Trump posts 50 facts about clinton - with proof.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
"Conservatives" who are against NAFTA are full-blown hypocrites.

Not only are they uneducated rubes who clearly didn't get an education, they want the government to redistribute wealth by using government power to favor certain industries.

That ain't all. I bet she did a whole lotta lying today at the FBI!
All conservative economists are for free trade.

The rubes who say they are "conservative" but want Big Gubmint to impose taxes to shape economic activity are no different than the socialists and communists who do the same thing.

The trade imbalance is killing us. Japan sells everything it makes here. We can't sell a toaster in Japan. You mean that free trade? LMAO!
The trade imbalance is killing us. Japan sells everything it makes here. We can't sell a toaster in Japan. You mean that free trade? LMAO!

You ignorant fraud.

You buy into mercantilist claptrap that was discredited 100 years ago.

Real conservatives know what you believe is bullshit.

What an idiot.
Was Hillary's father with Ted Cruz's dad on the grassy knoll with Lee Harvey Oswald too?

Here's a thought, why don't you try reading it and see what's on the list? Unless you're afraid to because the statements are backed up. I know the left thinks "proof" means whatever comes out of liberal mouths.
What we see in this thread are people who think they are conservatives who believe that government should stay out of their lives until it effects them. Then, they are all in favor of taxing and spending because it benefits them. Then, they make up excuses and anecdotes to justify their hypocrisy.
The trade imbalance is killing us. Japan sells everything it makes here. We can't sell a toaster in Japan. You mean that free trade? LMAO!

You ignorant fraud.

You buy into mercantilist claptrap that was discredited 100 years ago.

Real conservatives know what you believe is bullshit.

What an idiot.
All I can tell you is that you need to take some lessons from some of the better trolls on here. You just can't make up total crap like you are doing, it has to be at least plausible to the trolls you are trying to impress..
Was Hillary's father with Ted Cruz's dad on the grassy knoll with Lee Harvey Oswald too?

Here's a thought, why don't you try reading it and see what's on the list? Unless you're afraid to because the statements are backed up. I know the left thinks "proof" means whatever comes out of liberal mouths.

Why the fuck should we believe the fraud, Birfer Trump, when he propagates idiotic conspiracy theories that play to the dumb, low-rent crowd?
Was Hillary's father with Ted Cruz's dad on the grassy knoll with Lee Harvey Oswald too?

Here's a thought, why don't you try reading it and see what's on the list? Unless you're afraid to because the statements are backed up. I know the left thinks "proof" means whatever comes out of liberal mouths.

Well, it comes out of somewhere...
The trade imbalance is killing us. Japan sells everything it makes here. We can't sell a toaster in Japan. You mean that free trade? LMAO!

You ignorant fraud.

You buy into mercantilist claptrap that was discredited 100 years ago.

Real conservatives know what you believe is bullshit.

What an idiot.
All I can tell you is that you need to take some lessons from some of the better trolls on here. You just can't make up total crap like you are doing, it has to be at least plausible to the trolls you are trying to impress..

Thanks for that, commie.

Go back to Russia where you can benefit from government power and privilege.
How can I go back to Russia when I have never been there? You 'bout the stupidest troll I've ever seen. At least some of the other trolls have a little sense.
How can I go back to Russia when I have never been there? You 'bout the stupidest troll I've ever seen. At least some of the other trolls have a little sense.

You're not smart enough to know that what you are advocating is using government to benefit a certain segment of society at the expense of everyone else.

That's exactly what liberals do.

Go back to Russia, stupid commie. They accept your ilk there.
somebody throw this troll out an airlock somewhere.
Trump/Palin 2016. Hillary for the firing squad.

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