Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Isn't it time to :bigboy:and add an update to your OP?

If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.

Any POTUS should have an excellent command of the English language. Trump does not possess that skill; why?
Because Trump failed elementary school.

HIs speaking style is odd, and I respect that you find it off putting.

Anything beyond that, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
Isn't it time to :bigboy:and add an update to your OP?

If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else
As usual, the left is lying scum.

NBC purposely edited the tape to show the lie they are telling.

They lied. dimocraps lie. dimocraps are scum.

This whole thread is a motherfucking lie

CORRECTION: An earlier tweet misidentified the general President Trump described as “incredible” at a rally in Ohio. It was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, not Gen. Robert E. Lee. An attached video clip lacked the full context for Trump’s remark. Here is the full clip.

It's remarkable when Brietbart is more reliable and FAR more honest than the DISGUSTING FILTH in The Lame Stream Media.

NBC Belatedly Corrects Fake News Story on Trump and Robert E. Lee | Breitbart

dimocraps are scum.

ALL of them

NBC being corrected by Brietbart. That has to sting.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
........................but....................he lost....

Considering the stakes my ancestors were facing at the time -- It's hard for me to opine about how great he was and to go so far as to say "wish the south had won" -- which is ultimately where these confederate circle jerk fantasies lead to.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
........................but....................he lost....

Considering the stakes my ancestors were facing at the time -- It's hard for me to opine about how great he was and to go so far as to say "wish the south had won" -- which is ultimately where these confederate circle jerk fantasies lead to.

Sure he lost but that doesn't alter the fact that he was a great General.
If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

Maybe or maybe not. Just because he did not go very deeply into the subject THERE, does not mean that is all he knows.

But really, are you this desperate that you have to attack him on MAYBE being weak on Civil War history?

You know what this thread, and the fake news article that spawned it, was all about.

It was not being weak on history. YOu race baiting assholes were trying to spin thin into a Confederate Sympathizer/white supremacist bullshit smear.

But it didn't fly, and now you are pretending it is something else.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
........................but....................he lost....

Considering the stakes my ancestors were facing at the time -- It's hard for me to opine about how great he was and to go so far as to say "wish the south had won" -- which is ultimately where these confederate circle jerk fantasies lead to.

YOu admit that you are deeply emotional about it,

but then you are comfortable making guesses about what is going in in the minds of other people on the subject, that disagree with you.

You don't see anything wrong with that?
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

Maybe or maybe not. Just because he did not go very deeply into the subject THERE, does not mean that is all he knows.

But really, are you this desperate that you have to attack him on MAYBE being weak on Civil War history?

You know what this thread, and the fake news article that spawned it, was all about.

It was not being weak on history. YOu race baiting assholes were trying to spin thin into a Confederate Sympathizer/white supremacist bullshit smear.

But it didn't fly, and now you are pretending it is something else.
Nothing wrong with having a weak knowledge of the Civil War. Many Americans don’t know much

But when you have limited knowledge of a subject and lecture others about it, you come off looking like a moron
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.

Lee was not only a great general but a great American hero.

This Left Wing zeal to destroy history is despicable. Very much Taliban like.
His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

Maybe or maybe not. Just because he did not go very deeply into the subject THERE, does not mean that is all he knows.

But really, are you this desperate that you have to attack him on MAYBE being weak on Civil War history?

You know what this thread, and the fake news article that spawned it, was all about.

It was not being weak on history. YOu race baiting assholes were trying to spin thin into a Confederate Sympathizer/white supremacist bullshit smear.

But it didn't fly, and now you are pretending it is something else.
Nothing wrong with having a weak knowledge of the Civil War. Many Americans don’t know much

But when you have limited knowledge of a subject and lecture others about it, you come off looking like a moron

No, he touched lightly upon the subject. NOthing wrong with that.

It is you libs that are looking pathetically desperate that you need to try to spin THIS into something.

Oh, and like the race baiting assholes you are. Cause that is what this was about. When they wrote the fake news. And edited the tape to lie to the viewers.
If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.
No, that is all he’s got

Trump pontificating on the Civil War shows how little he actually knows. Anyone who watched Ken Burns The Civil War would have a vastly greater understanding than our President

Trump seemed to be regurgitating what he learned in the 4th grade about the Civil War and never bothered to learn anything else

LMAO Trump went to a military academy you dunce. I'm sure, just like West Point, they spend a lot of time on the civil war. Tactics, leaders, wins and losses.

If you think he doesn't know the civil war you are an idiot.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
........................but....................he lost....

Considering the stakes my ancestors were facing at the time -- It's hard for me to opine about how great he was and to go so far as to say "wish the south had won" -- which is ultimately where these confederate circle jerk fantasies lead to.

YOu admit that you are deeply emotional about it,

but then you are comfortable making guesses about what is going in in the minds of other people on the subject, that disagree with you.

You don't see anything wrong with that?
No I am not emotional about it -- which is why I don't cry about someone not properly praising a general who fought a war against this country -- I don't insist that public memorials be erected to praise generals who fight against this country...

The ones most emotional about it are the ones who continue to go to the BS "lost cause" mantra over and over again because they know how it plays with revisionist confederates -- who feel they fought a noble fight, they didn't.
You forgot to add he also praised Grant.
It's really a big who cares issue but the media will latch onto it.

Yep, because there were many great people on both sides of the lets-keep-blacks-as-slaves-even-if-it-means-breaking-up-America disagreement :rolleyes:
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

Robert E. Lee was against Slavery.

General Lee was fighting for The Confederacy so, he was siding with those that supported slavery.

“He was not a pro-slavery ideologue,” Eric Foner, a Civil War historian, author and professor of history at Columbia University, said of Lee. “But I think equally important is that, unlike some white southerners, he never spoke out against slavery.”

Throughout the Civil War slavery was legal and protected in the North. Abraham Lincoln ordered his generals to not molest slave owners and to return runaway slaves in Maryland, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri *unless the master was disloyal to the Union*. Delaware and Maryland retained slavery throughout the Civil War and the Federal Government enforced the Fugitive Slave Act and returned runaway slaves to their masters.
General Lee no more sided with slavery than did George Washington, Zachary Taylor, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison...or even Abraham Lincoln.

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
Abraham Lincoln 1st Inaugural Address

Read the whole address. Count how many times Lincoln said the slavery was protected by the Constitution. I count seven.
Isn't it time to :bigboy:and add an update to your OP?

If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook

His odd speaking style has been repeatedly discussed, and being annoyed by it is certainly understandable.

BUT if that is preventing you from seeing that what he said, was, A fine, and B, historically accurate,

then that was on you.

Now that that has been explained to you, if you are still pretending to not understand, you are just being a dick.
No...he spoke as though his audience had no idea who Grant or Lee was
His comments were very simplistic and he spoke as though he was being profound.

Our President is not the sharpest crayon in the box

I respect that you find his speaking style annoying.

But that is all you've got.

Trying to pretend anything else is going on here, is just you libs reaching, and quite pathetically.

Hes gone from claiming that Trump was "praising Lee' to whining that Trump didnt speak well. Is that progress?
Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...

Yup but you can bet your ass they wish he was fighting for them.

He was a highly respected General by both the North and the South.
........................but....................he lost....

Considering the stakes my ancestors were facing at the time -- It's hard for me to opine about how great he was and to go so far as to say "wish the south had won" -- which is ultimately where these confederate circle jerk fantasies lead to.

YOu admit that you are deeply emotional about it,

but then you are comfortable making guesses about what is going in in the minds of other people on the subject, that disagree with you.

You don't see anything wrong with that?
No I am not emotional about it -- which is why I don't cry about someone not properly praising a general who fought a war against this country -- I don't insist that public memorials be erected to praise generals who fight against this country...

Whoa. So, you purposefully judge people not on the truth of their accomplishments, but based on whether you like them or not.

Well. I'm not sure what to say about that. Thanks for your honesty.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.

Yes he was a great General the North wished to have fighting for them.

Lee was bound by his loyalty to the State of Virginia.
The North defeated the South -- so fortunately, they didn't need to have him fighting for them...
Both Grant and Lincoln had this weird idea that the huge and horrible casualty lists were in expiation of the crimes of slavery and the Mexican war. Lincoln and Grant said as much. I think that they saw Lee as nemesis creating the casualty lists. Lee may also have seen the casualty lists partly in this light. Lee bled the south white with his horrific death lists.

Lincoln said in reference to the war
It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

I am inclined to agree with them
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Isn't it time to :bigboy:and add an update to your OP?

If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook
Gotta love the shifting goal posts here. First it was “Trump praises general lee even though he’s at a Ohio rally where General Grant is from, can you believe it!? Trump just loves those racist generals. What an insult to Ohio.”

Now it’s “the way he talked about the civil war is confusing, or it’s too simplified.” It’s a rally where he is telling a quick story, he’s not giving an entire dissertation on the Civil War, it’s a fucking rally. Everyone at the rally or who heard the speech in context completely understood, pretty much all the people the left deems as stupid deplorables. The only ones who didn’t “understand” are the ass hats who got the story secondhand from blantantly dishonest sources.

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