Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord


The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

Surely you're joking.

RWNJs still know nothing about what they're for or against.

It's not just that they're stupid. They're willfully ignorant. Just like trump.


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In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.

1.First off, Commie Care is a disaster. Yesterday, Anthem Blue Shield announced they are pulling out of our state.

2. Secondly, you don't know how many Americans want to keep the Paris Accord. There was one poll on it and it wasn't a very large poll either. There was no explanation how the poll was conducted, and outside of political junkies like ourselves, most people don't know what the Paris Accord is. But people don't want to look stupid when asked a question, so they give any kind of answer.

3. Thirdly, you've been brainwashed by your puppet masters that all CEOs are conservative Republicans. There are a lot of liberals in the business world like Gates, Buffett, the late Steve Jobs.

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1. There are no such thing as Commie Care. Try again.
2. You are right a lot of people don't have a clue about the Paris accord and the climate change. You are a proof of that. Trumpeters doesn't give a shit what Trump is talking about--------- they believe every lies whatever comes out from his mouth. That includes climate change. Sadly.
You are Wrong. Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high. Even Iranians will tell you that. There are several polls run who opposed and supported this accord. Update yourself Ray.

3. Is that include the fossil fuel industries CEOs that are culprits of releasing emissions supports the Paris Accord? Including Tillerson. Sad.
We don't have a puppet master Ray ------ Trump is a good example of a puppet. Sadly.

You don't have a faintest clue what you are talking about Ray.

Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high

It's so high among Greens that they'll support every expensive, unreliable source of energy, but won't support reliable nuclear energy.

Wrong answer. Try again and harder.
Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.

1.First off, Commie Care is a disaster. Yesterday, Anthem Blue Shield announced they are pulling out of our state.

2. Secondly, you don't know how many Americans want to keep the Paris Accord. There was one poll on it and it wasn't a very large poll either. There was no explanation how the poll was conducted, and outside of political junkies like ourselves, most people don't know what the Paris Accord is. But people don't want to look stupid when asked a question, so they give any kind of answer.

3. Thirdly, you've been brainwashed by your puppet masters that all CEOs are conservative Republicans. There are a lot of liberals in the business world like Gates, Buffett, the late Steve Jobs.

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1. There are no such thing as Commie Care. Try again.
2. You are right a lot of people don't have a clue about the Paris accord and the climate change. You are a proof of that. Trumpeters doesn't give a shit what Trump is talking about--------- they believe every lies whatever comes out from his mouth. That includes climate change. Sadly.
You are Wrong. Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high. Even Iranians will tell you that. There are several polls run who opposed and supported this accord. Update yourself Ray.

3. Is that include the fossil fuel industries CEOs that are culprits of releasing emissions supports the Paris Accord? Including Tillerson. Sad.
We don't have a puppet master Ray ------ Trump is a good example of a puppet. Sadly.

You don't have a faintest clue what you are talking about Ray.

Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high

It's so high among Greens that they'll support every expensive, unreliable source of energy, but won't support reliable nuclear energy.

Wrong answer. Try again and harder.

Tell us honey, how will sending Billions of US dollars o the third world help with "climate change"?
Why would anyone give you a break spewing bull shit non sense?
Making a statement comparing us from thousands or billions of years ago ------ to today is purely idiotic coming from a 5 year old kid.
Earth Population around year 1400 is approximately around 370 millions. Now go back thousands of years ago let say 30,000 years BC. What do you think is the earth population then? 50,000 100,000?
Now you compare that to earth population today of 7.4+ billions.
Now take those 7.4+ billions earthlings eating, consuming natural resources like coal, oil, natural gas, food, water, deforestation, garbage, buildings, cars, factories etc etc etc around the globe. All man made.
Those cause wear and tear of this planet that we cannot never get it back and it will get worse------ If we don't do anything. You don't know shit.

Maybe you should find God. If you do believe in God, do you seriously think God made a planet for human kind with it's resources only for us to destroy ourselves?

You may be able to kill all the people on this planet, but you'll never kill the planet itself.

Another philosophical bullshit. You still don't know shit Ray. Now try to compare the earth population from 30,000 years ago to 7.4 billions earthlings today. Then stick it to your thick skull how much we had damaged the earth.

So where in my statement did I say anything about the population 30,000 years ago? My point is that there are cleansing mechanisms on this planet we don't even know about yet. You and I will be long dead by the time science figures out a fraction of them.

In a hundred years from now, we will not be using the energy we use today, but it will come at it's own pace at it's own time, not by wasting tens of billions of American dollars and signing some phony agreement. And when that happens, it will have nothing to do with government, it will have to do with science, capitalism and consumer interest.

I quoted TN about his comparison from thousands/billions years ago to today 7.4 billions population------ Then you came in with no clue.

How did you came up with wasting tens of billions of dollars? That is a complete text book from Trump biblical lies. Prove it.

AGAIN---- I will keep repeating this till you understand what in the world you are talking about.
Seven out of 10 Americans, most or all of CEOs in this country, all fossil fuel industries ---------- support the Paris Climate accord.
But you and Trump just blabbering nonsense.

In hundred years for now we will not be using the energy today. agree -------- That is because 1.We invested with clean energy and technologies but not coal that you are promoting. 2. We have the Paris climate accord pushing for green energy------- Pushing countries to lower the emissions polluting the atmosphere. Saving your kids and my kids future.
Without this accord led by US -------- China will gladly take over. Along the line technology, gaining militarily and businesses.

1. Why do want the government to force you stop using air conditioning , taking vacations so the carbon credits go to 3 Rd world Nations?

2. You don't have a clue do why ExxonMobil and all the why of the real reason why didn't want us to pull out do you?


1. ?

2 Yes I do. Do you?
Its the other way around. Mayor Khan didn't do or say anything about US or Trump------- but Trump attacked him because of his hate towards Muslim.

Trump is a good example of an unfit president, embarrassment to the world and all laughing at us. Trump cannot come close to the decency and brain of Obama.
oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".

Your girlfriend brought up mayor of London not me. Freedom speech is freedom speech but Trump picking a fight with a mayor of a city that was just attacked because of his immaturity is pathetic.
Try again.
whatever trump does you'll make it bad. your cred is sucks when you slsm EVERYTHING.

That's funny. I didn't brought up mayor of London your girl friend did. So let me ask you this question. London was just hit.
Trump attacked mayor of London because of his childish behavior. Is that proper for any president to do that? Especially to a very close ally. Please answer my question.

Only ISIS will display that kind of behavior don't you think.
why in the WORLD would i give a shit what you think when your mind is already made up n closed?

If you don't give a shit then why bother to give me your piece of shit garbage rebuttal?
So would it be better for Trump to just SHUT THE FUCK UP instead of attacking an ally because of his childish stupidity?.
Trump is doing all these self inflicted wounds. You should ask Trump. Even Fox News just blasted him about all these chaos he is creating.

Fox News host tears into Trump: News media is not your problem — 'it's you'

Fox News host Neil Cavuto tore into President Donald Trump on Tuesday night for Trump's continued social-media outbursts that targeted the news media and members of his own administration in recent days.

"Mr. President, it's not the 'fake-news media' that's your problem," Cavuto said. "It's you. It's not just your tweeting - it's your scapegoating. It's your refusal to see that sometimes you're the one who's feeding your own beast - and acting beastly with your own guys."
oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".

Your girlfriend brought up mayor of London not me. Freedom speech is freedom speech but Trump picking a fight with a mayor of a city that was just attacked because of his immaturity is pathetic.
Try again.
whatever trump does you'll make it bad. your cred is sucks when you slsm EVERYTHING.

That's funny. I didn't brought up mayor of London your girl friend did. So let me ask you this question. London was just hit.
Trump attacked mayor of London because of his childish behavior. Is that proper for any president to do that? Especially to a very close ally. Please answer my question.

Only ISIS will display that kind of behavior don't you think.
why in the WORLD would i give a shit what you think when your mind is already made up n closed?

If you don't give a shit then why bother to give me your piece of shit garbage rebuttal?
So would it be better for Trump to just SHUT THE FUCK UP instead of attacking an ally because of his childish stupidity?.
Trump is doing all these self inflicted wounds. You should ask Trump. Even Fox News just blasted him about all these chaos he is creating.

Fox News host tears into Trump: News media is not your problem — 'it's you'

Fox News host Neil Cavuto tore into President Donald Trump on Tuesday night for Trump's continued social-media outbursts that targeted the news media and members of his own administration in recent days.

"Mr. President, it's not the 'fake-news media' that's your problem," Cavuto said. "It's you. It's not just your tweeting - it's your scapegoating. It's your refusal to see that sometimes you're the one who's feeding your own beast - and acting beastly with your own guys."
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing…
Maybe you should find God. If you do believe in God, do you seriously think God made a planet for human kind with it's resources only for us to destroy ourselves?

You may be able to kill all the people on this planet, but you'll never kill the planet itself.

Another philosophical bullshit. You still don't know shit Ray. Now try to compare the earth population from 30,000 years ago to 7.4 billions earthlings today. Then stick it to your thick skull how much we had damaged the earth.

So where in my statement did I say anything about the population 30,000 years ago? My point is that there are cleansing mechanisms on this planet we don't even know about yet. You and I will be long dead by the time science figures out a fraction of them.

In a hundred years from now, we will not be using the energy we use today, but it will come at it's own pace at it's own time, not by wasting tens of billions of American dollars and signing some phony agreement. And when that happens, it will have nothing to do with government, it will have to do with science, capitalism and consumer interest.

I quoted TN about his comparison from thousands/billions years ago to today 7.4 billions population------ Then you came in with no clue.

How did you came up with wasting tens of billions of dollars? That is a complete text book from Trump biblical lies. Prove it.

AGAIN---- I will keep repeating this till you understand what in the world you are talking about.
Seven out of 10 Americans, most or all of CEOs in this country, all fossil fuel industries ---------- support the Paris Climate accord.
But you and Trump just blabbering nonsense.

In hundred years for now we will not be using the energy today. agree -------- That is because 1.We invested with clean energy and technologies but not coal that you are promoting. 2. We have the Paris climate accord pushing for green energy------- Pushing countries to lower the emissions polluting the atmosphere. Saving your kids and my kids future.
Without this accord led by US -------- China will gladly take over. Along the line technology, gaining militarily and businesses.

1. Why do want the government to force you stop using air conditioning , taking vacations so the carbon credits go to 3 Rd world Nations?

2. You don't have a clue do why ExxonMobil and all the why of the real reason why didn't want us to pull out do you?


1. ?

2 Yes I do. Do you?

1 that's what carbon credits are, that what social economic change warriors , like Naomi klien want

2 you clearly don't or are playing dumb ..

oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".

Your girlfriend brought up mayor of London not me. Freedom speech is freedom speech but Trump picking a fight with a mayor of a city that was just attacked because of his immaturity is pathetic.
Try again.
whatever trump does you'll make it bad. your cred is sucks when you slsm EVERYTHING.

That's funny. I didn't brought up mayor of London your girl friend did. So let me ask you this question. London was just hit.
Trump attacked mayor of London because of his childish behavior. Is that proper for any president to do that? Especially to a very close ally. Please answer my question.

Only ISIS will display that kind of behavior don't you think.
why in the WORLD would i give a shit what you think when your mind is already made up n closed?

If you don't give a shit then why bother to give me your piece of shit garbage rebuttal?
So would it be better for Trump to just SHUT THE FUCK UP instead of attacking an ally because of his childish stupidity?.
Trump is doing all these self inflicted wounds. You should ask Trump. Even Fox News just blasted him about all these chaos he is creating.

Fox News host tears into Trump: News media is not your problem — 'it's you'

Fox News host Neil Cavuto tore into President Donald Trump on Tuesday night for Trump's continued social-media outbursts that targeted the news media and members of his own administration in recent days.

"Mr. President, it's not the 'fake-news media' that's your problem," Cavuto said. "It's you. It's not just your tweeting - it's your scapegoating. It's your refusal to see that sometimes you're the one who's feeding your own beast - and acting beastly with your own guys."

That's the Murdoch kids new game and I dont why everyone thinks get Trump to stop won't change because you are upset he won't play by your rules..

Then you are doing exactly what I'm telling you. China is doing everything they can to improve their land, air, sea and the emissions output long before 2030. They signed with the accord to show the world that they are part of a good movement for the sake of one planet.
For you and Trump or anybody to say China is not doing anything till 2030 is pure idiotic.

And STOP cutting my post to fit your nonsense agenda.

I respond to only the comments that are relevant; that's why you can quote and highlight what you wish to reply to on USMB.

I don't know what China is doing now, but that's not the issue. The issue is that this phony agreement doesn't require China to do anything until 2030. If they are the leader in pollution, and they are doing so many wonderful things, why don't they start now and us in 2030?

I already posted what they currently doing Ray including $360 billions allocated to reusable energy before 2020.
Again they are doing a very big move to improved their air, land and sea environment as we speak. That also risking going to war to extract natural gas by building man made island in Sprately Island near Philippines.

Again you really don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about the 2030 tolerance Ray. They are choking to death.
I asked you this question repeatedly. What made you think China is not doing anything today to improve their atmosphere?
I even gave you an example of your house dude.

So far you have not answered any of my questions Ray. Why is that?
you have no fking idea what China is doing. I just have to laugh at what you think you know. dude, don't go outside.

Yes I do idiot. I know what exactly what I'm talking about. I have business and traveled in China last 20+ years.
I posted 2 links about China scrapping 103 coal plants and $360 billions for reusable energy before 2020 which none of you ignorant didn't have any clue.

Now answer my question.

What about the other 200 hundred or so coal plants they didn't scrap? So how come China's so-called commitment to the Paris Agreement doesn't start until 2030?

Good question. I already explained all of that but I will repeat for you.
China is way behind the technology with very large population. You cannot just cut off their resources (coal) or you will kill millions of people. That is where the 2030 is coming from and negotiated with the accord as a goal. But that doesn't mean they are not doing as we speak. Right now they are very concern with the air, land and sea. They are choking and the most dirtiest smog I ever seen in my life.
It will be catastrophic for China if they keep doing the same phase they did in last 20 years. So they better do something right now. That includes risking of going to war by taking over Spratly island which are rich in natural gas and oil near the Philippines.
Another philosophical bullshit. You still don't know shit Ray. Now try to compare the earth population from 30,000 years ago to 7.4 billions earthlings today. Then stick it to your thick skull how much we had damaged the earth.

So where in my statement did I say anything about the population 30,000 years ago? My point is that there are cleansing mechanisms on this planet we don't even know about yet. You and I will be long dead by the time science figures out a fraction of them.

In a hundred years from now, we will not be using the energy we use today, but it will come at it's own pace at it's own time, not by wasting tens of billions of American dollars and signing some phony agreement. And when that happens, it will have nothing to do with government, it will have to do with science, capitalism and consumer interest.

I quoted TN about his comparison from thousands/billions years ago to today 7.4 billions population------ Then you came in with no clue.

How did you came up with wasting tens of billions of dollars? That is a complete text book from Trump biblical lies. Prove it.

AGAIN---- I will keep repeating this till you understand what in the world you are talking about.
Seven out of 10 Americans, most or all of CEOs in this country, all fossil fuel industries ---------- support the Paris Climate accord.
But you and Trump just blabbering nonsense.

In hundred years for now we will not be using the energy today. agree -------- That is because 1.We invested with clean energy and technologies but not coal that you are promoting. 2. We have the Paris climate accord pushing for green energy------- Pushing countries to lower the emissions polluting the atmosphere. Saving your kids and my kids future.
Without this accord led by US -------- China will gladly take over. Along the line technology, gaining militarily and businesses.

1. Why do want the government to force you stop using air conditioning , taking vacations so the carbon credits go to 3 Rd world Nations?

2. You don't have a clue do why ExxonMobil and all the why of the real reason why didn't want us to pull out do you?


1. ?

2 Yes I do. Do you?

1 that's what carbon credits are, that what social economic change warriors , like Naomi klien want

2 you clearly don't or are playing dumb ..


Meeting science-based [carbon] targets will mean forcing some of the most profitable companies on the planet to forfeit trillions of dollars of future earnings by leaving the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. It will also require coming up with trillions more to pay for zero-carbon, disaster-ready societal transformations... if climate justice carries the day, theeconomic costs to our elites will be real." ~ Naomi klien

Can we please turn the page on the Global Warming hysteria? It's obviously a NWO Globalist scam. We'll survive a little warming, or we won't. That's the way it's always been. There's no need to allow absolute Global Government dominance of the People. We'll either survive, or we won't.

Personally, i'd rather take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Because i know humans will abuse and exploit fellow humans every chance they get. The Global Warming scare is just another Ponzi Scheme. People should resist it at all costs.
They are choking to death right now.

They aren't choking on CO2.


This proves you and your buddy Todd don't know what in the world what this topic is all about.
Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.
China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress. At the same time they are going after their factories of air pollutants and smogs.

That's why you and the left is confused the Paris accord has nothing to do with has to do with a transfer of wealth..

Transfer of wealth like what?

AGAIN let me repeat it again. Are you saying all the Americans 7 out of 10, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, CEOs, Ivanka, Tillerson are all confused and all belong to the left? You are dumber than I thought.

Now answer those 2 questions. Before I waste anymore of my time with your stupidity.

Are you saying all the Americans 7 out of 10, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, CEOs, Ivanka, Tillerson are all confused and all belong to the left?

Confused or going along with the idiocy for financial gain.

I've always found it odd that they cite those companies like they are pure evil but don't think twice when those companies sign on to what they want to do with the country. If I believed someone was evil and they started supporting what I did I'd be having some serious moral reflection time
The name of the former president is Obama NOT DUMBAMA and the current president is Trump.
Where did I lie? I NEVER in my post just pure facts and reality. Get your facts right.
And you are a good example of a deplorable American.
From the beginning of this thread you posted and supported nothing but baseless or philosophical.

Oh yes, you lie, you lie all the time. You use the word "racism" when nothing even was discussed about race. It's a typical liberal reaction to a losing argument for a liberal. When you have no real defense in an argument, call somebody a racist.

You didn't do that with just me, but several people here. You've been trained like a monkey by your leaders.

You are a racist Ray. But that's not the issue in this thread. The issue is how Trump pulled us out of an agreement the entire planet agreed to for no real reason except to keep his voting base on his side.

The issue is how Trump pulled us out of an agreement the entire planet agreed to

The issue is because this treaty wasn't submitted to or voted on by the US Senate and therefore was not ratified by the US Senate, we were never in the agreement.

You'd be surprised how many people are claiming it wasn't a treaty and yet we are somehow bound to its voluntary nature or nonsense like that.
Last edited:
Yes you twisted every thing and it's pure lie.

Show me where they say China can run rampart, encourage them to step up their pollution ahead of 2030. Finance them? Hold our own industry back? REALLY? Prove it.

Since when we hold our industry back? Like what? Prove it.

That is the most ridiculous I ever heard.

Simple, read the 20 some page accord and the agreement petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama provided to the United Nations.

Most likely you have but just cannot accept defeat.
If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.
Keep your accord to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it

Then you are the minority here in America and the rest of the world.
Nicaragua didn't joined the accord because it's not strong or not good enough.
Syria because of on going civil war.
US just because of Trump trying to revive a dying coal industry. That makes the laughing stock and putting backwards. LMAO.

First, why on earth would other people laughing influence us? We aren't children afraid to lol bad. We are men who want to do right for ourselves and our nation. Whether people laugh is irrelevant to what we do. It will not stop us from doing what's right. Why does it stop you?

Second, leaders dont follow what the group. If leaders did what everyone else did they wouldn't be leaders. They would just be sheep.

Third, even the left was saying this deal was bad. Look up the politico summary from 2015.

Fourth, if everyone actually did support this accord, Obama would have submitted it to the senate for ratification. He didn't because its a piece of garbage that costs jobs and money we can't afford to lose and the senate wasn't going to approve it.

Finally if you want to do something to this nonexistent problem in your own life. Go ahead. heck it you want to hurt jobs in your state or city feel free to advocate more state and city regulations. Just stop trying yo force this nonsense on the rest of us. You have no right to force your religious viewpoints on the entire nation or to cause people to lose jobs because you are terrified of something that wont ever happen.
'Global Warming' = Just another Ponzi Scheme.

It's all about absolute Government control of the People. I'm so surprised humanity hasn't figured it out yet.
The name of the former president is Obama NOT DUMBAMA and the current president is Trump.
Where did I lie? I NEVER in my post just pure facts and reality. Get your facts right.
And you are a good example of a deplorable American.
From the beginning of this thread you posted and supported nothing but baseless or philosophical.

Oh yes, you lie, you lie all the time. You use the word "racism" when nothing even was discussed about race. It's a typical liberal reaction to a losing argument for a liberal. When you have no real defense in an argument, call somebody a racist.

You didn't do that with just me, but several people here. You've been trained like a monkey by your leaders.

REALLY? I mean really? Do you want me to bring up other threads? Didn't you said it's your job to offend people because of your racism?

Name of ex president is Obama NOT DumBama.

Still makes me smile that he is the ex president.
In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.

1.First off, Commie Care is a disaster. Yesterday, Anthem Blue Shield announced they are pulling out of our state.

2. Secondly, you don't know how many Americans want to keep the Paris Accord. There was one poll on it and it wasn't a very large poll either. There was no explanation how the poll was conducted, and outside of political junkies like ourselves, most people don't know what the Paris Accord is. But people don't want to look stupid when asked a question, so they give any kind of answer.

3. Thirdly, you've been brainwashed by your puppet masters that all CEOs are conservative Republicans. There are a lot of liberals in the business world like Gates, Buffett, the late Steve Jobs.

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1. There are no such thing as Commie Care. Try again.
2. You are right a lot of people don't have a clue about the Paris accord and the climate change. You are a proof of that. Trumpeters doesn't give a shit what Trump is talking about--------- they believe every lies whatever comes out from his mouth. That includes climate change. Sadly.
You are Wrong. Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high. Even Iranians will tell you that. There are several polls run who opposed and supported this accord. Update yourself Ray.

3. Is that include the fossil fuel industries CEOs that are culprits of releasing emissions supports the Paris Accord? Including Tillerson. Sad.
We don't have a puppet master Ray ------ Trump is a good example of a puppet. Sadly.

You don't have a faintest clue what you are talking about Ray.

Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high

It's so high among Greens that they'll support every expensive, unreliable source of energy, but won't support reliable nuclear energy.

Nor will they sell their mansions
What has Trump done that was good?

You're kidding right?

* With the DOW Jones being up about 15% to new all-time highs since Trump taking office over a rebirth in business confidence, with the fastest 2000 point run ever and the stock market gaining two trillion since Trump got in, what is your complaint there? Would you rather it be lower or do you think Hillary would have taken it even higher?

* Trump has reduced the national debt so far by 100 billion. Just what is wrong with that?

* Trump added 300,000 jobs in his first month. Was that wrong?

* Housing sales are hot! Time on market has been cut in half since 2011. Is that bad?

* Illegal immigration is down by nearly 70%. And the wall isn't even built yet. Where do you disagree this isn't good?

* Then there is healthcare reform in progress,
a new, simpler tax code on the horizon,
dismantling numerous oppressive regulations stifling business,
stepping up national security,
rethinking trade deals to more favor the USA,
addressing the world's biggest threats like ISIS, Syria and North Korea
and taking steps to better unify nations toward improving NATO funding and concerns over Iran, etc.,
and much, much more. Where is any of this bad?

Your cred sucks when all you do is cheer for Trump even when it's shown he's wrong.

My "cred" has nothing to do with the facts. If someone is doing so much good in so short a time, what should I do, complain? As to being shown he is wrong, WHERE? Whose OPINION??? It takes more than just posting a link to some hack website that says he is wrong! You can find a website to tell you anything.

You are kidding.
Jobs, stocks, economy, unemployment are showing very positive at least since middle of last year that's a fact.
Trump added 300,000 job in January that's a lie. Prove it. Trump take credit everything and everywhere even he has nothing to do with it. And people like you believe 100%.
Replace & repeal Obamacare is a joke replaced with the same garbage.
One page Tax reforms is not even considered as Tax reforms by some of the GOPs----- its DOA.
Trade deals like what?
So what's new in dealing with North Korea, ISIS and Syria? I don't see anything new.
Because of Trump behavior towards NATO members and European allies. He face very bad embarrassing criticism here and abroad. So what is there to bragged about?
Dear-------- do you really believed everything coming from a pathological liar?

Are you aware that the $110 billions arms sales deal with the Saudi that he bragged is purely baloney?

Seriously can't understand why you guys don't realize why the economy took off when people began planning for a time when Obama wasn't in power.

Fact is Americans are getting jobs because Obama lost his
Obama did not take the agreement to congress because it was not a treaty. There were not obligations other than reporting progress and no budget impact. What Obama signed was an executive agreement, one of over 13,000 US presidents have signed without congress approval.

The president alone cannot commit our country to any spending or debt not approved by Congress. Just cannot happen, he does not have that authority. He can sign thousands of things so long as they don't involve our money, economy or defense.

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