Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

Ah, the good old days...
Fuck 'em.....The would just as soon kill you and chop[ off your head as look at you.
You don't best terrorists by coddling them. You leftists would allow a complete takeover of sharia law if you had it your way. Fools.
So....what do you see as the goal when we waterboard?
To extract information.
These people are living in the 7th century. They are tribal savages. No amount of talking and questioning will have any effect. So more persuasive measures must be used.
The Right just sees a financial opportunity. Pay Per VIew torture of suspects.....they can title the programs "Because They Do It Too" many times have you watched the Saw movies? You obsession with the idea of PPV broadcast can only be a case of pure projection.
I don't watch movies like that.

Come on, you can admit many of the DVDs have you worn out?
I don't watch movies like that.
You don't best terrorists by coddling them. You leftists would allow a complete takeover of sharia law if you had it your way. Fools.
So....what do you see as the goal when we waterboard?
To extract information.
These people are living in the 7th century. They are tribal savages. No amount of talking and questioning will have any effect. So more persuasive measures must be used.
Even tho those who extract info say this method is ineffective?
there are plenty of tortures more painful than chinese water torture,,,,how about forcing the terrorists to watch Richard Simmons to sing and dance right in front of them as they are tied to a steel chair for 12 hours?
Well, I guess...according to Trump...anyone who isn't into waterboarding is a pussy. 'MURICA!!! :whip:
Don't attack me unless you expect to get it returned unto you. You slapped me first. I just returned a left hook to your jaw.

Attack? I merely told you to go fuck yourself, asshole.
Please do - earliest if possible.
Fucking idiot.

No wonder you stayed in the military. Your parents failed to bring you up properly. I'm certain they are proud of their little boy's potty mouth. Does it make you feel manly? Like a Full Bird or something? You're a real terror.
One commander, trying to find out which one of his teams were about to be ambushed, fired a pistol beside the ear of a terrorist, blowing out the man's ear drum...right before the terrorist, with what was his ear drum running down his neck, gave up the info. The team was saved from the would-be ambush.

I see no problem with this personally. One ear drum for the lives of an entire unit...fair trade.
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!
And Cruz promised to bomb oil tankers. I'm sure the coastal nations will appreciate that.

You do realize he was talking about trucks, not ships. Right?

ISIS doesn't have oil tanker ships.

Oh, shut up! ISIS is landlocked! Get a freaking map!
No need ISIS has trucks and cash finding a tanker should be easy.
Being landlocked never stopped the bad guys before .

Yeah, those trucks and their drivers are sitting around all over the desert with nothing to do!

Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed when someone points out your ignorance?
Nobody can torture like Trump

He represents why America is exceptional
Trump is not military, CIA, or other govt agency / group trained in the methods of extracting information. To claim no one tortures like Trump is, I take it, an intentional attempt at humor.

Waterboarding, as Bo stated, isn't that trustworthy. There are much better methods.
One commander, trying to find out which one of his teams were about to be ambushed, fired a pistol beside the ear of a terrorist, blowing out the man's ear drum...right before the terrorist, with what was his ear drum running down his neck, gave up the info. The team was saved from the would-be ambush.

I see no problem with this personally. One ear drum for the lives of an entire unit...fair trade.

you sure live in some fairy tale land of Hollywood..... ;)

A Muslim terrorist would have no problem dying in Jihad for Allah, nor in lying to the commander who blew his eardrum out, and will tell the commander bad/false information about the teams that were about to be blown up....Killing more Americans.

BTW, torture IS AGAINST THE LAW, and notoriously provides BAD information.

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