Trump prepares to lift limits on military gear for police

Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

I don't want to shut anybody up. I want people to behave in a civilized manor. I don't want people attacking other people for different political views, I don't want to see Town Hall meetings closed down because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see our representatives cancel rallies or speaking engagements because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see college campuses stopping anybody on the right from speaking because of threats of violence. I don't want to see our police attacked, public or private property destroyed. That's what I want.

Now if you want differently, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
Quit taking our society and our world as a massive personal insult. You'll be much happier the day you finally come to the realization that the world cannot be beaten into a shape you find uniformly pleasing.
So, once more, we again have most of the conservatives proudly calling for the violent suppression of their political opponents.

Essentially, most Trumpflakes are very violent fascist thugs, and rather open about it. That's why they're getting run out of town wherever they show up. America hates the Trumpflake fascists (at least the decent 70% of America).

Wait till they find out that as occupied says above, they won't have any protection against the police state they say they want.
It is the very point of scapegoating a vulnerable and unpopular demographic. They imply that draconian brutality is the answer to your fears and then it never ends. Militarized police inspire unrest and escalate tensions and are a serious threat to domestic security.

I fear they have opened a true Pandora's box.

The US will survive but we will be set back at least three generations. The middle class will be beyond saving, our best talent will go to other countries for their education and then stay for the jobs.

RWNJs know this. I have no doubt that they know it.

They really are like lemmings. They're invested in the direction they're pointed and nothing will stop them. Not their own well being or the well being of their children, country or planet.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

And they're the enemy because you've decided they are. Such speak, Ray, is dangerous, and you are dangerous.

No, they are the enemy because they attack citizens and police alike. When you attack one of our police officers, you attack all of us because we gave them authority to carry out the laws our legislatures passed. We gave them the authority to protect us instead of leaving us to protect ourselves.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

Every day Americans throwing urine and rocks at people. Everyday Americans protesting free speech

You always remind me that lying is not only allows by morms, its actually encouraged.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

Every day Americans throwing urine and rocks at people. Everyday Americans protesting free speech
The vast majority of people who engage in protests behave themselves. It seems you are equating the behavior of the worst anarchists with all leftist protests you disagree with and yet you are probably exasperated with some people accusing the entire right of being Nazi sympathizers.
When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

I don't want to shut anybody up. I want people to behave in a civilized manor. I don't want people attacking other people for different political views, I don't want to see Town Hall meetings closed down because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see our representatives cancel rallies or speaking engagements because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see college campuses stopping anybody on the right from speaking because of threats of violence. I don't want to see our police attacked, public or private property destroyed. That's what I want.

Now if you want differently, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
Quit taking our society and our world as a massive personal insult. You'll be much happier the day you finally come to the realization that the world cannot be beaten into a shape you find uniformly pleasing.

And what world would that be? A civilized world where people can solve problems with discussion instead of violence? An organized world where there are civilized methods that take place to solve problems?
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

And they're the enemy because you've decided they are. Such speak, Ray, is dangerous, and you are dangerous.

No, they are the enemy because they attack citizens and police alike. When you attack one of our police officers, you attack all of us because we gave them authority to carry out the laws our legislatures passed. We gave them the authority to protect us instead of leaving us to protect ourselves.

But then again Ray, the enemy for you could be Democrats. It could be someone of the opposing view. The enemy as a term can be widespread, and what I saw when you wrote this is that anyone who is the enemy of your position is someone who deserves to treated in a bad way.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.
You finally figured out why we don't like liberals in office. Holy shit it's a moment!
What the hell are you talking about? The left has been the sole protector of American's civil rights for decades while the right keeps testing the limits of government power. They always try to fuck over people you hate and so you don't care. Maybe you think there can be two sets of laws, one permissive set for you and a highly restrictive one for "those people"? It does not ever work that way.
Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

I don't want to shut anybody up. I want people to behave in a civilized manor. I don't want people attacking other people for different political views, I don't want to see Town Hall meetings closed down because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see our representatives cancel rallies or speaking engagements because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see college campuses stopping anybody on the right from speaking because of threats of violence. I don't want to see our police attacked, public or private property destroyed. That's what I want.

Now if you want differently, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
Quit taking our society and our world as a massive personal insult. You'll be much happier the day you finally come to the realization that the world cannot be beaten into a shape you find uniformly pleasing.

And what world would that be? A civilized world where people can solve problems with discussion instead of violence? An organized world where there are civilized methods that take place to solve problems?
The world is what it is. There are certainly ways to reduce strife but brute force is not one of them. Worry about your tiny little sphere of influence and quit living by fear and loathing, it's the most anyone can do. Getting the police to combat unrest with brute force has never, ever worked. There is no easy road to the orderly world you want. It's long and difficult and involves things like tolerance, understanding, compromise, generosity and diplomacy, all the things you despise.
This was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. The fact is that local officials have abused and misused the equipment for non-violent crimes. This fits into Trump's authoritarian streak. Trump is a cheap two-bit thug.
And here we have a person jumping to a knee jerk reaction over something he has no idea of if it's even true! That speaks volumes about the regressives!

You are a regressive thug.
You said you wanted fascist nazis but you're about to learn its the opposite of 2nd Amendment rights. He said he wants a police state and thanks to the dumb ass RWNJs, he'll get it.

When did Trump ever say he wanted a police state?

Sorry but the tides have turned. We went from and anti-police President to a pro-police President. Elections have consequences you know...........

The fact is that we are putting people's lives at risk. Police departments have abused the privilege by using this equipment in non-violent circumstances. You apparently don't care if innocent people die. There needs to be strict regulation on how this equipment is used.
When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

Every day Americans throwing urine and rocks at people. Everyday Americans protesting free speech

You always remind me that lying is not only allows by morms, its actually encouraged.

Amazing since I haven't lied. You guys were celebrating antifa counter protesting free speech last weekend. The Boston police reported the urine and rocks. Unless you think they are lying
When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

Every day Americans throwing urine and rocks at people. Everyday Americans protesting free speech
The vast majority of people who engage in protests behave themselves. It seems you are equating the behavior of the worst anarchists with all leftist protests you disagree with and yet you are probably exasperated with some people accusing the entire right of being Nazi sympathizers.

They protested a free speech rally that had nothing to do with Nazis. And you guys cheered them on.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.
You finally figured out why we don't like liberals in office. Holy shit it's a moment!
What the hell are you talking about? The left has been the sole protector of American's civil rights for decades while the right keeps testing the limits of government power. They always try to fuck over people you hate and so you don't care. Maybe you think there can be two sets of laws, one permissive set for you and a highly restrictive one for "those people"? It does not ever work that way.

Well it works both ways. There are certainly those on the left who would also take away rights. The biggest example I would guess is of guns.

I'm not a fan of guns in society but there are plenty of arguments to make people think about it from a rights perspective.

Then you have other issues, like freedom of speech. When does freedom of speech cross the line and does the left try and stop it before it reaches that line? At times yes, it does.
Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

Every day Americans throwing urine and rocks at people. Everyday Americans protesting free speech
The vast majority of people who engage in protests behave themselves. It seems you are equating the behavior of the worst anarchists with all leftist protests you disagree with and yet you are probably exasperated with some people accusing the entire right of being Nazi sympathizers.

They protested a free speech rally that had nothing to do with Nazis. And you guys cheered them on.

Are you suggesting that protest goes against free speech?
This was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. The fact is that local officials have abused and misused the equipment for non-violent crimes. This fits into Trump's authoritarian streak. Trump is a cheap two-bit thug.

Well you have two options: Donate worn-out surplus military equipment to local American law-enforcement agencies, or do like Obama did:

Leave it behind in Iraq so ISIS can use it against us.

Or would you rather see it all melted down to make swing sets and slides for inner-city hood rats? That would seem to me like a waste of perfectly-awesome military equipment.
The military is geared to accomplish 2 things - Kill the enemy and break their shit. The equipment they use is designed and used for that purpose.

The police have a fundamentally different role to play. That is why the military should not be used as a police force - they are piss poor police and the police are piss poor soldiers. Keeping the peace and enforcing the law is has almost nothing in common with military needs and moving equipment from the military to the police does noting but encourage the police to become more like military and less like the PEACE officers that they are supposed to be.
This was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. The fact is that local officials have abused and misused the equipment for non-violent crimes. This fits into Trump's authoritarian streak. Trump is a cheap two-bit thug.

Well you have two options: Donate worn-out surplus military equipment to local American law-enforcement agencies, or do like Obama did:

Leave it behind in Iraq so ISIS can use it against us.

Or would you rather see it all melted down to make swing sets and slides for inner-city hood rats? That would seem to me like a waste of perfectly-awesome military equipment.
The military is geared to accomplish 2 things - Kill the enemy and break their shit. The equipment they use is designed and used for that purpose.

The police have a fundamentally different role to play. That is why the military should not be used as a police force - they are piss poor police and the police are piss poor soldiers. Keeping the peace and enforcing the law is has almost nothing in common with military needs and moving equipment from the military to the police does noting but encourage the police to become more like military and less like the PEACE officers that they are supposed to be.

I'm all for giving police anything they need to do their jobs and stay safe. If they need a tank to mow down these lowlifes at riots, give them a tank and happy mowing to them.
You said you wanted fascist nazis but you're about to learn its the opposite of 2nd Amendment rights. He said he wants a police state and thanks to the dumb ass RWNJs, he'll get it.

When did Trump ever say he wanted a police state?

Sorry but the tides have turned. We went from and anti-police President to a pro-police President. Elections have consequences you know...........

The fact is that we are putting people's lives at risk. Police departments have abused the privilege by using this equipment in non-violent circumstances. You apparently don't care if innocent people die. There needs to be strict regulation on how this equipment is used.

Well I don't have to worry about it. Do you know why? Because I never get in a confrontational situation with police. I don't worry about my friends or family either. Do you know why? Because none of them ever get in a confrontational situation with police.
When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

I don't want to shut anybody up. I want people to behave in a civilized manor. I don't want people attacking other people for different political views, I don't want to see Town Hall meetings closed down because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see our representatives cancel rallies or speaking engagements because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see college campuses stopping anybody on the right from speaking because of threats of violence. I don't want to see our police attacked, public or private property destroyed. That's what I want.

Now if you want differently, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
Quit taking our society and our world as a massive personal insult. You'll be much happier the day you finally come to the realization that the world cannot be beaten into a shape you find uniformly pleasing.

And what world would that be? A civilized world where people can solve problems with discussion instead of violence? An organized world where there are civilized methods that take place to solve problems?
The world is what it is. There are certainly ways to reduce strife but brute force is not one of them. Worry about your tiny little sphere of influence and quit living by fear and loathing, it's the most anyone can do. Getting the police to combat unrest with brute force has never, ever worked. There is no easy road to the orderly world you want. It's long and difficult and involves things like tolerance, understanding, compromise, generosity and diplomacy, all the things you despise.

How would you know if brute force by police wouldn't work? They are not allowed to use brute force.

Let me tell you, if police just took a machine gun and killed everybody involved in a riot, you'd never see a riot again. A proper deterrent works every time it's tried.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

And they're the enemy because you've decided they are. Such speak, Ray, is dangerous, and you are dangerous.

No, they are the enemy because they attack citizens and police alike. When you attack one of our police officers, you attack all of us because we gave them authority to carry out the laws our legislatures passed. We gave them the authority to protect us instead of leaving us to protect ourselves.

But then again Ray, the enemy for you could be Democrats. It could be someone of the opposing view. The enemy as a term can be widespread, and what I saw when you wrote this is that anyone who is the enemy of your position is someone who deserves to treated in a bad way.

Nope, never wrote that.

Again, if you are attacking people, our police, destroying public or private property, you are the enemy of civilized people and deserve anything you get from authority.

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