Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

What is wrong with you that you can even think of waterboarding children?

But hey you could possibly have a heart attack but then again those are treatable medically just like pneumonia

And you can waterboard without killing the person it's been done and even if you think otherwise it still is
Why should there be conditions suddenly?

And you accuse others of binary thinking
Binary thinking if I don't accept that there are conditions. Maybe we just disagree on where that line is....or is going to remain if it is drawn.

I never said there wouldn't be conditions that was all you
Where did I says there would not be conditions?
When you said why not waterboard kids
  1. For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
UN Convention Against Torture

The US signed, but did not ratify, this convention.

They should not ratify it (signing it means nothing), and should probably withdraw from all other conventions.
The Right just sees a financial opportunity. Pay Per VIew torture of suspects.....they can title the programs "Because They Do It Too" many times have you watched the Saw movies? You obsession with the idea of PPV broadcast can only be a case of pure projection.
Water boarding ain't nothing..just ask Hannity. Remember when he laughed about what a cake walk it was and said he'd do it on air...

...and then didnt.
Do you think they won't torture us because we don't torture them?
Nope. But question for you, is it good to be as immoral as others?
I'd rather be immoral than dead
And there you have it.....You should put it as your Motto. Pass it down...Family Crest and all.

You mean like George Washington...whose family motto of "exitus acta probat" translates best as, "The end justifies the means."
Most guys with any sense get the hell out.

And those with all the sense stayed in, moron.

We got out and made an honest living. We didn't want to rely on the government's tit all our lives and blindly follow some idiot's orders.

Good for you.
I've been out 20 something years, been honest all my life, asshole.
Both in the military and as a civilian.
If you didn't - that's your fucking loss.
Most guys with any sense get the hell out.

And those with all the sense stayed in, moron.

We got out and made an honest living. We didn't want to rely on the government's tit all our lives and blindly follow some idiot's orders.

Good for you.
I've been out 20 something years, been honest all my life, asshole.
Both in the military and as a civilian.
If you didn't - that's your fucking loss.

Don't expect me to kiss your butt for putting in 20 years for a retirement check. You're no better and no worse than a policeman or firefighter or even a school teacher.
The Right just sees a financial opportunity. Pay Per VIew torture of suspects.....they can title the programs "Because They Do It Too" many times have you watched the Saw movies? You obsession with the idea of PPV broadcast can only be a case of pure projection.
I don't watch movies like that.

Come on, you can admit many of the DVDs have you worn out?
The Right just sees a financial opportunity. Pay Per VIew torture of suspects.....they can title the programs "Because They Do It Too" many times have you watched the Saw movies? You obsession with the idea of PPV broadcast can only be a case of pure projection.

He prefers those abortion movies where they suck the brains out of an unborn child.
Don't expect me to kiss your butt for putting in 20 years for a retirement check. You're no better and no worse than a policeman or firefighter or even a school teacher.

I don't expect a damned thing from you or anyone else. You can personally go fuck yourself - I could care less.

Don't attack me unless you expect to get it returned unto you. You slapped me first. I just returned a left hook to your jaw.
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!
I suppose you think by giving these savages tea and cookies they will rat out their friends.
Ya know what, if you are going to be clueless, it's best to keep silent.
The reason that has not been another 9/11 type attack on our soils is because we use extreme discomfort while interrogating enemy combatants.

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