Trump proposes new gun laws

This is bad, very bad. :(

Why should millions suffer for what a few did as a result of leftist policies? :crybaby:

They need to roll back all gun regulations to pre-1963 standards or more!
Waiting to buy a gun is suffering? Sure it is princess. Stop whining already.
It's not the waiting. When that doesn't work (it won't) the next step will be implemented and so on.

Your side has already demonstrated that you will never stop.

Forget it.

You get NOTHING!!!!

Machine guns, or Valhalla!!!

Keep whining snowflake.
Who is whining? We're gonna start taking.


Hot copper-jacketed lead at high velocities.

I almost bought into an AR or 2 Monday. Bahhh, I never have liked guns like that. They're just not my thing, I don't need another gun, and I'm not going to start buying expensive things I don't like.

Maybe I should for resale value before some kind of crazy shit gets passed. :dunno:
This is bad, very bad. :(

Why should millions suffer for what a few did as a result of leftist policies? :crybaby:

They need to roll back all gun regulations to pre-1963 standards or more!
Waiting to buy a gun is suffering? Sure it is princess. Stop whining already.
It's not the waiting. When that doesn't work (it won't) the next step will be implemented and so on.

Your side has already demonstrated that you will never stop.

Forget it.

You get NOTHING!!!!

Machine guns, or Valhalla!!!

Keep whining snowflake.
Who is whining? We're gonna start taking.

You need to listen to yourself, pathetic whining.
Mmmkay. Whatever you say.

Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

The shooters were gun owners. Now you know, you bike riding pussy.
Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

The shooters were gun owners. Now you know, you bike riding pussy.

A few out of how many millions, jackass?
Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

The shooters were gun owners. Now you know, you bike riding pussy.
So, the millions of gun owners who DID NOT shoot a bunch of people are JUST THE SAME?


How many shootings do we have relative to the amount of guns in the USA?

Aren’t there like 300 million guns in America?

Seems like we are doing ok.

We need to start taking assholes who post threatening things on the web and throw them in the looney bin and have them studied by men in white lab coats.

These psychos are always sounding bullhorns that they are about to blow a gasket like a 1974 Dodge Dart.
Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
/—-/ DemocRATs will block any immigration reform. It’s the last thing you libtards want. Now Trump can say he tried but democRATs wouldn’t cooperate. Trump plays you like a fiddle.
Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.


But will you still vote for him when he signs it?
None of which would/could have prevented any mass shooting of the last decade or more.

and if the pro gunners and the anti gunners dont come up with something they can both live with, then they are just putting it in the hands of congress to come up with something,and we all know how that goes with them making the rules,especially when they have a 20 something percent approval rating.....terrible people make terrible decisions...
gun registration is the begining of the end for gun owners -

I cant remember how many times Ive heard that one ...

now Goldilocks mentions registration a the line forms on the right to suck his dick.

So now I suppose no more threads about Dems taking away your guns huh dumfucks ?
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Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

The shooters were gun owners. Now you know, you bike riding pussy.

A few out of how many millions, jackass?
Which means that there are many, many more shooters out there. Thanks for clearing that up.
Dear Suckers;

Goldilocks will throw you, and your guns under the bus to get his wall -

Trump: Immigration Reform Should Be Part of Any New Gun Laws

kiss his fat ass for 3 years, and it's like you're not even there ...

now tell the class how a new wall is worth giving up new gun laws ..

oh look, no KY with that F'n either-
I will be disappointed if any gun law even makes it to his desk.

Because you're satisfied with the current level of gun violence in this country, and you even want more?
Because you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming the gun and the MILLIONS of gun owners.

The shooters were gun owners. Now you know, you bike riding pussy.
So, the millions of gun owners who DID NOT shoot a bunch of people are JUST THE SAME?


Many more gun owners out there waiting to become mass murderers. I bet you can’t wait.

When have you ever seen a manly guy on a bike? Never? I thought so.
None of which would/could have prevented any mass shooting of the last decade or more.

What are WE going to do about it? Like, ALL OF US.

what can be done?

Door to door searches by jackbooted thugs?

ban them, and arrest anyone found with one?

only search for 'military style' rifles?

Need I remind you the Va Tech shooter killed 33 people with 2 handguns?

and passed a background check for both of them?
ban them, and arrest anyone found with one?
Depending on what you mean by "them," yes.

Need I remind you the Va Tech shooter killed 33 people with 2 handguns?
No, 2AGuy reminds us most every day. You know, however, that handguns are not the preferred weapon for mass shooters.

Door to door searches by jackbooted thugs?
Is that what you call cops these days? What about ICE? Do you think of them as jackbooted thugs for finding illegals and taking them into custody? If there is a ban on owning a certain weapon, and you continue to own one, are you not breaking the law and therefore subject to law enforcement?

None of which would/could have prevented any mass shooting of the last decade or more.

What are WE going to do about it? Like, ALL OF US.

what can be done?

Door to door searches by jackbooted thugs?

ban them, and arrest anyone found with one?

only search for 'military style' rifles?

Need I remind you the Va Tech shooter killed 33 people with 2 handguns?

and passed a background check for both of them?
ban them, and arrest anyone found with one?
Depending on what you mean by "them," yes.

Need I remind you the Va Tech shooter killed 33 people with 2 handguns?
No, 2AGuy reminds us most every day. You know, however, that handguns are not the preferred weapon for mass shooters.

Door to door searches by jackbooted thugs?
Is that what you call cops these days? What about ICE? Do you think of them as jackbooted thugs for finding illegals and taking them into custody? If there is a ban on owning a certain weapon, and you continue to own one, are you not breaking the law and therefore subject to law enforcement?

Here is what will happen. You ban a certain gun. The government starts breaking down doors to arrest people and confiscate those guns.

You then create a scenario where (R)'s win everything with their promises to overturn that.

Have you not seen a backlash against those who try to completely ban abortion? What do you think will happen after the first woman is arrested and thrown in jail?
Anything less than gun ban/confiscation and open Borders is unacceptable to the Left. They can’t even admit it or stand behind it.
Trump and his background checks will out ex con gun owners - they go back to prison and enjoy a few more years of hot date nights with Bubba, and Marcellus -

thats called Trump protecting them from mexicans ..


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