Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

1) Man has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
2) More CO2 heightens the greenhouse effect.
3) The greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

You deny this?

Prove it.
Changing weather patterns and ocean currents could be the answer.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. You are mindlessly throwing out BS without a clue. If you do not know the answer, STFU and ask for it...

Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier.
You smoke crack don't you?

stop projecting
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

1) Man has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
2) More CO2 heightens the greenhouse effect.
3) The greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

You deny this?

Prove it.

since averse loons should look at the science.

now run along.
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.

you mean you love when ignorant morons turn the US into a rogue nation.

i just love who ignorant twits like you try to pretend that you aren't pond scum.

it's great... the internet troll as president and his disciples.

A rogue nation? You mean like when Bush refused to join the Kyoto Protocol, then we ended up reducing our emissions even better on our own. It really irks you globalists, that Trump won't allow every other country to rape the US economically.

trump loon, syria and nicaragua, moron.

yes, a rogue nation.

The nation the world needs

should look at the science

and ask some QUESTIONS like

1. WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking?
2. WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
3. WHY is the US experiencing the longest ever recorded drought of Cat 3+ hurricane strikes if the oceans are "warming?"
4. WHY did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past 1 million years?

This sub human will not answer any of the above...
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

1) Man has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
2) More CO2 heightens the greenhouse effect.
3) The greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

You deny this?

Prove it.

since averse loons should look at the science.

now run along.
You mean like the settled science of XY Chromosomes telling you what bathroom to use?
Or how about the science saying that a "fetus" i.e. a baby suffers tragically during an abortion, and that many of them could be born and be adopted at the time of their abortion?
That kind of science?
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
So you just deny man has anything to do with it.

1) Man has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
2) More CO2 heightens the greenhouse effect.
3) The greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

You deny this?

Prove it.

since averse loons should look at the science.

now run along.

When I want science I look to Judith Curry..

When I study an issue regarding science, I get all the facts I can, and then I start asking questions.

Einstein was right - trust nothing, start from scratch and never assume.

Earth climate change is 99% about where land is.
The Paris Accords are an agreement, not a treaty.
The President was under no law to make the Iran deal a treaty
He had authority in Libya through NATO
Obama had asked Congress for authority to fight ISIS & they did squat.

Blah Blah Blah you bitched about Obama's executive orders as you cheer the giant Cheeto.

Trump can't erase what Obama did, History will preserve it.

Yes, as an example of how destructive one man can be to our great country.
Why does NASA say Antarctica is losing ice?

Shrinking ice sheets

  • 40

    The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Maybe this is part of the reason the Antarctic isn't the Arctic's "twin"
In the Antarctic, the currents and winds tend to flow without interruption around the continent in a west-to-east direction, acting like a barricade to warmer air and water to the north. In contrast, the Arctic region north of the Atlantic Ocean is open to the warmer waters from the south, because of the way the ocean currents flow. These warmer waters can flow into the Arctic and prevent sea ice from forming in the North Atlantic. The waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and Russia are affected by cold air moving off the land from the west. The eastern Canadian coast is also fed by southward-flowing cold water currents that make it easier for sea ice to grow.
Arctic vs. Antarctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Hurricanes are becoming less frequent but more intense. This includes cyclones in the Pacific.
"Wrong! By withdrawing from the Paris Accord, the United States will have no seat at the table, no input."

If Barry would have really given a damn about having a seat at the table he would have taken action according to the Constitution by gong before Congress for ratification rather than doing what he always did - IGNORE the Constitution and do whatever the hell he wanted to do.
No, the Paris Accord is not a treaty. The Paris Accord is an executive agreement which under United States constitutional law does not require the advice and consent of the Senate. If the agreement the president makes exceeds his constitutional authority, then it must be considered a treaty. Since there is nothing in the Paris Agreement that exceeds presidential authority, it is an executive agreement. The Case Act of 1972, requires the president to notify congress 60 days before signing an executive agreement, giving congress time to nullify the agreement. This was done with the Paris Agreement just as with prior executive agreements.

Since 1940, The Senate has approved over 500 treaties and our presidents have entered into over 13,000 executive agreements.
executive agreement | international law
Nice piece, contradicted by the link I posted.

The fact is Barry continuously by-passed Congress during his 8 years in office to do whatever he felt like doing, Constitution be damned. He did not even meet with the Republicans until OVER A YEAR AFTER HE WAS ELECTED.

The Paris Accords
The Iran Treaty
The Libyan War
The Syrian War

Obama had a history of by-passing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, to what Barry wanted to do...and now Trump is erasing his Legacy...which pisses Barry, liberals, and snowflakes off.

As Obama said, 'Elections have consequences.'
Obama bypassed congress for two reasons. First the Republican congress would not approve anything from the president regardless of what was sent and secondly because he knew constitutional law so he could craft agreements that did not require Senate approval.

The Paris Accords were written specifically so they would not require parliamentary action, that is there is no action required that is beyond the legal authority of the signer. This is why there are so few requirements in the agreement. Had they not done this, then it would have taken a 100 years for over 75 parliamentary or congressional bodies to approve it. The only real requirement is that each nation report their progress and plan to mitigate global warming. Obama certainly had the authority to do this without congressional approval.

WE are not a dictatorship even though petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and the United Nations would love that to be true about the world.
That's great news. Trump is making all the right decisions in order to make America great again.
Go fuck yourself if you think ruining our gorgeous pristine wilderness is " great."
Your anti American.
Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.
In the Paris Agreement, each country determines, it's own contribution it will make in order to mitigate global warming. There is no mechanism to force a country to meet any specific target or by any specific date. So what the fuck is their to negotiate.

What the fuck is there to negotiate? What the fuck is the point of having it then? In 2030, China says they won't contribute anything, and according to you, that's within the agreement.
The only agreement that nations commit to is releasing a plan by 2020 for their contribution to reduction in global warming. What's Trump going to negotiate, the number pages in the report?
why not, it is about the only piece of it that was climate related.
Why does NASA say Antarctica is losing ice?

Shrinking ice sheets

  • 40

    The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Maybe this is part of the reason the Antarctic isn't the Arctic's "twin"
In the Antarctic, the currents and winds tend to flow without interruption around the continent in a west-to-east direction, acting like a barricade to warmer air and water to the north. In contrast, the Arctic region north of the Atlantic Ocean is open to the warmer waters from the south, because of the way the ocean currents flow. These warmer waters can flow into the Arctic and prevent sea ice from forming in the North Atlantic. The waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and Russia are affected by cold air moving off the land from the west. The eastern Canadian coast is also fed by southward-flowing cold water currents that make it easier for sea ice to grow.
Arctic vs. Antarctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Hurricanes are becoming less frequent but more intense. This includes cyclones in the Pacific.

1900 Galveston hurricane - Wikipedia
So you disagree we are in the middle of one

Let's review the "replay" of the past 1 million years.

1 million years ago, NA looked like this

When we dig under the thickest ice on Greenland and carbon date, we find the pine cones etc. are under 1 million years old. Greenland had no ice (except for mountain tops) 1 million years ago

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

So, one million years ago, Greenland is completely green, and NA is covered with ice age glaciers down past Indiana....

Today, Greenland is in full ice age, and NA clearly thawed.... all during the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The definition you use for "ice age" is wrong. Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. Why? Because ice that grows out over water BREAKS OFF in the form of icebergs....

Antarctica is a 40-60 million year old ice age. Greenland is a baby. Antarctica is 90% of Earth's ice, while Greenland is 7%, so 97% of Earth's ice is on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole, and


So, one million years ago, Greenland is completely green, and NA is covered with ice age glaciers down past Indiana....

You haven't shown that these occurred at the same instant.
Why does NASA say Antarctica is losing ice?

Shrinking ice sheets

  • 40

    The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Maybe this is part of the reason the Antarctic isn't the Arctic's "twin"
In the Antarctic, the currents and winds tend to flow without interruption around the continent in a west-to-east direction, acting like a barricade to warmer air and water to the north. In contrast, the Arctic region north of the Atlantic Ocean is open to the warmer waters from the south, because of the way the ocean currents flow. These warmer waters can flow into the Arctic and prevent sea ice from forming in the North Atlantic. The waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and Russia are affected by cold air moving off the land from the west. The eastern Canadian coast is also fed by southward-flowing cold water currents that make it easier for sea ice to grow.
Arctic vs. Antarctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Hurricanes are becoming less frequent but more intense. This includes cyclones in the Pacific.

1900 Galveston hurricane - Wikipedia
That's interesting. Does that make a point?
If it didn't overstep his powers, why did SC put a hold on it?
Also, our state dept created a thing called "Circular 175 procedure." That was made so our federal govt could decide if it was a treaty or an agreement. Obama didn't do that. If he did, none of you retards would be calling it an agreement.
It directs tax money
It effects the US as a whole
It effects state laws
Why does NASA say Antarctica is losing ice?

Shrinking ice sheets

  • 40

    The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Maybe this is part of the reason the Antarctic isn't the Arctic's "twin"
In the Antarctic, the currents and winds tend to flow without interruption around the continent in a west-to-east direction, acting like a barricade to warmer air and water to the north. In contrast, the Arctic region north of the Atlantic Ocean is open to the warmer waters from the south, because of the way the ocean currents flow. These warmer waters can flow into the Arctic and prevent sea ice from forming in the North Atlantic. The waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and Russia are affected by cold air moving off the land from the west. The eastern Canadian coast is also fed by southward-flowing cold water currents that make it easier for sea ice to grow.
Arctic vs. Antarctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Hurricanes are becoming less frequent but more intense. This includes cyclones in the Pacific.

1900 Galveston hurricane - Wikipedia
That's interesting. Does that make a point?

That's interesting.. You didn't know that?
"Wrong! By withdrawing from the Paris Accord, the United States will have no seat at the table, no input."

If Barry would have really given a damn about having a seat at the table he would have taken action according to the Constitution by gong before Congress for ratification rather than doing what he always did - IGNORE the Constitution and do whatever the hell he wanted to do.
No, the Paris Accord is not a treaty. The Paris Accord is an executive agreement which under United States constitutional law does not require the advice and consent of the Senate. If the agreement the president makes exceeds his constitutional authority, then it must be considered a treaty. Since there is nothing in the Paris Agreement that exceeds presidential authority, it is an executive agreement. The Case Act of 1972, requires the president to notify congress 60 days before signing an executive agreement, giving congress time to nullify the agreement. This was done with the Paris Agreement just as with prior executive agreements.

Since 1940, The Senate has approved over 500 treaties and our presidents have entered into over 13,000 executive agreements.
executive agreement | international law
Nice piece, contradicted by the link I posted.

The fact is Barry continuously by-passed Congress during his 8 years in office to do whatever he felt like doing, Constitution be damned. He did not even meet with the Republicans until OVER A YEAR AFTER HE WAS ELECTED.

The Paris Accords
The Iran Treaty
The Libyan War
The Syrian War

Obama had a history of by-passing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, to what Barry wanted to do...and now Trump is erasing his Legacy...which pisses Barry, liberals, and snowflakes off.

As Obama said, 'Elections have consequences.'
Obama bypassed congress for two reasons. First the Republican congress would not approve anything from the president regardless of what was sent and secondly because he knew constitutional law so he could craft agreements that did not require Senate approval.

The Paris Accords were written specifically so they would not require parliamentary action, that is there is no action required that is beyond the legal authority of the signer. This is why there are so few requirements in the agreement. Had they not done this, then it would have taken a 100 years for over 75 parliamentary or congressional bodies to approve it. The only real requirement is that each nation report their progress and plan to mitigate global warming. Obama certainly had the authority to do this without congressional approval.

because he knew constitutional law so he could craft agreements that did not require Senate approval.

The nice thing about agreements like that is they're easy to cancel.

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