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Trump planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors

Jfk stated this about secret societies (days before his assasination) he was onto them then

JOHN .F.KENNEDY(the speech they killed him for)

The Op has far way too much blind faith in Rump. People who think Rump is the next Ron Paul are in for a sad rude awakening. Just look at the facts.It has been two years now and he STILL has not shown any interest whatsoever in getting rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,or the fed. speaking of JFK, the OP also ignores the fact if Trump really wanted to get rid of the deep state as kennedy tried to do ,he would just sign some executive order to get rid of these evil organizations.:rolleyes:

Trump is NOTHING like our last great president JFK,our last REAL president who was not a puppet for the establishment and followed the constitution which was his fatal mistake.

I can't find the article I saw, but as we speak each department is being audited. I saw the department like the EPA, names, and charges ( embezzlement amounts and such). IT appears to be in progress.

Yeah maybe the OP is on to something.unlike her,I dont put all my blind faith into everything Infowars says

but this is from another source other than infowars saying the same thing so hopefully Trump is more closer to the kind of president kennedy was and carter as well instead of Bush and Obama. " remember carter ALS tried to get rid of the CIA." He was the one president since kennedy who did not go along with the NWO as well.

Plus his executive order does call for the dismanteling of these agencys I hear. there just might be something to what the OP is saying after all. LOL

We are already living under many forms of Obama’s “martial law” deep state control: It’s time for Trump to restore America

Trump to go after big tech firms who may be violating the law by censoring conservatives

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE
My only concern over THIS link here,is that Bushs name is not mentioned.That is appears he is only going after DEMOCRATS and if he only goes after just democrats and not criminal republicans like Bush, then he is indeed a fraud.

Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares To Take The War Against The Deep State To The Next Level

Bad news,read this,this is from an INDEPENDENT news source NOT controlled by the zionist/CIA media.

as my suspecions are confirmed,Trump was handpicked by the Rothchilds. you DONT get elected,unless you are. Our only hope is Trump has developed a conscience and is biting the hand that fed him.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
Madeline Albright who was the only politician in washington who had the courage to publicly call out Bill Clinton to his FACE that he was involved in the mena arkansas drug running scandal

One additional truth about Madeline Albright...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | HuffPost

Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

The hair on the back of my neck bristled, my teeth clenched, and my fists tightened. I was so mad I was about to explode. I looked across the table, thinking about the pilot in the U-2 and responded, “Of course we can ...” which prompted a big smile on the official’s face.

“You can?” was the excited reply.

“Why, of course we can,” I countered. “Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.”

Go read the whole thing.

Readers aren’t told explicitly who had this particular brainstorm, but Shelton gives you some clues. The breakfasts, he says, were attended by NSA Sandy Berger, Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, CIA Director George Tenet, Vice President Chief of Staff Leon Firth, and U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson. If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright.
Madeline Albright who was the only politician in washington who had the courage to publicly call out Bill Clinton to his FACE that he was involved in the mena arkansas drug running scandal

One additional truth about Madeline Albright...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | HuffPost

Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

The hair on the back of my neck bristled, my teeth clenched, and my fists tightened. I was so mad I was about to explode. I looked across the table, thinking about the pilot in the U-2 and responded, “Of course we can ...” which prompted a big smile on the official’s face.

“You can?” was the excited reply.

“Why, of course we can,” I countered. “Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.”

Go read the whole thing.

Readers aren’t told explicitly who had this particular brainstorm, but Shelton gives you some clues. The breakfasts, he says, were attended by NSA Sandy Berger, Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, CIA Director George Tenet, Vice President Chief of Staff Leon Firth, and U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson. If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright.

thats WHY i deleted that post on here,while she did say that about clinton she has a shady background,go figure that she would be the one that would bring that up on clinton and bush.maybe clinton and bush did something to her that pissed off.maybe they groped her.LOL
The entire Clinton "National Security (for Israel not the US) team" was Zionist save Shelton.

All were instrumental in setting up the foundation for 911, especially Tenet and Cohen, who replaced Pentagon security with an Israeli firm and promoted nothing but Zionists within the military itself.

It is perfectly clear that Tenet was lying to Slick about "Osama" too...

Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden

and that's one of the smoking guns about Osama being Osman, that all these Zionist Traitors Slick appointed kept finding excuses to never attempt to off their fellow Zionist Traitor Osman. Then W made him "not a priority...."

Jfk stated this about secret societies (days before his assasination) he was onto them then

JOHN .F.KENNEDY(the speech they killed him for)

The Op has far way too much blind faith in Rump. People who think Rump is the next Ron Paul are in for a sad rude awakening. Just look at the facts.It has been two years now and he STILL has not shown any interest whatsoever in getting rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,or the fed. speaking of JFK, the OP also ignores the fact if Trump really wanted to get rid of the deep state as kennedy tried to do ,he would just sign some executive order to get rid of these evil organizations.:rolleyes:

Trump is NOTHING like our last great president JFK,our last REAL president who was not a puppet for the establishment and followed the constitution which was his fatal mistake.

I can't find the article I saw, but as we speak each department is being audited. I saw the department like the EPA, names, and charges ( embezzlement amounts and such). IT appears to be in progress.

Yeah maybe the OP is on to something.unlike her,I dont put all my blind faith into everything Infowars says

but this is from another source other than infowars saying the same thing so hopefully Trump is more closer to the kind of president kennedy was and carter as well instead of Bush and Obama. " remember carter ALS tried to get rid of the CIA." He was the one president since kennedy who did not go along with the NWO as well.

Plus his executive order does call for the dismanteling of these agencys I hear. there just might be something to what the OP is saying after all. LOL

We are already living under many forms of Obama’s “martial law” deep state control: It’s time for Trump to restore America

Trump to go after big tech firms who may be violating the law by censoring conservatives

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE
My only concern over THIS link here,is that Bushs name is not mentioned.That is appears he is only going after DEMOCRATS and if he only goes after just democrats and not criminal republicans like Bush, then he is indeed a fraud.

Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares To Take The War Against The Deep State To The Next Level

Bad news,read this,this is from an INDEPENDENT news source NOT controlled by the zionist/CIA media.

as my suspecions are confirmed,Trump was handpicked by the Rothchilds. you DONT get elected,unless you are. Our only hope is Trump has developed a conscience and is biting the hand that fed him.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool

FURTHER proof the OP needs to wake the hell up RUMP is a traiter.

Trump Regime Falsely Calls Iran World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism - Stephen Lendman

she has ADMITTED our government is corrupt and the CIA is always inventing bad men all the time such as Gaddafi and others so they cant start wars with other countries. well here is traiter trump tooting the horn of Israel to start a war against Iran.:rolleyes: Russia thankfully is sticking up for Iran and syrai who the US and Israel are staring wars with.
Madeline Albright who was the only politician in washington who had the courage to publicly call out Bill Clinton to his FACE that he was involved in the mena arkansas drug running scandal

One additional truth about Madeline Albright...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | HuffPost

Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

The hair on the back of my neck bristled, my teeth clenched, and my fists tightened. I was so mad I was about to explode. I looked across the table, thinking about the pilot in the U-2 and responded, “Of course we can ...” which prompted a big smile on the official’s face.

“You can?” was the excited reply.

“Why, of course we can,” I countered. “Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.”

Go read the whole thing.

Readers aren’t told explicitly who had this particular brainstorm, but Shelton gives you some clues. The breakfasts, he says, were attended by NSA Sandy Berger, Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, CIA Director George Tenet, Vice President Chief of Staff Leon Firth, and U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson. If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright.
'you will want to make your way over to this thread of mine and out in your two cents worth.LOL

USA and Israel warmongers and threat to the world.
Jfk stated this about secret societies (days before his assasination) he was onto them then

JOHN .F.KENNEDY(the speech they killed him for)

The Op has far way too much blind faith in Rump. People who think Rump is the next Ron Paul are in for a sad rude awakening. Just look at the facts.It has been two years now and he STILL has not shown any interest whatsoever in getting rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,or the fed. speaking of JFK, the OP also ignores the fact if Trump really wanted to get rid of the deep state as kennedy tried to do ,he would just sign some executive order to get rid of these evil organizations.:rolleyes:

Trump is NOTHING like our last great president JFK,our last REAL president who was not a puppet for the establishment and followed the constitution which was his fatal mistake.

I can't find the article I saw, but as we speak each department is being audited. I saw the department like the EPA, names, and charges ( embezzlement amounts and such). IT appears to be in progress.

Yeah maybe the OP is on to something.unlike her,I dont put all my blind faith into everything Infowars says

but this is from another source other than infowars saying the same thing so hopefully Trump is more closer to the kind of president kennedy was and carter as well instead of Bush and Obama. " remember carter ALS tried to get rid of the CIA." He was the one president since kennedy who did not go along with the NWO as well.

Plus his executive order does call for the dismanteling of these agencys I hear. there just might be something to what the OP is saying after all. LOL

We are already living under many forms of Obama’s “martial law” deep state control: It’s time for Trump to restore America

Trump to go after big tech firms who may be violating the law by censoring conservatives

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE
My only concern over THIS link here,is that Bushs name is not mentioned.That is appears he is only going after DEMOCRATS and if he only goes after just democrats and not criminal republicans like Bush, then he is indeed a fraud.

Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares To Take The War Against The Deep State To The Next Level

Bad news,read this,this is from an INDEPENDENT news source NOT controlled by the zionist/CIA media.

as my suspecions are confirmed,Trump was handpicked by the Rothchilds. you DONT get elected,unless you are. Our only hope is Trump has developed a conscience and is biting the hand that fed him.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool

Hillary was supposed to win the 4 states which the trump administration later investigated for voter fraud. Remember jill Stein recounting those states? they couldn't understand how they could have lost. Fortunately, more trump voters came out to vote, thus foiling the big plan.
Last edited:
Did you by any chance hear the news conference today? Trump stated that the democrats might not regain power for a very long time.

It only adds to the theory of trump exposing/arresting them.
Jfk stated this about secret societies (days before his assasination) he was onto them then

JOHN .F.KENNEDY(the speech they killed him for)

The Op has far way too much blind faith in Rump. People who think Rump is the next Ron Paul are in for a sad rude awakening. Just look at the facts.It has been two years now and he STILL has not shown any interest whatsoever in getting rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,or the fed. speaking of JFK, the OP also ignores the fact if Trump really wanted to get rid of the deep state as kennedy tried to do ,he would just sign some executive order to get rid of these evil organizations.:rolleyes:

Trump is NOTHING like our last great president JFK,our last REAL president who was not a puppet for the establishment and followed the constitution which was his fatal mistake.

I can't find the article I saw, but as we speak each department is being audited. I saw the department like the EPA, names, and charges ( embezzlement amounts and such). IT appears to be in progress.

Yeah maybe the OP is on to something.unlike her,I dont put all my blind faith into everything Infowars says

but this is from another source other than infowars saying the same thing so hopefully Trump is more closer to the kind of president kennedy was and carter as well instead of Bush and Obama. " remember carter ALS tried to get rid of the CIA." He was the one president since kennedy who did not go along with the NWO as well.

Plus his executive order does call for the dismanteling of these agencys I hear. there just might be something to what the OP is saying after all. LOL

We are already living under many forms of Obama’s “martial law” deep state control: It’s time for Trump to restore America

Trump to go after big tech firms who may be violating the law by censoring conservatives

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE
My only concern over THIS link here,is that Bushs name is not mentioned.That is appears he is only going after DEMOCRATS and if he only goes after just democrats and not criminal republicans like Bush, then he is indeed a fraud.

Massive October Surprise Coming – The Enemies Within Are Being Exposed As President Trump Prepares To Take The War Against The Deep State To The Next Level

Bad news,read this,this is from an INDEPENDENT news source NOT controlled by the zionist/CIA media.

as my suspecions are confirmed,Trump was handpicked by the Rothchilds. you DONT get elected,unless you are. Our only hope is Trump has developed a conscience and is biting the hand that fed him.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool

Hillary was supposed to win the 4 states which the trump administration later investigated for voter fraud. Remember jill Stein recounting those states? they couldn't understand how they could have lost. Fortunately, more trump voters came out to vote, thus foiling the big plan.

What 'big plan'?

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