Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

It kills & Sickens thousands of Americans every year

It did a long time ago. The mines today are a lot safer and "healthier."

It heightens global warming

Funny, the actual data from the two and only two measures of atmospheric temperature showed NO WARMING until your heroes FUDGED BOTH with UNCORRELATED "corrections..."

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was (very slightly) cooling"

That is what THE DATA said before your side once again INDULGED in

Dammitall, Dexter, now you've got me craving fudge and I NEVER crave fudge. You are an evil person.
I have degrees in science.


I know Affirmative Action hands out diplomas to invalids, but this takes the cake....

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is the Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic Sea ice is shrinking?

What is causing the Marshall Islands to sink but not the Hawaiian Islands?
See? This is what I meant this being a "religion"
"well, there is no explanation so it must be humans"
Come on OL... That isn't It is ignorance. There is actually a pretty BIG difference between the two :D
What caused the rise in temps before humans? You realize our species isn't billions of years old?
Roughly 20,000 years ago the great ice sheets that buried much of Asia, Europe and North America stopped their creeping advance. Within a few hundred years sea levels in some places had risen by as much as 10 meters—more than if the ice sheet that still covers Greenland were to melt today. This freshwater flood filled the North Atlantic and also shut down the ocean currents that conveyed warmer water from equatorial regions northward. The equatorial heat warmed the precincts of Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere instead, shrinking the fringing sea ice and changing the circumpolar winds. As a result—and for reasons that remain unexplained—the waters of the Southern Ocean may have begun to release carbon dioxide, enough to raise concentrations in the atmosphere by more than 100 parts per million over millennia—roughly equivalent to the rise in the last 200 years. That CO2 then warmed the globe, melting back the continental ice sheets and ushering in the current climate that enabled humanity to thrive.

That, at least, is the story told by a new paper published in Nature on April 5 that reconstructs the end of the last ice age. Researchers examined sediment cores collected from deep beneath the sea and from lakes as well as the tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped inside ice cores taken from Antarctica, Greenland and elsewhere. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.) The research suggests that—contrary to some prior findings—CO2 led the prior round of global warming rather than vice versa, just as it continues to do today thanks to rising emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
What Thawed the Last Ice Age?

This one seems to speak to your particular question, except they aren't completely sure. It wasn't cars, for sure, that caused it. However, there doesn't look to have ever been an increase so rapid in 200 years. That's where we seem to come in. You'll like this article if you haven't already seen it.
Climate myths: It’s been far warmer in the past, what’s the big deal?
So, its the fastest rise that we know of, yet, we only contribute 5% of warming? Hmmm
Also, warming creates higher c02. Which, in turn, would cause the PPM to rise.
See, we don't know where the warming is coming from. Again, just trying to fill in holes with "humans did it"
I see that, but don't you think that since the Industrial Revolution we have introduced so much C02 emitting technology that it would make sense to pinpoint it as a probable factor for the rise? You aren't denying that burning fossil fuels lets off C02 are you? You can't deny that since the Industrial Revolution we are doing lots more of that, yes? So it's certainly part of it, TN, even if the oceans are mysteriously belching up some more.
Absolutely. But FIVE PERCENT? I don't know why you keep ignoring that VALUABLE info..
I'm not sure why 5% is hanging you up so badly. Doesn't seem enough to you? Without it, there would be 5% less and the climate wouldn't be zipping toward fry time. What is wrong with 5% to you?
FIVE PERCENT of c02 yet we are causing the biggest ppm buildup in hundreds of millions of years? lol.. Math would have a hay day with those statistics. Especially considering c02 isn't a steady happening...
Congress should levy huge tax on aviation fuel for planes carrying less than 50. Yacht fuel should be similarly taxed to help cut our emissions. This money can be dedicated to paying for military fuel so they get to save the planet and feel patriotic.

I thought I was on ignore.

It can be truly said that I have substantially more education in Physics and Chemistry than Einstein did...
No, no, you would have to be really special to be "on ignore." Just ignored stupid posts.
If you've got all that education, too bad you can't share knowledge rather than throwing stink bombs.
If you've got all that education, too bad you can't share knowledge rather than throwing stink bombs

If rising CO2 in the atmosphere is causing "warming," why did both the satellite and balloon data say it wasn't?

Why is Antarctic ice growing?

Since Antarctic ice is 90% of Earth's ice, and it is growing, is there a case of an ongoing NET ICE MELT on planet Earth?

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. Did CO2 cause both?


Apparently asking basic science questions to sub humans is now "throwing stink bombs...."
Roughly 20,000 years ago the great ice sheets that buried much of Asia, Europe and North America stopped their creeping advance. Within a few hundred years sea levels in some places had risen by as much as 10 meters—more than if the ice sheet that still covers Greenland were to melt today. This freshwater flood filled the North Atlantic and also shut down the ocean currents that conveyed warmer water from equatorial regions northward. The equatorial heat warmed the precincts of Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere instead, shrinking the fringing sea ice and changing the circumpolar winds. As a result—and for reasons that remain unexplained—the waters of the Southern Ocean may have begun to release carbon dioxide, enough to raise concentrations in the atmosphere by more than 100 parts per million over millennia—roughly equivalent to the rise in the last 200 years. That CO2 then warmed the globe, melting back the continental ice sheets and ushering in the current climate that enabled humanity to thrive.

That, at least, is the story told by a new paper published in Nature on April 5 that reconstructs the end of the last ice age. Researchers examined sediment cores collected from deep beneath the sea and from lakes as well as the tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped inside ice cores taken from Antarctica, Greenland and elsewhere. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.) The research suggests that—contrary to some prior findings—CO2 led the prior round of global warming rather than vice versa, just as it continues to do today thanks to rising emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
What Thawed the Last Ice Age?

This one seems to speak to your particular question, except they aren't completely sure. It wasn't cars, for sure, that caused it. However, there doesn't look to have ever been an increase so rapid in 200 years. That's where we seem to come in. You'll like this article if you haven't already seen it.
Climate myths: It’s been far warmer in the past, what’s the big deal?
So, its the fastest rise that we know of, yet, we only contribute 5% of warming? Hmmm
Also, warming creates higher c02. Which, in turn, would cause the PPM to rise.
See, we don't know where the warming is coming from. Again, just trying to fill in holes with "humans did it"
I see that, but don't you think that since the Industrial Revolution we have introduced so much C02 emitting technology that it would make sense to pinpoint it as a probable factor for the rise? You aren't denying that burning fossil fuels lets off C02 are you? You can't deny that since the Industrial Revolution we are doing lots more of that, yes? So it's certainly part of it, TN, even if the oceans are mysteriously belching up some more.
Absolutely. But FIVE PERCENT? I don't know why you keep ignoring that VALUABLE info..
I'm not sure why 5% is hanging you up so badly. Doesn't seem enough to you? Without it, there would be 5% less and the climate wouldn't be zipping toward fry time. What is wrong with 5% to you?
FIVE PERCENT of c02 yet we are causing the biggest ppm buildup in hundreds of millions of years? lol.. Math would have a hay day with those statistics. Especially considering c02 isn't a steady happening...
I think scientists know math. If it didn't make sense "mathwise," they wouldn't be considering it valid.
So, its the fastest rise that we know of, yet, we only contribute 5% of warming? Hmmm
Also, warming creates higher c02. Which, in turn, would cause the PPM to rise.
See, we don't know where the warming is coming from. Again, just trying to fill in holes with "humans did it"
I see that, but don't you think that since the Industrial Revolution we have introduced so much C02 emitting technology that it would make sense to pinpoint it as a probable factor for the rise? You aren't denying that burning fossil fuels lets off C02 are you? You can't deny that since the Industrial Revolution we are doing lots more of that, yes? So it's certainly part of it, TN, even if the oceans are mysteriously belching up some more.
Absolutely. But FIVE PERCENT? I don't know why you keep ignoring that VALUABLE info..
I'm not sure why 5% is hanging you up so badly. Doesn't seem enough to you? Without it, there would be 5% less and the climate wouldn't be zipping toward fry time. What is wrong with 5% to you?
FIVE PERCENT of c02 yet we are causing the biggest ppm buildup in hundreds of millions of years? lol.. Math would have a hay day with those statistics. Especially considering c02 isn't a steady happening...
I think scientists know math. If it didn't make sense "mathwise," they wouldn't be considering it valid.
Lol yeah, obviously... :cuckoo:
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?

It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
yeah, right! all your scawwy foresight. ewwwwwwww. The US is the leader and never fking forget it. Trump just showed the world how true leaders lead. You go follow the world into the rat hole.
If you've got all that education, too bad you can't share knowledge rather than throwing stink bombs

If rising CO2 in the atmosphere is causing "warming," why did both the satellite and balloon data say it wasn't?

Why is Antarctic ice growing?

Since Antarctic ice is 90% of Earth's ice, and it is growing, is there a case of an ongoing NET ICE MELT on planet Earth?

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. Did CO2 cause both?


Apparently asking basic science questions to sub humans is now "throwing stink bombs...."
Calling me and anyone else who agrees with global warming/climate change a "sub human parrot" who knows nothing is "throwing stink bombs."

Changing weather patterns and ocean currents could be the answer. And if "net ice melt" were the problem, I'm sure that would be under discussion. The last time Greenland's icesheet melted, it caused absolute havoc. So who cares what Antarctica is doing? Melting the northern ice seems to be enough of a problem.
Skies and water so much cleaner around Dc
Air quality code red 20-30 times per summer from 60's well into 80's, been averaging 2 for last 15-20 years

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

The Earth has been warming and cooling for 4.5 Billion is a pretty established plan. What in God's name is your fucking point?

Wrong Buuuud. This doesn't exist 5 years ago. So you're telling us that this is a hoax?

View attachment 130486
nice photos. funny you don't want that cleaned up. what a fool you are.
If you've got all that education, too bad you can't share knowledge rather than throwing stink bombs

If rising CO2 in the atmosphere is causing "warming," why did both the satellite and balloon data say it wasn't?

Why is Antarctic ice growing?

Since Antarctic ice is 90% of Earth's ice, and it is growing, is there a case of an ongoing NET ICE MELT on planet Earth?

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. Did CO2 cause both?


Apparently asking basic science questions to sub humans is now "throwing stink bombs...."
Calling me and anyone else who agrees with global warming/climate change a "sub human parrot" who knows nothing is "throwing stink bombs."

Changing weather patterns and ocean currents could be the answer. And if "net ice melt" were the problem, I'm sure that would be under discussion. The last time Greenland's icesheet melted, it caused absolute havoc. So who cares what Antarctica is doing? Melting the northern ice seems to be enough of a problem.
old woman, there is no evidence of any weather changes based off of CO2. Just so you know. And if you feel you have evidence it does, you just post them up. Cause for five years no one has. Plus I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why the ocean levels will rise catastrophically.
Calling me and anyone else who agrees with global warming/climate change a "sub human parrot" who knows nothing is "throwing stink bombs."

"You" do not "agree" with it because you do not understand any of it = "your" "opinion" is just parroted/appropriated from others.

You are a completely mindless sub human science invalid who can only PARROT - mindlessly repeat that which you do not understand.

As for the name calling, I first asked questions, and your side, including you, started the insults...

Most of my questions here remain unanswered....

a pretty sad state for leftists "certain" of that which they have no clue...

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