Trump plans to revamp the CIA. Isn't that dangerous...?

Because, hell, he refuses to even consider that russia maybe a evil fucking country that really did hack us. What a jerk Trump is.

Trump knows hacking goes on continually . All countries do it. Is America evil because the NSA spied on over 1,000 targets. 123 world leaders? And were caught out?

Trump just wants to see evidence of the hacking. Proof. Makes sense. Well unless you are trying to spin a story that the only reason you lost an election was because of the Russians.
How is this even a valid argument, partisan or otherwise?

If Trump, or any president, doesn't trust the un--elected people leading various divisions in the government, then of course he/they should replace them...
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

I agree and all agencies need to work together, share intel and stop fighting over who has the biggest dick.
Good thing that lying SOB Clapper is resigning.
----------------------------------------------- almost forgot about 'clapper' so thanks for the reminder . At least 2 problems and they are named 'clapper' and 'brennan' and thats not counting the main problem at the very top .
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota

Well, you're obviously not up to speed on the latest news about his proposed revamping. He is planning much more than you mentioned. Is Trump more powerful than the CIA? Think about it...
------------------------------------------------------------- think that the 'cia' serves at the Presidents pleasure so if the Trump decides to replace them lock stock and barrel its ok with me Lakhota

I sincerely hope he tries.
------------------------------------------------------- like i said or guessed , these agencies and appointees serve at the pleasure of the President Lakhota .
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

I agree and all agencies need to work together, share intel and stop fighting over who has the biggest dick.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'IF' the agencies are corrupted what is the sense of working except for the gathering of paychecks and furthering of a bad agenda and throwing roadblocks in the way of the Trump / reformer Claudette ??
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Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

I agree and all agencies need to work together, share intel and stop fighting over who has the biggest dick.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 'IF' the agencies are corrupted what is the sense of working except for the gathering of paychecks and furthering of a bad agenda and throwing roadblocks in the way of the Trump / reformer Claudette ??
---------------------------------------------------------- by the way , off topic perhaps but 4 more 'gitmo' prisoners are being released today .
Trump is even siding with Julian Assange over the intelligence from the CIA, FBI, and other national security agencies. Senator John McCain begins hearings tomorrow on Russian hacking. Should be interesting.
seems like just more, American Exceptionalism, from the one percent.
not me , last i looked i think that i saw 'clapper' and nothing he says matters to me . Same comment if and when 'brennan' appears , i know both of them and i think that 'jeh johnson' is part of that crew . Only ones watching , maybe 'mike flynn' but i think that he knows all of them much better than any of us will ever know them Lakhota .
Trump will try to eliminate any person or organization who doesn't blindly enforce his personal propaganda. It doesn't matter how accurate they are. If they don't praise him in every way, he wants them gone.
So you're saying he's the less radical version of Barack Obama?
No. I'm saying he is a spoiled rich kid who screws his daughter, and has no idea how to do the job he has been given.
So again you're saying like a less radical version of Barack Obama? You're getting repetitive now my friend!

No, that's nothing like what I said. You really need to try harder to differentiate between what others say, and what the voices in your head tell you.
Trump will try to eliminate any person or organization who doesn't blindly enforce his personal propaganda. It doesn't matter how accurate they are. If they don't praise him in every way, he wants them gone.
So you're saying he's the less radical version of Barack Obama?

No. I'm saying he is a spoiled rich kid who screws his daughter, and has no idea how to do the job he has been given.
So you're saying you're a retard. At least you know where you stand.

You're a nasty little turd, aren't you?
Trump will try to eliminate any person or organization who doesn't blindly enforce his personal propaganda. It doesn't matter how accurate they are. If they don't praise him in every way, he wants them gone.
So you're saying he's the less radical version of Barack Obama?

No. I'm saying he is a spoiled rich kid who screws his daughter, and has no idea how to do the job he has been given.
So you're saying you're a retard. At least you know where you stand.

You're a nasty little turd, aren't you?
If not putting up with idiots like you is nasty then yes.
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota

He might undo some of the bloated nonsense that Dubya put in in 2004.

Isn't it amazing how the Khmer Rouge morons are suddenly cheering Dubya?
Well, you're obviously not up to speed on the latest news about his proposed revamping. He is planning much more than you mentioned. Is Trump more powerful than the CIA? Think about it...

Remembering JFK...

The next time you post anything that is accurate or honest will be the first time, Shitting Bull.

{Donald Trump is planning to restructure the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency because they have become too "politicized," according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal. In particular, the report reads, he plans to scale back the staff at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, VA and push more employees to international field posts. The ODNI may also be downsized.}

The ODNI is another cesspool of redundancy. It should be restructured or eliminated. As Clapper has shown, it is more of a political apparatus than it is an intelligence whatever it is. (what?, not an actual agency)


Incoming press secretary Sean Spicer put a hole in the WSJ report, noting Trump does not plan to alter the CIA or ODNI.

"There is no truth" to that, he said.}

Trump Team Refutes Report that They Are Restructuring Intel Agencies

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