Trump Proposes To Build A Security Fence Around USA, Like A Final Solution to the Palestinian?...

and a Operation to stop all new arrivals of muslims Mascale !! Operation Goat lover might or could be the name Mascale !!
"Trump suggested America is vulnerable to a similar attack unless the country moves swiftly to enact his plans to build a wall along the Mexican border and bar Muslims from entering the country indefinitely."

More proof that Trump is a bigot and an idiot, as are most of his supporters and others on the right.
So from the Eisenhower program, ended in 1955, the problem of illegal immigration was solved forever(?).

Since Pismoe poster shows that the problem has apparently been long-since solved, then what need of any further programs? Even the fellow recently captured in Belgium was born there. No one denies that even Disney Theme Parks have walls around them. What Mickey Mouse thinks of all the tourists is not on record. He is the famous little colored mouse that millions would be unable to see, at the outset, based on the black color of the cartoon character

The walk back to Mexico and Central America has been a part of the program currently in place, since there is no wall.

The Obama Administration is the lead deporter at the border, as a part of that legacy. LA Unified has had to close down entire schools, based on the exodus back to Mexico, and Back to Central America.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pretty fences around Hispanic Voter Residences in Orange County, not designed to keep them out from the expected November Turnout!)
Put all the alumanutty far right conspiracy freeks in North Dakota and run the fence around the state.
Sieg Heil right ? Hitler would be proud.
That's what you far right fascist freeks always say. The nice thing in America is you get to be stupid out loud. But don't be stupid in action. LEO will take you down.
No Conservative I ever heard of is calling for concentration camps.
Right. :lol: Conservatives don't, but far right reactionary fascist freeks do.

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