Trump President For About 100 Days.And To No Surprise, Still, Scandal Free !!

Trump President For About 100 Days.And To No Surprise, Still, Scandal Free !!

Trump has been POTUS for 26 days and already in the middle of a major scandal which forced him to fire his national security advisor.
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Last count as of February 16, 2017,,,,,9:38 EST......00.00 Scandals !!!!:iagree:
Trump is kicking liberal ass that's for damn sure....I bet the greenie weenies choked on their sprout sandwiches when he repealed Obama's coal regulations.
>>> still waiting on a "Dead Body" count
Didn't Flynn just resign? How is that scandal-free?
Only the liberal mindset, would find that a boss (Trump) taking a subordinate to task( Flynn resignation) is scandalous. Real men of integrity call it getting the job done. No excuses. You probably don't recognize it after what we've watched the past 8 years under Obama...

Except that isn't what happened. Trump was briefed about Mike Flynn and ignored it. Sally Yates warned him about what the CIA had found out about Flynn. Trump fired Sally Yates.

Finally, when the leaks were published in the MSM, Trump fired Flynn.

This is why an unfettered media is an essential pillar to a strong democracy,
who gave CNN the power to decide what a scandal is? I mean, Donald Trump could of stopped into Wendys last night, and the left would of considered it a scandal,,,right?
Trump is kicking liberal ass that's for damn sure....I bet the greenie weenies choked on their sprout sandwiches when he repealed Obama's coal regulations.

Seems to be the only important thing for some. It doesn't matter if the country is in a complete mess, as long as it is the right that has the power.
still no proof that 12 Million illegal Russians voted in the 2016 election
Didn't Flynn just resign? How is that scandal-free?
Only the liberal mindset, would find that a boss (Trump) taking a subordinate to task( Flynn resignation) is scandalous. Real men of integrity call it getting the job done. No excuses. You probably don't recognize it after what we've watched the past 8 years under Obama...
Flynn Resigning is a scandal? then what the hell is Hillary letting 4 men die an horriffic death?
Trump is kicking liberal ass that's for damn sure....I bet the greenie weenies choked on their sprout sandwiches when he repealed Obama's coal regulations.
Two months before Barry was elected, there were more scandals on him than we could count on our 12 fingers!
and they were all bs This is reality
Okay, let's just cut to the chase, shall we. 45 owes Putin owned banks a huge sums of money. This is why he won't release his taxes. Of course Flynn got the nod from dump to talk to Putin about lifting the sanctions. I'm sure Putin would look they other way, to trumps debt if trump lifted the sanctions allowing Tillerson the ExxonMobil CEO and Putin to make huge profits in the oil deal they had set up before obama placed on Russia on Dec 29th. Flynn places a phone call to the Russians on the same day, Putin response the next day, saying he won't respond to the sanctions, Trump then responds, what a smart guy Putin is.
Trump is scandal free?

Let's start off with Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

The 25 million payout to Trump U victems.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

When he wrongly corrected a Marine about the 20 soldiers a day who are killing themselves?
Donald - It's 22. They need help.

Was the secret plan you've been hiding asking the generals for their plan?
If it's a good plan.

Take Iraq's oil. Invade their county for having nothing to do with 9/11 and then steal their oil.

Then the many lies from today's press conference are a scandal just from the sheer number.

Trump said 9th circuit overturned 80% of the time. Lie.

he got the most Electoral college votes since Reagan. Lie

Administration inherited a mess. Unemployment is 4.7%. Stock market grew 8,000 points. Lie.

Trump said he had the most electoral votes since Reagan. lie

Trump said Intel is creating 10,000 jobs in Arizona. lie

Trump said Hillary Clinton gave 20% of our uranium to Russia. lie

Trump said he is bringing back millions of jobs from overseas. lie

The travel ban roll out went smooth. lie

And here is a brand new one. Trump said he didn't know anyone who had contact with the Russians. Hello, Flynn had contact with the Russians. Duh!.

I think eventually, we will get the chance to see his tax returns.

I think eventually we will know what Russia has on Trump.

He still is under investigation for his illegal foundation.

He still has more than 70 lawsuits pending.

The scandals are just the beginning.

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