Trump prepares to lift limits on military gear for police

Bad news for the ANIFTA scum
...also fucking Nazis and KKK assholes. A .50 cal through the engine block will stop a car.

These are KKK members at Charlottesville:

How Militias Became the Private Police for White Supremacists
To be sure, not all militia-members are sympathetic to white nationalist ideology. In June, at a protest in Houston, a man affiliated with the Oath Keepers choked out a white nationalist on camera. Likewise, certain members of the Three Percenters (the name comes from the percentage of the American population they believe fought the British) remain as opposed to the government—even one headed by Trump—as ever, as a recent, failed bomb plot in Oklahoma City illustrated. But more and more, militias were cropping up at events propping up the embattled president, with the roster of speakers as conspiratorial as they were nationalist. Many of these events were organized around themes of “free speech”—as if those pushing political correctness were somehow a larger threat to free speech than a president targeting the country’s free press. Members of the militias would often claim they were simply there to preserve order, Pitcavage summed up, saying they were only “maintaining order and security.” The militias at these events “feel they can have their cake and eat it too,” he said.

I don't have a problem with it, but it should be available to me as well. Second Amendment and all that.

"The Trump administration is preparing to restore the flow of surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies under a program that had been sharply curtailed by the Obama administration amid an outcry over police use of armored vehicles and other war-fighting gear to confront protesters."
Are you entitled to your own tank and stinger missiles as well?

Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

And they're the enemy because you've decided they are. Such speak, Ray, is dangerous, and you are dangerous.

No, they are the enemy because they attack citizens and police alike. When you attack one of our police officers, you attack all of us because we gave them authority to carry out the laws our legislatures passed. We gave them the authority to protect us instead of leaving us to protect ourselves.

But then again Ray, the enemy for you could be Democrats. It could be someone of the opposing view. The enemy as a term can be widespread, and what I saw when you wrote this is that anyone who is the enemy of your position is someone who deserves to treated in a bad way.

Nope, never wrote that.

Again, if you are attacking people, our police, destroying public or private property, you are the enemy of civilized people and deserve anything you get from authority.

Are you?

I mean, what if the police are doing bad things? What if the govt is doing bad things? What if you're attacking people who's views go against what the country is about?

There are lots of things here, there's no straight answer, especially labeling certain people you don't like as the enemy simply because they oppose what you think should be done.
Trump prepares to lift limits on military gear for police

good he should have long ago

since the violent leftist protesters have upped their gear already
I don't have a problem with it, but it should be available to me as well. Second Amendment and all that.

Sure........wanna-be terrorists would ALSO love the access......Think, you moron.,,,,LOL
You'll notice the people who scream about Muslims being painted with a broad brush won't afford the same respect to cops.

And then they whine when their motives are questioned.

Police belong to an organization that has rules and regulations. The problem with police brutality is that other cops tolerate it and cover it up.

Muslims, on the other hand, can't even agree among themselves how many Imams there were.

Don't worry Mac, that scary Muslim is not going to pop out of your closet tonight.
You'll notice the people who scream about Muslims being painted with a broad brush won't afford the same respect to cops.

And then they whine when their motives are questioned.

Police belong to an organization that has rules and regulations. The problem with police brutality is that other cops tolerate it and cover it up.

Muslims, on the other hand, can't even agree among themselves how many Imams there were.

Don't worry Mac, that scary Muslim is not going to pop out of your closet tonight.
^^^ See?

That I trounced you again? Yeah.

Here's the thing, as much as you are wetting your panties about the bad old Muslims, most of the fighting against extermists is being done by other Muslims. Sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for political expediency.

What I don't see. The police departments working very hard to root out the Van Dykes and the Wilsons from their ranks.

Jason van Dyke, had 20 complaints from citizens about abusive behavior and excessive use of force before he shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times.

Other cops lied to cover it up. Other cops falsified reports. And the guy might still get off.

1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Muslim Extremists maybe kill 50 Americans a year. (SOrry, you don't get to milk 9/11 forever. Even Guliani doesn't get to do that anymore.) And you want to give the former group more weapons?

ON a serious note, Americans of all stripes should be worried about the militarization of peace officers. You give a man a tank, he's going to be tempted to use it.

That I trounced you again? Yeah.

Here's the thing, as much as you are wetting your panties about the bad old Muslims, most of the fighting against extermists is being done by other Muslims. Sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for political expediency.

What I don't see. The police departments working very hard to root out the Van Dykes and the Wilsons from their ranks.

Jason van Dyke, had 20 complaints from citizens about abusive behavior and excessive use of force before he shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times.

Other cops lied to cover it up. Other cops falsified reports. And the guy might still get off.
^^^ See?
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?
Anyone who throws piss, (the bottle could have acid in it) at anyone is a fucking rabid animal who needs to be 'put down'.
One day these animals could get the surprise of their lives.
A water cannon with some lye mixed into the water?
Who knows what might happen?
This was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. The fact is that local officials have abused and misused the equipment for non-violent crimes. This fits into Trump's authoritarian streak. Trump is a cheap two-bit thug.

Well you have two options: Donate worn-out surplus military equipment to local American law-enforcement agencies, or do like Obama did:

Leave it behind in Iraq so ISIS can use it against us.

Or would you rather see it all melted down to make swing sets and slides for inner-city hood rats? That would seem to me like a waste of perfectly-awesome military equipment.
The military is geared to accomplish 2 things - Kill the enemy and break their shit. The equipment they use is designed and used for that purpose.

The police have a fundamentally different role to play. That is why the military should not be used as a police force - they are piss poor police and the police are piss poor soldiers. Keeping the peace and enforcing the law is has almost nothing in common with military needs and moving equipment from the military to the police does noting but encourage the police to become more like military and less like the PEACE officers that they are supposed to be.
They are called 'Law Enforcement Officers' for a good reason asshole!
Demofarts take
What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now.
Very seriously.

Yes, you take that fake news very seriously.

Here's the thing. I don't want cops randomly shooting people and neither do you.

What fake news? I watched the marches where they were chanting it.

Some poster in this thread replied that "45 years after Kent State nobody
has learned anything." That's incorrect, everybody learned, which is why
campus demonstrations were very much curtailed after Kent State and
Jackson State Univ a couple of weeks after Kent St. Protestors couldn't
get a good crowd. The onlookers and students that were bored weren't
going out on that street. Thus the mob of 5,000 got reduced down to
200 hard core, and the media wouldn't even bother with it.

The Police with improved vehicles and weaponry isn't the problem.
Mayors, that will not commit normal force at the outset is the problem.
They let it get out-of-hand before they act. That's what happened
in Ferguson and Baltimore and always happens in California.

Once someone strays from their allowed permit to protest, that's
when your Police should be ordered to act. Stop it, before it gets

No one has the "right" to break the law.

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