Trump picks new HHS Secretary: Vocal Obamacare opponent Tom Price

"Repeal and replace" sounds promising. More power to him in coming up with a plan. The repeal part should be pretty easy but replacing won't be any cakewalk. I wish him the best, at a glance he seems to have all the qualifications.
Good pick!

Now lets have Price explain how he will:

Provide coverage for 30 million people thrown out of the insurance market
Cover pre-existing conditions without a mandate
Replace Health Exchanges
Cut costs

Easy to attack Obamacare...hard to replace it
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”
Define normal. It has a different meaning to different people.
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”

Price wants to privatize Medicare.

Normal Americans don't want that.
Give the man a chance.

Give him a chance to fuck it up?

No; give him a chance to present a plan; pick it apart and detail what you don't like at the top of your "lungs" here.. You don't want to immulate the right wing loons who rejected everything Obama did out of hand do you?

But then if you know what's coming, what's the point in waiting? I mean if someone's spent their whole political life trying to fuck over poorer people, what's going to change?

Tom Price has sponsered the Empowering Patients First Act was introduced in the 111th Congress, and every Congress since.

However the bill is majorly flawed. It allows insurance companies to essentially pick and choose, an ignore those they don't wish to insure. So sick people would simply get left out. So it's essentially health insurance for the healthy, so they can see a reduction is insurance costs, and people who are sick already will simply die or have to pay massive amounts to get covered.

Exra Klein said "In other words, this looks much like the reforms that collapsed in Texas, and in California. Price isn't learning from past policy mistakes, and so he means to repeat them."

Is Price going to change something he's put into place for the past 6 years? Doubtful.

So, I'll pick it apart before it's been presented, because we can predict what it'll be. will probably be terrible. However, one thing I think we all have learned from PE Trump is that he is pretty unpredicatable.

Which isn't helpful for anyone.
Remember rightwingers, this is the government you want. When you break it, you own it.

We're witnessing the Bush 2 Administration 2.0

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I'm sure he'll do the smart thing and replace our absurd, seven (7)-headed health care delivery/payment system by expanding the already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system to all, taking a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American Business, and maintaining an efficient mix of publicly-funded foundational coverage and market competition and innovation.
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Remember rightwingers, this is the government you want. When you break it, you own it.

We're witnessing the Bush 2 Administration 2.0

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
LOL, the Bush 2 Administration 2.0 already happened, 2009-Present, different body; same corrupt, war-mongering, big gub'mint brain.

Trump would have to be Bush 2 Administration version 3.0, new version, same fucking bugs.
As a vocal critic of Obamacare, I'm sure Price has a replacement plan that provides better coverage at a cheaper cost

Can't wait to see it
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”
How are they going to fix a "broken" market system without solving for simple poverty?
Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?

and the Academy Award for best leading actor in a Gub'mint Worshiper Drama goes to........

LOL, that's right, without Obamacare we're going straight back to the 1800's where all the poor people died :rolleyes:, when are you drones ever going to learn that more government money wasting and liberty destroying rules isn't the solution to every fucking problem?

There's a funny mentality in the US, and it's probably happened in other countries in the past on their way down. The attitude is, "it doesn't matter who the leader is, we're the best and we'll always stay like that" until people realize they've gone so far downhill it's not reversible.

I've learned one thing, and it's that the right have a tendency to promote things that benefit themselves at the expense of others. Trump said the system was rigged, too right it's rigged, rigged by the right. But now Trump's in power he doesn't give a fuck about changing it because he's benefited way too much to actually care less about the poorer people.

He said he wanted a revolution to change things, and he's just putting people in place with the same old worn out ideas that didn't work before and won't work this time. Bush gave massive fucking tax breaks to the rich claiming it'd help the economy. The result: The second worst recession ever in US history.

The problem is the US is so much into this partisan politics bullshit, where one side is this and the other side that, and anything else gets ignored and told to move on, and everyone does as they're told like good little children.
Remember rightwingers, this is the government you want. When you break it, you own it.

We're witnessing the Bush 2 Administration 2.0

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
LOL, the Bush 2 Administration 2.0 already happened, 2009-Present, different body; same corrupt, war-mongering, big gub'mint brain.

Trump would have to be Bush 2 Administration version 3.0, new version, same fucking bugs.
The only "scandals" in this Administration were trumped up by the radical far right.

Under GWB, we witness scandal, after scandal after scandal. From start to finish.

Under GWB, the economy tanked. Getting progressively worse. Meanwhile, the economy has steadily grown under Obama's Administration.

Yeah, we're witnessing Bush 2 2.0.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?

Or else put down the bong and go get a real job.

The best way to stop being poor is to not vote for Liberal dumbsses like Obama that has dismal economic growth and increases poverty. Then there will be jobs and if you stay poor then it will be your own damn fault.

Dismal economic growth? Increases poverty? What are you talking about? Maybe you're talking about what Bush did.
As a vocal critic of Obamacare, I'm sure Price has a replacement plan that provides better coverage at a cheaper cost

Can't wait to see it

lol, he's a fucking conservative doctor. Do you think he'll push for a system that makes healthcare cheaper? lol
Remember rightwingers, this is the government you want. When you break it, you own it.

We're witnessing the Bush 2 Administration 2.0

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
LOL, the Bush 2 Administration 2.0 already happened, 2009-Present, different body; same corrupt, war-mongering, big gub'mint brain.

Trump would have to be Bush 2 Administration version 3.0, new version, same fucking bugs.
The only "scandals" in this Administration were trumped up by the radical far right.

Under GWB, we witness scandal, after scandal after scandal. From start to finish.

Under GWB, the economy tanked. Getting progressively worse. Meanwhile, the economy has steadily grown under Obama's Administration.

Yeah, we're witnessing Bush 2 2.0.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Uh-Huh, 'cause under President Nimrod the country is doing so great that 70% of the citizenry believe it's on the wrong track, the "new normal" is sub 2% GDP growth, public debt has exploded to the point that it can never be repaid and whose service will ultimately break us financially and oh yeah we're actually at war in more countries than we were under President Gunslinger....

Your inability to grasp that the Republicans and the Democrats are just two wings of the same lunatic asylum makes you blind to the reality that the United States is being systematically turned into a modern day feudal society by this self destructive "my guy is better than their guy because he's got a different letter behind his name" hyper-partisan insanity.

"You been had, you been took, you been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok." -- Malcolm X
Eat shit and die is what this means...What trump means by jobs is cleaning toilets, picking berries and wiping some rich guys ass for 3 dollars per hour. You'll do it too as you won't have that nice safetynet anymore.

Loserterianism is pretty much taking the power away from the elected government and handing it to the super rich at the top. The rich that wants you to be nothing more than serfs.

Barry is the king of low wage job production.
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”

So what if he's an Obamacare for? Hillary Clinton said in her campaign that Obamacare needs to be changed. Tom Price may be a foe but Obamacare is not going to go away. It just needs to be fundamentally transformed.

Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?

Or else put down the bong and go get a real job.

The best way to stop being poor is to not vote for Liberal dumbsses like Obama that has dismal economic growth and increases poverty. Then there will be jobs and if you stay poor then it will be your own damn fault.

Dismal economic growth? Increases poverty? What are you talking about? Maybe you're talking about what Bush did.

The number of people in poverty has increased since you Moon Bat idiots elected that Obama jackass. Also, that affirmative action piece of shit has not been able to achieve 3% economic growth in eight years. In addition, family income has decreased and the gap between the rich and the poor has widener. Oh, then there is this thing about the national debt being increased by 10 trillion.

Obama has been a failure. If the poor had not voted for the asshole then there would have been more jobs and less poverty.

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