Trump picks new HHS Secretary: Vocal Obamacare opponent Tom Price

I hope Mr. Price's hybrid system of expanded Medicare also includes funding it. A suggestion I might make is if the GOP would "compromise" with dems on that expansion by agreeing to tax sodas, sugars, tobacco & booze at register sales proportionate to value across the country each day. That would mean the poor and the sick would actually be paying their a weird way.. Then the upper crust could pay less on premiums because private insurance would then have to compete with a very well funded expanded medicare program for lower classes.

The only people who would lose under such a system would be people currently RAPING the public by the inflated racket we see with private insurers & HMOs & hospitals with their little Vegas-style money game of inflating costs 10,000% for care. Oh well. Poor things.. :itsok: Maybe they'll have to go get a regular job after this; that offers no health coverage (hiring at just under full time as a routine) so they can see how the rest of us have to live..
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”

Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?
Just more hyperbole and lies.

Is it?

The new education woman wants to have vouchers to funnel some of that money back into the pockets of the rich. The new health guy wants to get rid of poor people being able to get coverage. These aren't lies.
Fear-mongering nonsense.

If you don't make an argument, I can't reply.
You haven't made an argument, only unsubstantiated accusation of future actions. Your fear that vouchers will funnel money back into the pockets of the rich is just fear-mongering on the basis of a belief that current education funding/spending is proper and appropriate.
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”

Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?
Just more hyperbole and lies.

Is it?

The new education woman wants to have vouchers to funnel some of that money back into the pockets of the rich. The new health guy wants to get rid of poor people being able to get coverage. These aren't lies.
Fear-mongering nonsense.

History repeating itself:

From late November 2008:

"he opposes drilling, he plans to bankrupt 60 percent of our electric producing plants and wants to use regulations and taxes to make gas and Natural Gas to expensive to use so we will stop using them.

He gonna hire people to run treadmills hooked to electrical producing systems? "
Fear-mongering. You don't know what he plans on doing as he hasn't even taken office yet.
Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?
Just more hyperbole and lies.

Is it?

The new education woman wants to have vouchers to funnel some of that money back into the pockets of the rich. The new health guy wants to get rid of poor people being able to get coverage. These aren't lies.
Fear-mongering nonsense.

History repeating itself:

From late November 2008:

"he opposes drilling, he plans to bankrupt 60 percent of our electric producing plants and wants to use regulations and taxes to make gas and Natural Gas to expensive to use so we will stop using them.

He gonna hire people to run treadmills hooked to electrical producing systems? "
Fear-mongering. You don't know what he plans on doing as he hasn't even taken office yet.

You are right...We have no idea what Trump will do once President

On most major issues he has made broad announcements and then reversed himself once the criticism comes in.
Even today, he pronounced that all flag burners should go to jail for a year and have their citizenship revoked

A bizarre statement for any US President to make. We just have no idea what we are getting with Trump
Well done. Price is much more in line with what normal Americans want.

Stick a fork in Obamacare. It's done.


Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Very Vocal Obamacare Critic For HHS Secretary

by Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Nov 28, 2016 10:25 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has apparently made another addition to his White House administration. The role of Health and Human Services Secretary has been given to Republican Rep. Tom Price from Georgia, reports The Washington Post.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a longtime opponent of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Recently, he said that under Obamacare, "The American people are paying more for health care and getting less – less access, less quality, and fewer choices."

He's backed up the tough talk by offering bills that detail health care alternatives of his own, suggesting he is certainly going to work closely with President Trump to repeal and replace the current president's signature legislation.

"He has an 100 percent pro-life record and is well positioned to champion truly comprehensive health care. He helped lead the charge to defund Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation, setting the stage for President-elect Trump and a pro-life Congress to reallocate those funds to support comprehensive women's healthcare. As HHS Secretary, he will play a key role in developing a robust health care reform proposal that protects life and consciences, while promoting options for low-income individuals and families.”
Homosexuals and Baby Killers hate him as well. Gets a 100% awesome from me! :) An Actual DOCTOR dealing with healthcare...damn who would have ever thought of that!
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
One would think that only a bloody fool on the Hill would purposely reach out and touch that third rail! But I guess some dumb ass folks will never learn from History!
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
One would think that only a bloody fool on the Hill would purposely reach out and touch that third rail! But I guess some dumb ass folks will never learn from History!

You're probably onto something there. The corporate elites know full well, that's why they bought up the media and began the indoctrination campaign. But many Americans are probably going to have to go backward and go through all the struggles again to figure out what we learned from the first 180-200 years or so of american society and worker's rights. You had no rights as workers and citizens, hell you didn't even have a vote as one of the unsubstantial people.
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....

You were doing great until the last paragraph, which is code for you're butt-hurt.
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
You kids drove daddy's car into the ditch. Now go sit in the back seat and keep quiet while the adults get to work cleaning up your regressive messes
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
It's only a matter of years before entitlements and debt interest
are 100 percent of the budget.
What would you suggest?
Tom Price is on the same page as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is hoping to privatize Medicare in the near future. Ryan’s plan involves transforming Medicare into a program where seniors buy private insurance using government benefits, which he says would encourage competition and lower costs. Price says that Republicans hope to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Some conservatives are dumb enough to think that Medicare helps only progressives....
It's only a matter of years before entitlements and debt interest
are 100 percent of the budget.
What would you suggest?
You'll be dead...
You never know how someone is going to perform in office until they actually take office. For example in 2008, I actually thought Obama could be a good President.
One would think that only a bloody fool on the Hill would purposely reach out and touch that third rail! But I guess some dumb ass folks will never learn from History!

There is a level of sheer stupidity among some (not all) Trump supporters who would somehow exempt the charlatan from blame, casting their anger against the so-called "system."
What happened the last times Republicans had control of the govt?

Recessions and record debt. But it'll be different this time because....
It's only a matter of years before entitlements and debt interest
are 100 percent of the budget.
What would you suggest?

What would I suggest??? Actually simple...

It is way past the time for dumb Americans to actually "think"that we have the best health care system in the world while we DO have the most expensive system with mortality and morbidity rates higher than most other industrial countries.

Ask your elected conservatives why they keep voting down Medicare's attempts to negotiate lower drug costs, for example.
Its rather ironic that NO conservative would ever think of dismantling our military complex, but have little problem actually "agreeing" that our health care deliveries should be curtailed to benefit the AMA, Hospital Associations and drug companies (I actually call them "drug cartels".)

Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?

Or else put down the bong and go get a real job.

The best way to stop being poor is to not vote for Liberal dumbsses like Obama that has dismal economic growth and increases poverty. Then there will be jobs and if you stay poor then it will be your own damn fault.

Dismal economic growth? Increases poverty? What are you talking about? Maybe you're talking about what Bush did.

The number of people in poverty has increased since you Moon Bat idiots elected that Obama jackass. Also, that affirmative action piece of shit has not been able to achieve 3% economic growth in eight years. In addition, family income has decreased and the gap between the rich and the poor has widener. Oh, then there is this thing about the national debt being increased by 10 trillion.

Obama has been a failure. If the poor had not voted for the asshole then there would have been more jobs and less poverty.

Wow, insults.
Basically it's time for poor people to just accept who their masters are, accept that govt is NOT run by the people for the people, and that money really does talk in America. Basically just roll over and die. Back to the 1800s, where's Charles Dickens when you need the bugger?
Just more hyperbole and lies.

Is it?

The new education woman wants to have vouchers to funnel some of that money back into the pockets of the rich. The new health guy wants to get rid of poor people being able to get coverage. These aren't lies.
Fear-mongering nonsense.

If you don't make an argument, I can't reply.
You haven't made an argument, only unsubstantiated accusation of future actions. Your fear that vouchers will funnel money back into the pockets of the rich is just fear-mongering on the basis of a belief that current education funding/spending is proper and appropriate.

Not unsubstantiated accusations of future actions. I've made an argument of what they have been for in the past. Trump chose these people based on what they've done in the past. Why would you choose someone who is pro-school vouchers, to then not want to attempt to encourage school vouchers? I mean, it makes no sense, right?

Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary"

I mean, if Trump doesn't know this is what she favors, then he's an idiot.

"Now DeVos is poised to spread her preference for vouchers nationwide."

Well, the Washington Post seems to think she's going to try this too. I mean, she's spend millions pushing this in other states.

"President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday named her as his nominee for education secretary, a pick that suggests he aims to follow through with campaign promises to expand the movement toward “school choice” — including vouchers and charter schools — in an effort to break up a public education system that he has called “a government-run monopoly.”"

And Trump's language suggests he picked her because of this.

What's waiting is a disaster if she succeeds. Education in the US is already below par. But with more religious schools teaching more unessential nonsense to kids who need to be learning skills, with the rich being literally given money they don't need to send their kids to schools they already pay for at the expense of poor students, nothing good is going to happen.

Unless of course you're right and DeVos suddenly decides that what she's spend decades and millions of dollars and plenty of her time working is a complete was of time and the wrong thing and she goes out there and starts to change education so that it actually works.... but then... nah, it's not going to happen, is it?

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