Trump plans to revamp the CIA. Isn't that dangerous...?

It has to be done.

Obama fired all of the Generals and replaced them with political lackies.
He also corrupted all of our Intelligence agencies, as well as the IRS, FBI and DOJ and replaced them with Political Sycophants and got rid of anyone who actually knew anything and was of any use to our Intelligence Community.

So the whole thing needs rebuilt because it is infected and corrupted with politics.
The State Department and IRS as well as The DOJ are probably the most damaged organizations right now.

He will also have to clean up The CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and The NSA.

What Generals did President Obama fire? Please provide "credible" proof that can be verified as factual. The rest of your rant is too deranged to respond to.
Hannity is interviewing Assange right now, and spouting more lies. If you chose to believe those idiots over every security group that the US has, you're an idiot.
Funny - isn't that exactly what you and your side did with George W. Bush? All of our national security organizations indicated that Iran had WMD's. You people spent the next 10 year claiming it was a lie (and continue to do so to this day).

I'm not prepared to make a judgement on this issue yet either way (nobody with half a brain would considering the lack of information available to all of us). But you are a serious partisan hack if you believe that any outfit under the control of Barack Obama is immune from lying. Obama has run the most corrupt administration in U.S. history and is challenging Hitlery Clinton for title of biggest pathological liar of all time.

Our national security organizations emphasized that all the information about WMD came from a previously discredited source, and shrub ignored that.
No. No they didn't. And, in fact, both Bush and our various national security agencies were vindicated as hoards of WMD's were in fact found in Iraq.

A little out of the loop there - are we Bulldog?

So make up your mind. That orange clown says WMD in Iraq is why he doesn't trust our security agencies.
The Orange Clown is a realist. Unlike all of you partisan hacks, he realizes that Obama is pulling the strings. Whatever information that comes out of our national security agencies while he's in charge isn't what is real but rather what Obama wants it to be.
Hannity is interviewing Assange right now, and spouting more lies. If you chose to believe those idiots over every security group that the US has, you're an idiot.
Funny - isn't that exactly what you and your side did with George W. Bush? All of our national security organizations indicated that Iran had WMD's. You people spent the next 10 year claiming it was a lie (and continue to do so to this day).

I'm not prepared to make a judgement on this issue yet either way (nobody with half a brain would considering the lack of information available to all of us). But you are a serious partisan hack if you believe that any outfit under the control of Barack Obama is immune from lying. Obama has run the most corrupt administration in U.S. history and is challenging Hitlery Clinton for title of biggest pathological liar of all time.

Our national security organizations emphasized that all the information about WMD came from a previously discredited source, and shrub ignored that.
No. No they didn't. And, in fact, both Bush and our various national security agencies were vindicated as hoards of WMD's were in fact found in Iraq.

A little out of the loop there - are we Bulldog?

So make up your mind. That orange clown says WMD in Iraq is why he doesn't trust our security agencies.
The Orange Clown is a realist. Unlike all of you partisan hacks, he realizes that Obama is pulling the strings. Whatever information that comes out of our national security agencies while he's in charge isn't what is real but rather what Obama wants it to be.

That's beyond stupid. It's pathetic.

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