. Apologies, was simply condensing your definition. :)
That's what I thought, however the USMB can produce the unexpected. He is no different than Russian trolls, he is a foreign entity trying to influence an American election. His country is a mess, higher death rate due to Covid because his country has ancient medical care. Racism is worse, it is so bad that they even refuse that it exists, that way they can point to other countries. If we tried to interfere with his elections he would go off the rails. The truth is no one gives a fuck about the country and even less about their leaders.
yea, when people go beyond reason and do a blatant "blame others for what you are doing" i 90% ignore that crap anymore. need to get better at it. the are not going to change and talking to them at all is their only real game.

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