Trump posts 50 facts about clinton - with proof.

The true mark of a liberal troll. always pretending to know what someone will do or think.
A quick glance at the fifty imaginings gives the mind many places to go - all trade policies were and are supported by the party Trump pretends to be part of, does he know that? Or Hillary is and was the most powerful influence and accomplisher of all things. Was walking on water in there too? Did she raise anyone from the dead? What a women is all I can say. The bizarre threads on Hillary will continue into her second term in office. Republicans know no other work and their followers follow. That you can be assured of, there may be a brief hiatus in her eight year as President Obama enjoys now. And so it goes....

PS miketx is an Irritus grad, just so you know.

NAFTA has many advantages for the US economy and suppoerts millions of Jobs in the US economy...

The Trumpbots thing if Mexico is winning then US must be loosing... This is not the conservative way, this type of protectionism is actually conterintutive and actually hurts America...
Did crazy Birfer Trump say Hillary was behind the murder of Vince Foster?

are the 50 examples not enough for you?

Two or three right wing talking points worded in several different ways is a pretty poor excuse for his list. He started this thing by becoming a birther. What ever happened to that?

If you had read all the list you would know, but since you did not, and are pulling crap out thin air, you just have to wait until Trump sends her up to find out.
A quick glance at the fifty imaginings gives the mind many places to go - all trade policies were and are supported by the party Trump pretends to be part of, does he know that? Or Hillary is and was the most powerful influence and accomplisher of all things. Was walking on water in there too? Did she raise anyone from the dead? What a women is all I can say. The bizarre threads on Hillary will continue into her second term in office. Republicans know no other work and their followers follow. That you can be assured of, there may be a brief hiatus in her eight year as President Obama enjoys now. And so it goes....

PS miketx is an Irritus grad, just so you know.

NAFTA has many advantages for the US economy and suppoerts millions of Jobs in the US economy...

The Trumpbots thing if Mexico is winning then US must be loosing... This is not the conservative way, this type of protectionism is actually conterintutive and actually hurts America...

You can't be that dense, can you? Mexico is killing us, plus sending all their trash over here. I never seen so many fools gather in one place before. I guess I should go the the dim con.
I call him obastard. Does that answer your question?
“More Than 5 Million U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Were Lost Between 1997 And 2014,” Primarily Due
To “Growing Trade Deficits With Countries That Have Negotiated Trade And Investment Deals
With The United States.”
This Is A Loss Of One
Of U.S. Manufacturing During The NAFTA
China Era.
“More than 5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost between 1997 and 2014, and most of
those job losses were due to growing trade deficits with countries that have negotiated trade and
investment deals w
ith the United States.”
(Robert E. Scott, “Fast Track To Lost Jobs And Lower Wages,”
Economic Policy Institute’s
Working Economics Blog
, 4/13/15)"

We beat you to it in Australia. Paul Keating did all that in the early 90s. Coincidently this is when 3rd wave feminism took off. The men were laid off from the manufacturing jobs and the consumer culture began to grow. Young women started becoming managers of large retail outlets, and other places. This is where our swollen managerial class began. Positions like "human resources" came in to existence.

Going for a job has become more like going on a date, than whether or not the boss takes a shine to you or not.

So many pointless positions and committees. So much waste.
Hmm, I looked through all 50 and did not see Vince Foster mentioned. Nor was Obama's birthplace mentioned. Why do both appear in this thread?

I certainly think that he could have said that Mrs. Tuzla operatives had ransacked Fosters office right after his death, which did happen. Another crime that Mrs. Tuzla just walks away from.
A quick glance at the fifty imaginings gives the mind many places to go - all trade policies were and are supported by the party Trump pretends to be part of, does he know that? Or Hillary is and was the most powerful influence and accomplisher of all things. Was walking on water in there too? Did she raise anyone from the dead? What a women is all I can say. The bizarre threads on Hillary will continue into her second term in office. Republicans know no other work and their followers follow. That you can be assured of, there may be a brief hiatus in her eight year as President Obama enjoys now. And so it goes....

PS miketx is an Irritus grad, just so you know.

NAFTA has many advantages for the US economy and suppoerts millions of Jobs in the US economy...

The Trumpbots thing if Mexico is winning then US must be loosing... This is not the conservative way, this type of protectionism is actually conterintutive and actually hurts America...

You can't be that dense, can you? Mexico is killing us, plus sending all their trash over here. I never seen so many fools gather in one place before. I guess I should go the the dim con.

Free trade is freedom.

Why do you hate liberty?

When did you become a communist?
Nice...smoke shill troll lie misdirect... fail.
"Conservatives" who are against NAFTA are full-blown hypocrites.

Not only are they uneducated rubes who clearly didn't get an education, they want the government to redistribute wealth by using government power to favor certain industries.

These rubes are no different than liberals who want the same thing.

They are tax-and-spend rubes.

They should have stayed in school.

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