Trump Protester Calls For Genocide of All White People

Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
Kind of like the solution to the gun problem being more guns.
How so? Does not compute. If me owning guns is a problem it's your problem, not mine. Liberals try to support their stupid beliefs with even more stupidity.
Why does it not surprise me that this went right over your head. And you replied spewing hatred and lies, just like your boy Trump.
Liar. I spoke the truth, you couldn't even respond to it so you took a shit instead. Racism and guns aren't similar in any way. Racism can only be defeated by eliminating it, not more of the same. However, if attacked with a gun, not having one in your defense doesn't make the problem better.
Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
Kind of like the solution to the gun problem being more guns.
How so? Does not compute. If me owning guns is a problem it's your problem, not mine. Liberals try to support their stupid beliefs with even more stupidity.
Why does it not surprise me that this went right over your head. And you replied spewing hatred and lies, just like your boy Trump.
Liar. I spoke the truth, you couldn't even respond to it so you took a shit instead. Racism and guns aren't similar in any way. Racism can only be defeated by eliminating it, not more of the same. However, if attacked with a gun, not having one in your defense doesn't make the problem better.
You insist on proving how stupid you are? Go ahead.
Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
Kind of like the solution to the gun problem being more guns.
How so? Does not compute. If me owning guns is a problem it's your problem, not mine. Liberals try to support their stupid beliefs with even more stupidity.
Why does it not surprise me that this went right over your head. And you replied spewing hatred and lies, just like your boy Trump.
Liar. I spoke the truth, you couldn't even respond to it so you took a shit instead. Racism and guns aren't similar in any way. Racism can only be defeated by eliminating it, not more of the same. However, if attacked with a gun, not having one in your defense doesn't make the problem better.
You insist on proving how stupid you are? Go ahead.
Have a child explain the post, you didn't get it.
inciting and inflaming worse!!!
besides inciting and inflaming white folk is Trump's job
For the election , emotional hype to drive voters to the polls may have helped him more than it hurt him (since this race issue caused as much hype against him).
But now to get anything done, it does not serve him or the nation to stoke division. So things will change as more ppl figure that out. Until then the venting in the media continues.
it does not serve him or the nation to stoke division..

This crazy white woman racist had been harboring racial haterd for years even as she earned money from Black folks ...for 8 long years....Once the Orange Galoot got elected she like many others [THINK "sAYiT"] feels that white entitlement to spew alternative racist facts..Results ...she wrecked her career and deserves it...she had nice gigs Singing Gospel in Black Churches and Religious gatherings ..No More ...this insane white princess likened the Orange Pussy grabber sybarite to Jesus

‘You are disgusting’: Gospel singer Vicki Yohe gets blasted online for insulting Women’s March

Here she is just a little later trying to rescue her career...screw you honey you showed your Ass
Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
Kind of like the solution to the gun problem being more guns.
How so? Does not compute. If me owning guns is a problem it's your problem, not mine. Liberals try to support their stupid beliefs with even more stupidity.
Why does it not surprise me that this went right over your head. And you replied spewing hatred and lies, just like your boy Trump.
Liar. I spoke the truth, you couldn't even respond to it so you took a shit instead. Racism and guns aren't similar in any way. Racism can only be defeated by eliminating it, not more of the same. However, if attacked with a gun, not having one in your defense doesn't make the problem better.

Dear Iceweasel and NoNukes
I am guessing what NoNukes was TRYING to say
was that "in general" answering violence with more violence results in more violence.
Clearly this is NOT referring to armed defense that DETERS and STOPS violence.

I think what NN means is "random gun violence"

One example that illustrates NoNukes point:
When Dylan Roof decided to protest violence by blacks on whites
by shooting up a group of black church members,
CLEARLY that didn't solve the problem but made it worse.

So this is an EXAMPLE of how "random gun violence"
isn't the way to protest "random gun violence."
(ie nothing to do with lawful use of guns for defense and to deter crime or violence
as with effective use of police and military authority)

Sadly, in both cases, the tactics ARE picked up in the media
and used to serve that purpose of publicizing protests.

We can either respond to this "bait" by more race baiting and hating,
or respond as the congregational members did in the case of Roof's shooting
and seek to "rise above" this vicious cycle and call for peace and healing.

More and more pastors and prayers are calling for healing for the nation.
So in time, we'll figure out that this approach works better to address
and solve the root problems, rather than more race baiting protests riots and violence.
Last edited:
it does not serve him or the nation to stoke division..

This crazy white woman racist had been harboring racial haterd for years even as she earned money from Black folks ...for 8 long years....Once the Orange Galoot got elected she like many others [THINK "sAYiT"] feels that white entitlement to spew alternative racist facts..Results ...she wrecked her career and deserves it...she had nice gigs Singing Gospel in Black Churches and Religious gatherings ..No More ...this insane white princess likened the Orange Pussy grabber sybarite to Jesus

‘You are disgusting’: Gospel singer Vicki Yohe gets blasted online for insulting Women’s March

Here she is just a little later trying to rescue her career...screw you honey you showed your Ass

Obama's birth certificate was in fact a fraud. We proved it.
it does not serve him or the nation to stoke division..

This crazy white woman racist had been harboring racial haterd for years even as she earned money from Black folks ...for 8 long years....Once the Orange Galoot got elected she like many others [THINK "sAYiT"] feels that white entitlement to spew alternative racist facts..Results ...she wrecked her career and deserves it...she had nice gigs Singing Gospel in Black Churches and Religious gatherings ..No More ...this insane white princess likened the Orange Pussy grabber sybarite to Jesus

‘You are disgusting’: Gospel singer Vicki Yohe gets blasted online for insulting Women’s March

Here she is just a little later trying to rescue her career...screw you honey you showed your Ass

Obama's birth certificate was in fact a fraud. We proved it.
ROFLMAO sure sure you did
This clueless moron is white herself, and wants all whites removed from America.

Local USC Chapter President Calls for Cleansing of Whites [Video]

Radical socialists held an anti-white protest that occurred at Chicano Park in San Diego calling Trump racist, demanded reparations, and then calls for whites to be cleansed from the U.S.

Jackson Hollingsworth, president of the local Uhuru Solidarity Committee (USC), delivered a revolutionary racist rant against white people at a protest against Trump on Inauguration Day in Chicano Park in San Diego.

Although she demands ethnic cleansing of whites from the American continent, oddly enough, she’s white herself, and also spreads her radical socialist hate on her Facebook page....

Hollingsworth on her anti-white Facebook page also called for all white people to pay reparations and then states that exploitation of white women is due to white power and that it’s in white women’s interests to stand in solidarity with African liberation and that of all colonized peoples.
They dont make them any dumber than this folks.
How is that any worse than those here calling for genocide of Muslims? They are both bad yet I didn't see you starting threads on or even commenting on those here who do the same.
it does not serve him or the nation to stoke division..

This crazy white woman racist had been harboring racial haterd for years even as she earned money from Black folks ...for 8 long years....Once the Orange Galoot got elected she like many others [THINK "sAYiT"] feels that white entitlement to spew alternative racist facts..Results ...she wrecked her career and deserves it...she had nice gigs Singing Gospel in Black Churches and Religious gatherings ..No More ...this insane white princess likened the Orange Pussy grabber sybarite to Jesus

‘You are disgusting’: Gospel singer Vicki Yohe gets blasted online for insulting Women’s March

Here she is just a little later trying to rescue her career...screw you honey you showed your Ass

Obama's birth certificate was in fact a fraud. We proved it.
#Alternativefacts :lol:
How is that any worse than those here calling for genocide of Muslims? They are both bad yet I didn't see you starting threads on or even commenting on those here who do the same.
1. Anyone calling for the genocide of any ethnicity is either joking in a way they think is obviously absurd and over the top, or they are as evil as Hitler, Stalin and their minions that carried out said genocides.

2. For a person to advocate for the genocide of their own ethnicity is simply ludicrous when it would be far more effective for them to lead by example.
Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
Kind of like the solution to the gun problem being more guns.
How so? Does not compute. If me owning guns is a problem it's your problem, not mine. Liberals try to support their stupid beliefs with even more stupidity.
Why does it not surprise me that this went right over your head. And you replied spewing hatred and lies, just like your boy Trump.
Liar. I spoke the truth, you couldn't even respond to it so you took a shit instead. Racism and guns aren't similar in any way. Racism can only be defeated by eliminating it, not more of the same. However, if attacked with a gun, not having one in your defense doesn't make the problem better.

Dear Iceweasel and NoNukes
I am guessing what NoNukes was TRYING to say
was that "in general" answering violence with more violence results in more violence.
Clearly this is NOT referring to armed defense that DETERS and STOPS violence.

I think what NN means is "random gun violence"

One example that illustrates NoNukes point:
When Dylan Roof decided to protest violence by blacks on whites
by shooting up a group of black church members,
CLEARLY that didn't solve the problem but made it worse.

So this is an EXAMPLE of how "random gun violence"
isn't the way to protest "random gun violence."
(ie nothing to do with lawful use of guns for defense and to deter crime or violence
as with effective use of police and military authority)

Sadly, in both cases, the tactics ARE picked up in the media
and used to serve that purpose of publicizing protests.

We can either respond to this "bait" by more race baiting and hating,
or respond as the congregational members did in the case of Roof's shooting
and seek to "rise above" this vicious cycle and call for peace and healing.

More and more pastors and prayers are calling for healing for the nation.
So in time, we'll figure out that this approach works better to address
and solve the root problems, rather than more race baiting protests riots and violence.
But a gun can indeed stop violence. Racism can never cure racism.
This clueless moron is white herself, and wants all whites removed from America.

Local USC Chapter President Calls for Cleansing of Whites [Video]

Radical socialists held an anti-white protest that occurred at Chicano Park in San Diego calling Trump racist, demanded reparations, and then calls for whites to be cleansed from the U.S.

Jackson Hollingsworth, president of the local Uhuru Solidarity Committee (USC), delivered a revolutionary racist rant against white people at a protest against Trump on Inauguration Day in Chicano Park in San Diego.

Although she demands ethnic cleansing of whites from the American continent, oddly enough, she’s white herself, and also spreads her radical socialist hate on her Facebook page....

Hollingsworth on her anti-white Facebook page also called for all white people to pay reparations and then states that exploitation of white women is due to white power and that it’s in white women’s interests to stand in solidarity with African liberation and that of all colonized peoples.
They dont make them any dumber than this folks.
Of course this is proof that all people who protest against Trump are as batshit crazy as these people. IS that the point that you're trying to make?? Fail!!
Since when is the solution to racism more racism?

This is worse than two wrongs doubling the problem.

Because it escalates like pouring gasoline on fire.

If the point is to make a huge statement in the media, it serves that purpose. By inciting and inflaming worse!!!
For some, the urge for a sense of belonging is overwhelming. It is this need which accounts for many examples of apparent betrayal on the part of those who feel insignificant within the boundaries of their categorical sphere, whether it be ethnic, political, familial or otherwise, to cross the fixed and visible dividing line and demonstrate loyalty to an unfamiliar, even traditionally hostile group or organization.

The primary effects of such a conspicuous shift in allegiance are attention and a strong sense of acceptance and belonging. One very dramatic example of this phenomenon was the behavior of Patty Hearst who, when kidnapped and taken hostage by the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974, became voluntarily assimilated by and joined her kidnappers in their criminal pursuits. The phenomenon has been referred to as The Stockholm Syndrome by behaviorists.
This clueless moron is white herself, and wants all whites removed from America.

Local USC Chapter President Calls for Cleansing of Whites [Video]

Radical socialists held an anti-white protest that occurred at Chicano Park in San Diego calling Trump racist, demanded reparations, and then calls for whites to be cleansed from the U.S.

Jackson Hollingsworth, president of the local Uhuru Solidarity Committee (USC), delivered a revolutionary racist rant against white people at a protest against Trump on Inauguration Day in Chicano Park in San Diego.

Although she demands ethnic cleansing of whites from the American continent, oddly enough, she’s white herself, and also spreads her radical socialist hate on her Facebook page....

Hollingsworth on her anti-white Facebook page also called for all white people to pay reparations and then states that exploitation of white women is due to white power and that it’s in white women’s interests to stand in solidarity with African liberation and that of all colonized peoples.
They dont make them any dumber than this folks.
How is that any worse than those here calling for genocide of Muslims? They are both bad yet I didn't see you starting threads on or even commenting on those here who do the same.

Dear bodecea
I think the negative sentiment towards "Jihadist/Extreme Islamist" regimes
and other oppressive/genocidal religious crusade types
is that they *KILL THEMSELVES OFF*

The difference with views of White Dominance and power
is wanting those with wealth to KEEP producing it, but redistribute and share it
as social responsibility (not through volunteer charity which takes too long and
can't be guaranteed or regulated, but mandated through govt as an extension of
protecting general welfare). the goal is not really to wipe out the powerful rich,
but to expect the "golden goose" to keep producing eggs for everyone else,
because it's the moral thing to do, not to profit in luxury while others go hungry and suffer.
As in Noblesse Oblige.

Somehow the Left went to such extremes with representing and defending the needs of
the poor minorities, this has created an unhealthy mentality/stereotype of
"entitlement" or assuming that wealth produced due in part to freedoms we have in America
"indirectly" is shared by others. so the "privileges" are earned at the "expense" of others
and somehow "owed" to them. So the govt is then depended on to collect taxes
(as a means of forced charity) and when that doesn't work, then people feel cheated.

If the people like Soros and other "rich white corporatists" are the ones
controlling govt, media and political parties to do their bidding, then
the rich are blamed for policies that make them richer "at the expense of the poor."

So the target becomes blaming the rich white corporate owners monopolizing the wealth,
similar to how Jews were targeted and blamed for the oppression in Germany.
But instead of wiping them out and stealing their property to redistribute,
in America we're a bit more civilized.

So the demand is that the the rich whites AGREE to pay reparations
to the poor, to "keep producing" the wealth but pay more and more for whatever programs help the poor.

Instead of relying on charity by free choice,
this is being demanded politically for social justice.

I just find it horribly ironic that as much as the liberal attacks on Christianity
"demonize" the practitioners of this faith based on charity for the poor,
it seems the most ardent rejectors turn around and DEMAND that charity
be regulated and mandated through govt, while arguing for "separation of church and state."

But if Christians were to demand charity be required through govt for Christian programs helping the poor,
that would be denounced.

they don't want to kill Christians off but kill off the religious controls
(same with not killing off the corporate wealth but have representation in collecting taxes
on it to redistribute as THEY want without equal consent and representation for people PRODUCING
that wealth they feel is OWED to the poor who have suffered while other people have benefited from the system).
But then turn around and establish their OWN mandates through govt!
This clueless moron is white herself, and wants all whites removed from America.

Local USC Chapter President Calls for Cleansing of Whites [Video]

Radical socialists held an anti-white protest that occurred at Chicano Park in San Diego calling Trump racist, demanded reparations, and then calls for whites to be cleansed from the U.S.

Jackson Hollingsworth, president of the local Uhuru Solidarity Committee (USC), delivered a revolutionary racist rant against white people at a protest against Trump on Inauguration Day in Chicano Park in San Diego.

Although she demands ethnic cleansing of whites from the American continent, oddly enough, she’s white herself, and also spreads her radical socialist hate on her Facebook page....

Hollingsworth on her anti-white Facebook page also called for all white people to pay reparations and then states that exploitation of white women is due to white power and that it’s in white women’s interests to stand in solidarity with African liberation and that of all colonized peoples.
They dont make them any dumber than this folks.

That person is a retard.

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