Trump posts 50 facts about clinton - with proof.

This is why so many real conservatives aren't supporting Trump.

He advocates using government to interfere in individuals' lives.

But the rubes don't understand this.

Instead, they want to punish the "establishment" at the expense of winning the election, even if it means electing a weak liberal candidate nobody wants.

Individual liberty means jack-shit to the idiot rubes.
All conservative economists are for free trade.

The rubes who say they are "conservative" but want Big Gubmint to impose taxes to shape economic activity are no different than the socialists and communists who do the same thing.


Before 1916, our government survived on its income from trade tariffs. In 1916, we permanently created a national income tax. Our government grows larger and larger on the backs of the people and their hard work. In an effort to maintain control, they now bribe the morons with free stuff that is also paid for by the working class.

Trade has increased substantially since 1916 as America is the biggest market in the world. The government could exist off of trade tariffs again. This would just mean than products sold in America would be more likely to be at least partially made in America to decrease the impact of the tariffs on the final product.

Income taxes on the people could be greatly reduced and jobs in America greatly increased.

I have to laugh at the libs who try to say that conservatives have to support a set idea to make it easier for some dumbass on the left to throw their bullshit talking points around. Conservatives support smart trade with provisions for protection for American's middle class.

Got any other bullshit straw men you want to want to set up?

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Toro, you are a real asshole. You want to throw stones while supporting a criminal piece of shit like Clinton. You are such a loser.

You either support Trump and have a shot at stabilizing our country or you support Hillary and the growth of government control over every aspect of your life.

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A quick glance at the fifty imaginings gives the mind many places to go - all trade policies were and are supported by the party Trump pretends to be part of, does he know that? Or Hillary is and was the most powerful influence and accomplisher of all things. Was walking on water in there too? Did she raise anyone from the dead? What a women is all I can say. The bizarre threads on Hillary will continue into her second term in office. Republicans know no other work and their followers follow. That you can be assured of, there may be a brief hiatus in her eight year as President Obama enjoys now. And so it goes....

PS miketx is an Irritus grad, just so you know.

Very good thread.
There is no point of bring facts and logic into the debate to convince 'liberals' of anything because most of them are on dope so how are you going to convince them of anything. Just scream racism or the white male bourgeoisie boogie man is going to to get you. Once you do that it is like a pit bull clamping onto your arm because they won't let go until it is dead.

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