Trump pressured Parks Department to back up his lies with crowd photos

It seems Donald Trump has been pressuring the park service to produce photos that back up his claims regarding crowd size at his inauguration. Why is this man so obsessed with crowd size? Is he so insecure that he cannot accept the fact that another President may have had larger crowds at their inauguration? And what difference does it make anyway? This is just plain childish.

Trump pressured Park Service to find proof for his claims about inauguration crowd
Right...the Media never fakes anything...ABC News apologies make covering Trump ever tougher

The network also awkwardly apologized for using a fake image of President Trump standing in the Oval Office in a promo that aired during "ABC World News" Tuesday night.

The image featured Trump looking out of the windows of the Oval Office, with snow on the ground.​
Trump is pathetic. This could have stopped being a story days ago but he's so easy to fluster it's embarrassing. Of course, that's funny now, but wait until he's flustered by some petty international insult and remember he has the nuke codes...
Sure it could have. The only people that keep bringing it back up are you demented libstains that live for fake bullshit.
Trump is pathetic. This could have stopped being a story days ago but he's so easy to fluster it's embarrassing. Of course, that's funny now, but wait until he's flustered by some petty international insult and remember he has the nuke codes...
Sure it could have. The only people that keep bringing it back up are you demented libstains that live for fake bullshit.
No Trump's press jester keeps bringing it up and so does Trump. Trump is a small, petty little man. And you white knighting for him doesn't change that.
Trump's the most insecure sob walking ...

big crowds are important to him.
Trump can not get through a news conference without talking about how great he did in the election, his speech, or the news is fake if it looks bad..
The guy wants to have a investigation on the illegal voting.. what about the Russian involvement? Can't the guy move on? geeezzzzz
It seems Donald Trump has been pressuring the park service to produce photos that back up his claims regarding crowd size at his inauguration. Why is this man so obsessed with crowd size? Is he so insecure that he cannot accept the fact that another President may have had larger crowds at their inauguration? And what difference does it make anyway? This is just plain childish.

Trump pressured Park Service to find proof for his claims about inauguration crowd

Narcissistic Personality Disorder writ large in orange.

Rump is so obsessed with attention, he actually measures it. And then expects that the outside rational world suffers from the same "ratings" fallacy.

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