Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

it also used to not have icecaps. what made them come about? why is it *our* fault they're fading now?
What caused climatic changes in the past does not rule out a human role in the changes we see now. If it is "our fault", GHGs are the reason. They've nearly doubled since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. How can that continue and not have an influence on climate?
never said it wasn't.

only saying the earth has gone through radical changes before long before man was around, much less industrialized man. to say THIS IS ALL ON US and run around in a panic is stupid to me.

doing all we can to continue to work within our environment is the right path to be sure. but to ignore the earths history when it doesn't align with *this* mindset is just as stupid and foolhardy as saying we have no impact on our environment.
No one is ignoring earth's history or that it's all on us. The problem is the denialists ignoring human history and the impact we've had on the environment.

and usually people do that when pushed to an extreme that doesn't make sense. such as ignoring all the past changes the earth has gone through as insignificant.
Past changes aren't ignored. They and natural processes are all factored into climate theory. You're just regurgitating denialist alt-facts.

It's computer models you stupid fuck.....
Accept responsibility...

There is a Constitutionally mandated process for entering into TREATIES - Obama made it a habit of violating the Constitution to enter the United States into treaties based on his own ideologies and desires. He did not act 'responsibly' or Constitutionally.
It was an agreement not a treaty. My God. Quit such a flaming asshole.

It was an agreement not a treaty.

An agreement with only a Presidential signature can be erased by a new Presidential signature.
And sea levels were over 500 feet higher than they are today.

Yes, CO2 levels were higher before. Why don't you find out what the climate was like then & see how well it fits with today's Earth.

You people are sofa king stupid.

Once again cupcake dinosaurs were huge plants were..huge..

More C02 doesn't kill the planet... Idiot..


So you think changing from today's climate to when the dinosaurs roamed would not cost anything? Not ever a 500 rise in sea levels? Ave temps 9 to 13 degrees higher than today. You think we'd just plant wheat & corn in Nebraska, drive our cars, live in our homes & cities? Palm trees above the arctic circle.

Climate change won't kill the planet. It could kill mankind. It will make life difficult for future generations. All we have to do is reduce our emissions. That's it.

Drive higher mpg vehicles, use more green energy, burn less fossil fuels. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, because assholes like you are too stupid. You elected a POS who is too stupid to get it. OMG OMG OMG corporations can't exist if they can 't fucking pollute everything. You people are sick pathetic, greedy, selfish, poor excuses for human beings.
Climate change is NATURAL you stupid fucking twat. We could quit eating animals, stop farting, stop driving, stop breeding horses, stop building fires, get off the internet and make electricity a thing of the past. Climate change will STILL happen. We are in the middle of an interglacial interlude RIGHT NOW.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
How do we know that changes in the sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends?

Since 1978, a series of satellite instruments have measured the energy output of the sun directly. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the sun gives off) over this time period. So the sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades.

Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. The most recent analyses of these proxies indicate that solar irradiance changes cannot plausibly account for more than 10 percent of the 20th century’s warming.2
It has gotten higher a couple times since then but I don't think its pushing the warming.
But thanks for the link anyways!
Maybe you can post something that is more relevant to what it is being discussed?
You asked for facts. I give you facts. Now you say it's not what we're discussing.
Once again cupcake dinosaurs were huge plants were..huge..

More C02 doesn't kill the planet... Idiot..


So you think changing from today's climate to when the dinosaurs roamed would not cost anything? Not ever a 500 rise in sea levels? Ave temps 9 to 13 degrees higher than today. You think we'd just plant wheat & corn in Nebraska, drive our cars, live in our homes & cities? Palm trees above the arctic circle.

Climate change won't kill the planet. It could kill mankind. It will make life difficult for future generations. All we have to do is reduce our emissions. That's it.

Drive higher mpg vehicles, use more green energy, burn less fossil fuels. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, because assholes like you are too stupid. You elected a POS who is too stupid to get it. OMG OMG OMG corporations can't exist if they can 't fucking pollute everything. You people are sick pathetic, greedy, selfish, poor excuses for human beings.
Climate change is NATURAL you stupid fucking twat. We could quit eating animals, stop farting, stop driving, stop breeding horses, stop building fires, get off the internet and make electricity a thing of the past. Climate change will STILL happen. We are in the middle of an interglacial interlude RIGHT NOW.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
How do we know that changes in the sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends?

Since 1978, a series of satellite instruments have measured the energy output of the sun directly. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the sun gives off) over this time period. So the sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades.

Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. The most recent analyses of these proxies indicate that solar irradiance changes cannot plausibly account for more than 10 percent of the 20th century’s warming.2
It has gotten higher a couple times since then but I don't think its pushing the warming.
But thanks for the link anyways!
Maybe you can post something that is more relevant to what it is being discussed?
You asked for facts. I give you facts. Now you say it's not what we're discussing.
You realize that was about the sun, right? We are talking about man...You know, humans, people, you & me?
So you think changing from today's climate to when the dinosaurs roamed would not cost anything? Not ever a 500 rise in sea levels? Ave temps 9 to 13 degrees higher than today. You think we'd just plant wheat & corn in Nebraska, drive our cars, live in our homes & cities? Palm trees above the arctic circle.

Climate change won't kill the planet. It could kill mankind. It will make life difficult for future generations. All we have to do is reduce our emissions. That's it.

Drive higher mpg vehicles, use more green energy, burn less fossil fuels. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, because assholes like you are too stupid. You elected a POS who is too stupid to get it. OMG OMG OMG corporations can't exist if they can 't fucking pollute everything. You people are sick pathetic, greedy, selfish, poor excuses for human beings.
Climate change is NATURAL you stupid fucking twat. We could quit eating animals, stop farting, stop driving, stop breeding horses, stop building fires, get off the internet and make electricity a thing of the past. Climate change will STILL happen. We are in the middle of an interglacial interlude RIGHT NOW.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
How do we know that changes in the sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends?

Since 1978, a series of satellite instruments have measured the energy output of the sun directly. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the sun gives off) over this time period. So the sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades.

Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. The most recent analyses of these proxies indicate that solar irradiance changes cannot plausibly account for more than 10 percent of the 20th century’s warming.2
It has gotten higher a couple times since then but I don't think its pushing the warming.
But thanks for the link anyways!
Maybe you can post something that is more relevant to what it is being discussed?
You asked for facts. I give you facts. Now you say it's not what we're discussing.
You realize that was about the sun, right? We are talking about man...You know, humans, people, you & me?
If the sun isn't causing the rise in temps, what is? Is there another cause possible other than humans? I guess with you I shouldn't assume anything.
If the sun isn't causing the rise in temps, what is?

Key claim against global warming evaporates

While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

and given that choice, the "scientists" will always choose

Climate change is NATURAL you stupid fucking twat. We could quit eating animals, stop farting, stop driving, stop breeding horses, stop building fires, get off the internet and make electricity a thing of the past. Climate change will STILL happen. We are in the middle of an interglacial interlude RIGHT NOW.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
How do we know that changes in the sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends?

Since 1978, a series of satellite instruments have measured the energy output of the sun directly. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the sun gives off) over this time period. So the sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades.

Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. The most recent analyses of these proxies indicate that solar irradiance changes cannot plausibly account for more than 10 percent of the 20th century’s warming.2
It has gotten higher a couple times since then but I don't think its pushing the warming.
But thanks for the link anyways!
Maybe you can post something that is more relevant to what it is being discussed?
You asked for facts. I give you facts. Now you say it's not what we're discussing.
You realize that was about the sun, right? We are talking about man...You know, humans, people, you & me?
If the sun isn't causing the rise in temps, what is? Is there another cause possible other than humans? I guess with you I shouldn't assume anything.
See? This is what I meant this being a "religion"
"well, there is no explanation so it must be humans"
Come on OL... That isn't It is ignorance. There is actually a pretty BIG difference between the two :D
What caused the rise in temps before humans? You realize our species isn't billions of years old?
Day 1: Post Paris Pullout

I managed to get to Grand Central carefully avoiding the tsunami of ice-melt water from both the Arctic and Antarctic, I mean they're both melting now, right? Did everyone else manage get to where they were going?
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
How do we know that changes in the sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends?

Since 1978, a series of satellite instruments have measured the energy output of the sun directly. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the sun gives off) over this time period. So the sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades.

Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. The most recent analyses of these proxies indicate that solar irradiance changes cannot plausibly account for more than 10 percent of the 20th century’s warming.2
It has gotten higher a couple times since then but I don't think its pushing the warming.
But thanks for the link anyways!
Maybe you can post something that is more relevant to what it is being discussed?
You asked for facts. I give you facts. Now you say it's not what we're discussing.
You realize that was about the sun, right? We are talking about man...You know, humans, people, you & me?
If the sun isn't causing the rise in temps, what is? Is there another cause possible other than humans? I guess with you I shouldn't assume anything.
See? This is what I meant this being a "religion"
"well, there is no explanation so it must be humans"
Come on OL... That isn't It is ignorance. There is actually a pretty BIG difference between the two :D
What caused the rise in temps before humans? You realize our species isn't billions of years old?
Roughly 20,000 years ago the great ice sheets that buried much of Asia, Europe and North America stopped their creeping advance. Within a few hundred years sea levels in some places had risen by as much as 10 meters—more than if the ice sheet that still covers Greenland were to melt today. This freshwater flood filled the North Atlantic and also shut down the ocean currents that conveyed warmer water from equatorial regions northward. The equatorial heat warmed the precincts of Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere instead, shrinking the fringing sea ice and changing the circumpolar winds. As a result—and for reasons that remain unexplained—the waters of the Southern Ocean may have begun to release carbon dioxide, enough to raise concentrations in the atmosphere by more than 100 parts per million over millennia—roughly equivalent to the rise in the last 200 years. That CO2 then warmed the globe, melting back the continental ice sheets and ushering in the current climate that enabled humanity to thrive.

That, at least, is the story told by a new paper published in Nature on April 5 that reconstructs the end of the last ice age. Researchers examined sediment cores collected from deep beneath the sea and from lakes as well as the tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped inside ice cores taken from Antarctica, Greenland and elsewhere. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.) The research suggests that—contrary to some prior findings—CO2 led the prior round of global warming rather than vice versa, just as it continues to do today thanks to rising emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
What Thawed the Last Ice Age?

This one seems to speak to your particular question, except they aren't completely sure. It wasn't cars, for sure, that caused it. However, there doesn't look to have ever been an increase so rapid in 200 years. That's where we seem to come in. You'll like this article if you haven't already seen it.
Climate myths: It’s been far warmer in the past, what’s the big deal?
Roughly 20,000 years ago the great ice sheets that buried much of Asia, Europe and North America stopped their creeping advance. Within a few hundred years sea levels in some places had risen by as much as 10 meters—more than if the ice sheet that still covers Greenland were to melt today.


Parroted BS easily discredited.

1 million years ago....

Greenland was completely ice free

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

and NA was covered with glaciers

One million years later, NA thawed while Greenland froze.

The sub humans want us to believe CO2 was responsible FOR BOTH.... even though it was constant for both and hence the cause of NOTHING.
Gee, ummmm, what do we gain? Let me think......... LOWER EMISSIONS? Could that be it? Wow.
We put the planet in the condition it is. Accept responsibility for that instead of whining like a little girl. We, along with other developed nations, helped create this mess, we should help clean it up.

Dude, you think in a vacuum. How do we gain lower emissions if the main polluters are not going to cut back as we already have? The USA has already spent decades and vast fortunes to clean up our pollution. But we are talking about CO2 here, you can't see it, you can't smell it, and it makes no fucking difference if we have 0.04% or a little more or less! Don't you get it that CO2 is PLANT FOOD! We have 400 parts per MILLION. Ten-thousand years ago it was still 300 parts per million. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT CO2 has gone from harmless, necessary and good to a planet-wide disaster with the addition of just 100 more atoms per million???????

If that were the case, the Earth's climate would never survive or recover from a single volcanic eruption, much less a super-volcano!

And how does the Paris Accord lower CO2 by 2/10ths of a percent if there is only 0.04% (four-hundredths) in our air to begin with? Is it BRAIN DAMAGE that prevents you from understanding what a scam this is, or are you just such a gullible, bleeding heart environmentalist that you just have to blindly go along with anything "environmental?"

Besides, Trump is not against the Accord if they are willing to make it more fair to the USA. Meantime, we lead the world in emissions and pollution control and will continue to do so.

And, we have cleaned up our act. We are state of the art. It is the Chinese, India and other 2nd world industrialized countries that are polluting like mad---- if you don't like it, go bitch and whine to them.

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