Trump press secretary promised he will never lie, and then he lied.

I couldn't find your post about Gruber acknowledging Obama lied about Obamacare because he believes Americans to be stupid.
Obama didn't lie about Obamacare. You could always keep your insurance as long as it met minimum standards. Only Republicans cry about NOT getting scammed.

The idea that jobs are coming back is the worst scam since Republicans tricked us into Iraq.
Did everyone save $2500.00 per month?
Why does it excite you to think America shall remain unemployed?
It doesn't.

Why does it excite you to know Republicans are lying to their base?

Most jobs didn't move overseas. More than 85% have been automated. The jobs that moved overseas are NOT coming back. Most no longer exist. They've mostly been automated. Manufacturing has been growing during the Obama years. But not jobs. Because they have been automated. Those that support the automation industry have been making good salaries. They have been moving up in the economy. Those without an education have been becoming poor. Trump saying he will bring jobs back from overseas is an outright lie.

This strange and bizarre focus on bringing non-existent jobs back does a disservice to the entire country and where we should be placing our focus. In the meantime, not a word about education. Totally ignored. That's how we combat automation. Not chasing waterfalls. The idea these jobs are coming back is the worst scam on this country since Iraq.
So all the car jobs in Mexico are automation? Really?


hand assembly is a thing of the past, even in Mexico ..

Smart factory: Audi opens advanced manufacturing plant in Mexico
There is a lot that Trump has to turn around. Thank you, Obummer.
You know, most presidents send out their press secretaries out for the first meeting with the media to tell the country what their policies are going to be over the next 100 days and the vision that they have for this country.

Not arguing about crowd sizes.

Fake News assholes could less about what's best for the country. I love it that Trump's calling em out. He better keep it up. Hold them accountable for every bit of their Fake News.

Using your first press conference to argue about the crowd size is a very petty, small thing to do.

I agree. On the other hand it's amazing how you see that only one way. What a ridiculous concern of the President, and what a ridiculous attack by his detractors. I read some of those thread discussions just to laugh at you both

What attack... It was Spicer who attacked...

The Press told the truth and he came out with wild claims... The Press just asked why the Spicer lost a connection to reality...

Conway then goes on TV got asked about and used the word 'Alternative Facts'...

This whole thing was the Trump Administration taking out a gun and shooting themselves in the foot..

They made themselves look juvenile and stupid...
I think Trump will continue to bitch slap the Democrat Fake Newsters. It's gonna be a lotta fun. But he does need to pick his battles wisely. He's gotta get a feel for the right time to bitch slap em. You don't wanna over-play it. But seriously, i can't wait for the next bitch slapping session. It's incredibly entertaining. Go Trump!
You know, most presidents send out their press secretaries out for the first meeting with the media to tell the country what their policies are going to be over the next 100 days and the vision that they have for this country.

Not arguing about crowd sizes.

Fake News assholes could less about what's best for the country. I love it that Trump's calling em out. He better keep it up. Hold them accountable for every bit of their Fake News.

Using your first press conference to argue about the crowd size is a very petty, small thing to do.

I agree. On the other hand it's amazing how you see that only one way. What a ridiculous concern of the President, and what a ridiculous attack by his detractors. I read some of those thread discussions just to laugh at you both

What attack... It was Spicer who attacked...

The Press told the truth and he came out with wild claims... The Press just asked why the Spicer lost a connection to reality...

Conway then goes on TV got asked about and used the word 'Alternative Facts'...

This whole thing was the Trump Administration taking out a gun and shooting themselves in the foot..

They made themselves look juvenile and stupid...

You're like a kid saying, whah, I didn't do it, he did (points finger at brother). The press has been attacking and lying about Trump all year. I don't care who did it this time. Both of you stay on your side of the car seat in the back. I'll give you something to cry about, mister ...

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