Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

"Wrong! By withdrawing from the Paris Accord, the United States will have no seat at the table, no input."

If Barry would have really given a damn about having a seat at the table he would have taken action according to the Constitution by gong before Congress for ratification rather than doing what he always did - IGNORE the Constitution and do whatever the hell he wanted to do.
No, the Paris Accord is not a treaty. The Paris Accord is an executive agreement which under United States constitutional law does not require the advice and consent of the Senate. If the agreement the president makes exceeds his constitutional authority, then it must be considered a treaty. Since there is nothing in the Paris Agreement that exceeds presidential authority, it is an executive agreement. The Case Act of 1972, requires the president to notify congress 60 days before signing an executive agreement, giving congress time to nullify the agreement. This was done with the Paris Agreement just as with prior executive agreements.

Since 1940, The Senate has approved over 500 treaties and our presidents have entered into over 13,000 executive agreements.
executive agreement | international law
Nice piece, contradicted by the link I posted.

The fact is Barry continuously by-passed Congress during his 8 years in office to do whatever he felt like doing, Constitution be damned. He did not even meet with the Republicans until OVER A YEAR AFTER HE WAS ELECTED.

The Paris Accords
The Iran Treaty
The Libyan War
The Syrian War

Obama had a history of by-passing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, to what Barry wanted to do...and now Trump is erasing his Legacy...which pisses Barry, liberals, and snowflakes off.

As Obama said, 'Elections have consequences.'
Obama bypassed congress for two reasons. First the Republican congress would not approve anything from the president regardless of what was sent and secondly because he knew constitutional law so he could craft agreements that did not require Senate approval.

The Paris Accords were written specifically so they would not require parliamentary action, that is there is no action required that is beyond the legal authority of the signer. This is why there are so few requirements in the agreement. Had they not done this, then it would have taken a 100 years for over 75 parliamentary or congressional bodies to approve it. The only real requirement is that each nation report their progress and plan to mitigate global warming. Obama certainly had the authority to do this without congressional approval.
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No just a frank admission that I don't know everything. You should try that on for size

There are a lot of things I do not know. I don't know why anyone would ever believe the Bible is 100% accurate. I don't know why people would consciously vote for the Democrats.

But I do know Earth climate change. Sorry. No left wing parrot is getting away posting bull here...
Evidently you don't know climate change. If you did, you would know man is largely responsible & would favor efforts to reduce the effects.
I think scientists know math. If it didn't make sense "mathwise," they wouldn't be considering it valid

Translation - I am too stupid to do anything but PARROT PARROT PARROT 100% pure taxpayer funded left wing liars disguised as "scientists" whom I refer to as "the scientists" even though I have never met one...
If you did, you would know man is largely responsible


One million years ago, North America was covered with ice age glacier down past Indiana, and Greenland was completely green.

Today, North America has thawed, and Greenland has froze, all during the same time with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and man wasn't doing jack during that time.

How did man cause Greenland to freeze while at the same time North America thawed????

No just a frank admission that I don't know everything. You should try that on for size

There are a lot of things I do not know. I don't know why anyone would ever believe the Bible is 100% accurate. I don't know why people would consciously vote for the Democrats.

But I do know Earth climate change. Sorry. No left wing parrot is getting away posting bull here...
Evidently you don't know climate change. If you did, you would know man is largely responsible & would favor efforts to reduce the effects.

Once again Judith Curry is part of 97%

Why do you call her a denier?

America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.

you mean you love when ignorant morons turn the US into a rogue nation.

i just love who ignorant twits like you try to pretend that you aren't pond scum.

it's great... the internet troll as president and his disciples.

A rogue nation? You mean like when Bush refused to join the Kyoto Protocol, then we ended up reducing our emissions even better on our own. It really irks you globalists, that Trump won't allow every other country to rape the US economically.
Changing weather patterns and ocean currents could be the answer.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. You are mindlessly throwing out BS without a clue. If you do not know the answer, STFU and ask for it...

Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier.
You smoke crack don't you?
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
Both sides get passionate. Your side about losing a buck, the green side about losing clean air or water.
Don't say the Republicans don't scream economic doom every single time a regulation is imposed on their manufacturing or drilling. Yet we seem to have survived and the economy is supposedly "booming" according to Thunder Mouth.

Please point specifically to any change which has caused dirty air and water. You are lying when you infer that "our" side wants dirty air and water. We object vociferously to "your side" refusing to take into account the fact that some changes are flat out unrealistic and economically unfeasible.

Today President Trump proposed a major overhaul of our air traffic control system. The system would be privatized. One non-profit company which would accept bids and see to it that the system being used in LA is the same as the one here in Tallahassee as well as the one in Pittsburg all flow seamlessly. The hardware and software now being used are no longer manufactured.

How is this about the environment? How about reducing long lines of planes idling on one or two engines while waiting their turn to take off? Or, planes circling an airport awaiting their turn to land?
Ending the rule that stopped mining companies from dumping waste into streams. That's one.

Trump was too stupid to know that Congress had already passed an act that was upgrading to a GPS based system. He just wabts to privatize Air Traffic Control. He backed a plan by Bill Shuster, A Congress,an dating a Airline lobbyist. I wonder who thsat will fasvbor.

Handing over government assets to a corporation controlled by the airline industry, with little Congressional oversight.

What could go wrong there?
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

1) Man has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
2) More CO2 heightens the greenhouse effect.
3) The greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

You deny this?
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

The highly correlated satellite and balloon data clearly show no warming in the atmosphere despite rising CO2 in the atmosphere. Hence, the theory that rising CO2 in the atmosphere would cause warming is completely discredited by THE ONLY DATA WE HAVE.
Both sides get passionate. Your side about losing a buck, the green side about losing clean air or water.
Don't say the Republicans don't scream economic doom every single time a regulation is imposed on their manufacturing or drilling. Yet we seem to have survived and the economy is supposedly "booming" according to Thunder Mouth.

Please point specifically to any change which has caused dirty air and water. You are lying when you infer that "our" side wants dirty air and water. We object vociferously to "your side" refusing to take into account the fact that some changes are flat out unrealistic and economically unfeasible.

Today President Trump proposed a major overhaul of our air traffic control system. The system would be privatized. One non-profit company which would accept bids and see to it that the system being used in LA is the same as the one here in Tallahassee as well as the one in Pittsburg all flow seamlessly. The hardware and software now being used are no longer manufactured.

How is this about the environment? How about reducing long lines of planes idling on one or two engines while waiting their turn to take off? Or, planes circling an airport awaiting their turn to land?
Ending the rule that stopped mining companies from dumping waste into streams. That's one.

Trump was too stupid to know that Congress had already passed an act that was upgrading to a GPS based system. He just wabts to privatize Air Traffic Control. He backed a plan by Bill Shuster, A Congress,an dating a Airline lobbyist. I wonder who thsat will fasvbor.

Handing over government assets to a corporation controlled by the airline industry, with little Congressional oversight.

What could go wrong there?


America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.

you mean you love when ignorant morons turn the US into a rogue nation.

i just love who ignorant twits like you try to pretend that you aren't pond scum.

it's great... the internet troll as president and his disciples.

A rogue nation? You mean like when Bush refused to join the Kyoto Protocol, then we ended up reducing our emissions even better on our own. It really irks you globalists, that Trump won't allow every other country to rape the US economically.

trump loon, syria and nicaragua, moron.

yes, a rogue nation.

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