Trump plans week-long focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
President Trump will seek to put a spotlight on his vows to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system and spur $1 trillion in new investment in roads, waterways and other infrastructure with a weeklong series of events starting Monday at the White House.

The events — billed as “infrastructure week” — are part of a stepped-up effort since the president’s return a week ago from his first foreign trip to show that the White House remains focused on its agenda, despite cascading headlines about investigations into his administration’s ties to Russia.

The president has invited executives from major airlines to join him as he kicks off the week with one of his more controversial plans: spinning off the air traffic control functions of the Federal Aviation Administration to a nonprofit corporation.

It’s an idea that’s been tried many times before dating back to the Clinton administration and most recently last year in legislation championed by Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Transportation Committee. His bill never made it to the Senate, where several key GOP members resisted the idea of transferring government assets to a corporation.

Advocates of the idea argue that privatization would speed up glacial efforts by the FAA to modernize a system that still relies on land-based radar at a time when other countries have switched to GPS systems that allow more direct routes at lower costs.

Trump plans week-long focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control

And privatization will be regretted.
A 'non-profit' corporation?

I thought the conservative mantra was always that the profit motive was the only means to efficiency?'s the profitable non profit.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
I have yet to see government work.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
I have yet to see government work.

We will still be covering the cost.
I haven't yet read the documents linked below, nor do I have an opinion on the matter. Truly, I just saw the thread title and thought the matter somewhat interesting, so below is the beginnings of the reading list I've developed so I can determine what I think about privatizing air traffic control operations. I'm merely sharing it for the benefit of others.
GOP pushes to privatize air traffic control

Republicans on the House Transportation Committee are pushing to privatize some facets of the nation’s air traffic control as the Federal Aviation Administration struggles to meet deadlines to upgrade the system.

The FAA has been planning for years to discard the World War II-era radar technology that has been used to manage airplane traffic for generations, switching to its NextGen system. But the conversion has hit turbulence amid missed deadlines and rampant budget-cutting in Washington in recent years.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) said private companies could better handle the technological demands of the air traffic control conversion.

“The underlying problem is that air traffic control is a high-tech service,” he said during a hearing on Tuesday.
“The customers are companies and individuals who pay good money to a service provider that is not a business, but a vast government bureaucracy,” Shuster continued. “As a government agency, the FAA is simply not set up to determine risks, pursue the most cost-efficient investments, manage people to produce results, reward excellence, or punish incompetence like a normal business.

"In the same amount of time FAA has been working on NextGen, Verizon has upgraded its wireless network four times,” he added.

The FAA has said the NextGen system will ease congestion in the airspace around busy U.S. airports by streamlining the arrivals and departures of flights. It also argues that navigating flights more efficiently will have environmental benefits because airplanes will use less gas and produce less smog.

The catch is that the NextGen system is expected to cost about $40 billion to complete, and an original 2020 deadline for implementing it nationwide is rapidly approaching. Complicating matters further, the FAA’s current funding is scheduled to expire in September, although lawmakers have already begun holding hearings about a possible extension later this year.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
I have yet to see government work.

We will still be covering the cost.
...and? Ever heard of Space-X? Private/public funding.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
cause gov comes in to regulate everything.
Autospew response from libtards, it figures. Looks like it's been tried since Clinton's term and the motivation is technological advancement. The federal government moves at a snail's pace while technology is in the fast lane. Looks like Trump is consulting with airline execs and I'm confident they know more that our spewing leftists.

I have yet to see privatization work.
I have yet to see government work.

We will still be covering the cost.
...and? Ever heard of Space-X? Private/public funding.

And? Ever heard of toll roads, private prisons, utility privatization, faux privatization of education?

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