Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

if the shoe fits----------------------you libs think nothing of killing unborn human beings, even up to the point of natural birth, but you whine and pout if anyone dares to discussing squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist who wants to kill YOU.

The liberal mind does not qualify to be called a brain, it is a collection of cells controlled by a defective liberal gene.
says Cinderella's step sister.
the baby killer ploy just highlights how desperate you slapdicks are, it's the triple dog dare of the paranoid right.

Are you claiming that you libs and dems do not support abortion on demand up until the moment of birth? That's what Hillary supports, if you support her then you also support the murder of unborn human beings.
when conservatives stop having abortions maybe that will mean something ,until then it means jack shit.

Which conservatives support abortion on demand?

Which GOP candidates support the kinds of abortion that Hillary supports?

you attempt at deflection fails.
You support torture. (Simply redirected the conversation back on topic.)

How dare you discuss the topic of the thread!
If he was a threat to me, of course. Are you so stupid you don't think it has ever been done?

Never saw it in my career asshole
27 years active duty
Many a blanket party thought
Many a fight
Never had a murderer I the ranks
Fucking idiot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You were a desk jockey no doubt. The keyword here is career. Most guys with any sense get the hell out. They don't seek a gravy train for life.

Check this out...what this poster thinks of those who serve their country for a career.

Being in the military for 20 to 30 years is little different than working for a company for thirty years. Most of these guys get up in the morning and go to work and come home again in the afternoon. There's not a thing special about them. The guys you should respect are those who go off to combat and either don't return or come back maimed. I realize though that you have no respect for those guys and deem them to be murderers.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
Oh, I understand it alright. It's just not valid because anyone ISIS captures is gonna be tortured (no 'maybe' to it), so your idea that they might not do it if we don't is stupid. You're the one who doesn't understand. If the enemy knows they won't be tortured if captured, why should they fear us, and why should they think twice about torturing us every chance they get? The only way to defeat them is to illustrate that we are willing to respond to their brutality with greater brutality. Make the price they have to pay for their terror too high The rules are set by the aggressor. You don't seem to grasp that.

nope its 100% true. ISIS is going to behead, burn alive, rape, stone, and defile any person who does not subscribe to their radical Islamic beliefs. Whether we use enhanced interrogation techniques (which have never killed anyone) or not will have no affect on these savages. The only thing that will stop them is to blow them into tiny pieces.
what post are you reading ? more to the point what part of what post are you reading?

this one

Oh, I understand it alright. It's just not valid because anyone ISIS captures is gonna be tortured (no 'maybe' to it), so your idea that they might not do it if we don't is stupid. You're the one who doesn't understand. If the enemy knows they won't be tortured if captured, why should they fear us, and why should they think twice about torturing us every chance they get? The only way to defeat them is to illustrate that we are willing to respond to their brutality with greater brutality. Make the price they have to pay for their terror too high The rules are set by the aggressor. You don't seem to grasp that.

the one that you said was false

So we blissfully follow ISIS and their "rules". Obviously that's why we followed the Nazis' "rules"...that's why we followed the Japanese' "rules"...that's why we followed the VC's "rules".

"WE" Where do you get off using the term "WE". You never did shit.
Trump wants to translate Rdean's posts into Arabic and read them aloud to the Jihadists

nope its 100% true. ISIS is going to behead, burn alive, rape, stone, and defile any person who does not subscribe to their radical Islamic beliefs. Whether we use enhanced interrogation techniques (which have never killed anyone) or not will have no affect on these savages. The only thing that will stop them is to blow them into tiny pieces.
what post are you reading ? more to the point what part of what post are you reading?

this one

Oh, I understand it alright. It's just not valid because anyone ISIS captures is gonna be tortured (no 'maybe' to it), so your idea that they might not do it if we don't is stupid. You're the one who doesn't understand. If the enemy knows they won't be tortured if captured, why should they fear us, and why should they think twice about torturing us every chance they get? The only way to defeat them is to illustrate that we are willing to respond to their brutality with greater brutality. Make the price they have to pay for their terror too high The rules are set by the aggressor. You don't seem to grasp that.

the one that you said was false

So we blissfully follow ISIS and their "rules". Obviously that's why we followed the Nazis' "rules"...that's why we followed the Japanese' "rules"...that's why we followed the VC's "rules".

"WE" Where do you get off using the term "WE". You never did shit.

Ask her about the plywood
Never saw it in my career asshole
27 years active duty
Many a blanket party thought
Many a fight
Never had a murderer I the ranks
Fucking idiot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You were a desk jockey no doubt. The keyword here is career. Most guys with any sense get the hell out. They don't seek a gravy train for life.

Check this out...what this poster thinks of those who serve their country for a career.

Being in the military for 20 to 30 years is little different than working for a company for thirty years. Most of these guys get up in the morning and go to work and come home again in the afternoon. There's not a thing special about them. The guys you should respect are those who go off to combat and either don't return or come back maimed. I realize though that you have no respect for those guys and deem them to be murderers.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

nope its 100% true. ISIS is going to behead, burn alive, rape, stone, and defile any person who does not subscribe to their radical Islamic beliefs. Whether we use enhanced interrogation techniques (which have never killed anyone) or not will have no affect on these savages. The only thing that will stop them is to blow them into tiny pieces.
what post are you reading ? more to the point what part of what post are you reading?

this one

Oh, I understand it alright. It's just not valid because anyone ISIS captures is gonna be tortured (no 'maybe' to it), so your idea that they might not do it if we don't is stupid. You're the one who doesn't understand. If the enemy knows they won't be tortured if captured, why should they fear us, and why should they think twice about torturing us every chance they get? The only way to defeat them is to illustrate that we are willing to respond to their brutality with greater brutality. Make the price they have to pay for their terror too high The rules are set by the aggressor. You don't seem to grasp that.

the one that you said was false

So we blissfully follow ISIS and their "rules". Obviously that's why we followed the Nazis' "rules"...that's why we followed the Japanese' "rules"...that's why we followed the VC's "rules".

"WE" Where do you get off using the term "WE". You never did shit.
I certainly admit that I have never advocated fragging or torture. Nor have I ever called our modern military cowards or our retired veterans are only riding the gravy train their whole lives. Guilty as charged on that.
I don't have a problem with waterboarding it really causes no harm it's just scary as hell
How about rape, and beatings?

Life goes on right? No harm, no foul...
It's the Muslim way, raping and beatings anyway...
You were a desk jockey no doubt. The keyword here is career. Most guys with any sense get the hell out. They don't seek a gravy train for life.

Check this out...what this poster thinks of those who serve their country for a career.

Being in the military for 20 to 30 years is little different than working for a company for thirty years. Most of these guys get up in the morning and go to work and come home again in the afternoon. There's not a thing special about them. The guys you should respect are those who go off to combat and either don't return or come back maimed. I realize though that you have no respect for those guys and deem them to be murderers.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

You might as well add in that my heart and mind are with actual combat veterans. The rest of you can take a flying leap.
Check this out...what this poster thinks of those who serve their country for a career.

Being in the military for 20 to 30 years is little different than working for a company for thirty years. Most of these guys get up in the morning and go to work and come home again in the afternoon. There's not a thing special about them. The guys you should respect are those who go off to combat and either don't return or come back maimed. I realize though that you have no respect for those guys and deem them to be murderers.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

You might as well add in that my heart and mind are with actual combat veterans. The rest of you can take a flying leap.
You have already called today's military cowards. I guess you don't believe we have "actual combat veterans" anymore.
I don't have a problem with waterboarding it really causes no harm it's just scary as hell
How about rape, and beatings?

Life goes on right? No harm, no foul...
It's the Muslim way, raping and beatings anyway...
It's the 'Murican Way to shoot up churches and elementary schools. :salute:
That the Muslim terrorists are hiding in, behind the women and children...
I don't have a problem with waterboarding it really causes no harm it's just scary as hell
How about rape, and beatings?

Life goes on right? No harm, no foul...
It's the Muslim way, raping and beatings anyway...
It's the 'Murican Way to shoot up churches and elementary schools. :salute:
That the Muslim terrorists are hiding in, behind the women and children...
Just like Y'allqaeda.
Being in the military for 20 to 30 years is little different than working for a company for thirty years. Most of these guys get up in the morning and go to work and come home again in the afternoon. There's not a thing special about them. The guys you should respect are those who go off to combat and either don't return or come back maimed. I realize though that you have no respect for those guys and deem them to be murderers.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

You might as well add in that my heart and mind are with actual combat veterans. The rest of you can take a flying leap.
You have already called today's military cowards. I guess you don't believe we have "actual combat veterans" anymore.

Actually, I called you a coward.
Noticing how your TRUE FEELINGS about our military and our veterans are coming out now.

I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

You might as well add in that my heart and mind are with actual combat veterans. The rest of you can take a flying leap.
You have already called today's military cowards. I guess you don't believe we have "actual combat veterans" anymore.

Actually, I called you a coward.
Of course you did....from the safety of your anonymous nic on an anonymous message board. Brave lad!
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!
Oh noze! War crimes!

Call me when your Fkn international court has ISIS prosecuted.
^ Envy over ISIS torturing....wants to be like ISIS.
Has your international court sent ISIS a sternly worded letter yet?
What's it say about Iran chopping off heads of homosexuals?
Any word on what your international court has done about the boys held in rape camps in Afghanistan?

Didn't think so.
I am a veteran you stupid shit. The only reason you might be is because you may have been on Carnival Cruise Lines during Viet Nam. We already know you would surrender as soon as someone fired a shot and you would sell out any of your fellow POW's for a piece of bread.
"We already know".....Yes, we already know that you are a poser that has already called today's military cowards and we already know that you admit that you would frag someone if you disagreed with them and we already know that you call career veterans someone who "seeks a gravy train for life" and we already know you support be like ISIS.

You might as well add in that my heart and mind are with actual combat veterans. The rest of you can take a flying leap.
You have already called today's military cowards. I guess you don't believe we have "actual combat veterans" anymore.

Actually, I called you a coward.
Of course you did....from the safety of your anonymous nic on an anonymous message board. Brave lad!

Kind of reminds you of your war experience aboard that Carnival Cruise Line boat 500 miles away from any firefight.
Bodecea will get mad any minute now and draw a line in the ocean from his lounge chair on the deck of the Carnival Cruise ship he served all those war years aboard.

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