Trump Planning To Attend Closed-Door GOP House Speaker Candidate Forum

Donald Trump as Speaker:

"What the hell does reconciliation mean? I don't do reconciliation for nobody!"

I would change that one to "No one does reconciliation better than me!"

After all, that got us the Trump tax cuts which you so adore. ;)
I would change that one to "No one does reconciliation better than me!"

After all, that got us the Trump tax cuts which you so adore. ;)
Actually, the 2017 tax cut was the baby of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. As a sweetheart payback for handing Republicans the White House and both houses of Congress.

And we all see what a BIGLY success that's turned out to be. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, please, please make Donald Trump the speaker of the house. Being speaker requires both intelligence and leadership skills. Trump is dumber than a box or rocks and is not qualified to lead a cub scout den. Being speaker will reveal those weaknesses as clearly as the emperor that was wearing no clothes.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit, so let him be Speaker. Also, it will be easier to send him away to the slammer if he's not a fake POTUS.
Donald Trump as Speaker:
"Can I appoint Alex Jones as my Parliamentarian?"

"No one knows more about House select committees than me."

"Nobody knew House Appropriations could be so complicated!"

"Tip O'neill is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”

"I'm skipping the State of the Union."

"I'm going to be too busy working for you, I won't have time to go golf. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks."
The GOP should make Trump Speaker for a week or so. Obviously, he cannot campaign for president and deal with the seditious criminal prosecutions he is facing. But just for shits and giggles, they should all unite and make Trump Speaker. His first order of business would be to physically remove both Pelosi and Hoyer from their fucking offices.

I say put him in as speaker till the day after Biden's SOTU address. TRUMP sitting behind Biden mumbling through the speech would be epic, he could ripe the speech up at the end, Pelosi style.
"No one knows more about House select committees than me."

"Nobody knew House Appropriations could be so complicated!"

"Tip O'neill is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”

"I'm skipping the State of the Union."

"I'm going to be too busy working for you, I won't have time to go golf. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks."

For someone you ostensibly disdain, you sure love to write about him endlessly.

You even invent fictitious quotes and scenarios.

Like Trump cosplay.

I think someone is in a famous river in Egypt. ;)
For someone you ostensibly disdain, you sure love to write about him endlessly.

You even invent fictitious quotes and scenarios.

Like Trump cosplay.

I think someone is in a famous river in Egypt. ;)
Someone has no sense of humor. See if you can get that stick up your ass removed.
And Obama was still Pres....

Oh, wait.
The point is Henry, Trump had nothing to do with it. He has zero idea of policy. He had nothing to do with crafting the sweetheart tax cut deal. That was all McConnell and Ryan.
I'm moderately surprised Trump could muster up the attention to sign the bill. :)
The sheer volume of rule violations that the Dems have perpetrated to come from Trump with every single impeachment the lobbed at him, to hold votes without the voting member having to be present and certainly the ethics violations that have occurred puts the whole thing so beyond anything approaching normal decorum that it makes any House rules laughably obsolete.
You'll have to give specific examples or I'm calling equine excrement
The point is Henry, Trump had nothing to do with it.


The point is, JackOff, that Trump was intimately familiar with what reconciliation was.

Au contraire to the basis for the pathetic attempt at humor your little Leftist compadre engaged in.

He talked about it constantly, and sometimes in meticulous detail.

I know it hurts, but just put your thumb in your mouth and suck.

You'll feel better.
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The point is, JackOff, that Trump was intimately familiar with what reconciliation was.

Au contraire to the basis for the pathetic attempt at humor your little Leftist compadre attempted.

He talked about it constantly, and sometimes in meticulous detail.

I know it hurts, but just put your thumb in your mouth and suck.

You'll feel better.
No. He wasn't. He wouldn't know a policy position if it ran up and stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)

You really need to lighten up. You're much too rigid. Try some WD-40. It'll help get that pole out of your butt! :auiqs.jpg:
You really need to lighten up. You're much too rigid. Try some WD-40. It'll help get that pole out of your butt! :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, the irony is you support the Party that would ban you on social media for engaging in homophobia.

The lack of self-awareness with you nimrods is so off the charts.

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