Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.
Keep your accord to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it
Keep your emissions to yourself.
Yes but is that adjusted for population???
It's one planet, one atmosphere. Explain why the populations matter as to the amount of greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.

The data is skewed against the USA due to its size and number of people! Of course we appear a bigger polluter than we are, if we didn't have such good technology, we would pollute much more. And India while contributing 7% is a much bigger polluter considering the small size of the country and population.

View attachment 130663

China produces nearly a THIRD of the world CO2 emission yet is GROWING and not affected by the ACCORD.
India, despite its small size producers almost as much as all the countries of the EU combined.
Yes, we produce 14%, considering our population and size, pretty damned good compared to the tiny EU (look at a map).
Tiny Japan producers almost as much as all of Russia!
If you want to say 14% is still 14%, fine, but to cut our CO2 by 20% would be DEVASTATING to our economy, MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. Now is not the time with our economy already weak and when the benefits of doing so are HIGHLY debatable. Even the PA predicts only a minuscule improvement over a century!
Not a good deal to CRIPPLE ourselves while China and India run away Scott free producing nearly 40% of the total global amount and INCREASING.

Let's take a look at air quality in BEIJING CHINA:

View attachment 130664

Now let us take a look at New Delhi India:

View attachment 130665

Now, let us take a look at an American City like Chicago, one of our largest:

View attachment 130667

Any questions? Pure numbers and statistical data can be deceiving.

Yes you have a problem. No No No No and NO.
Your pictures are very misleading and very wrong comparison.
New Delhi, India is several hundred miles away from the ocean water. Beijing China is approximately 120 miles away a from the ocean water.
Chicago is next to a big body of water Lake Michigan and its windy blowing smog to inland city like Iowa. How often do you see a smog next to a body of water? See picture.
Other picture is from Riverside and San Bernardino, Ca. smog coming from Orange County Ca.
Now you compare those pictures to New Delhi and Beijing.

View attachment 131393

View attachment 131394
This is San Bernardino and Riverside County, Ca

Yes you have a problem. No No No No and NO.
Your pictures are very misleading and very wrong comparison.
New Delhi, India is several hundred miles away from the ocean water. Beijing China is approximately 120 miles away a from the ocean water.
Chicago is next to a big body of water Lake Michigan and its windy blowing smog to inland city like Iowa. How often do you see a smog next to a body of water?

Yes. I see. Thank you. I got it all wrong. I posted a few pictures just for illustration, but China and India don't really have air quality issues! It is just all a matter of where you live next to a body of water!!! How did I never think of that??? The wind always blows around water and they never have breezes or wind away from bodies of water!


1. CHINA. Taken strait from Wiki:
Air pollution has become a major issue in China and poses a threat to Chinese public health. In 2016, only 84 out of 338 prefecture-level or higher cities attained the national standard for air quality. The China Medical Association, warned in 2012 that air pollution could become China's biggest health threat. Measurements by Beijing municipal government in January 2013 showed that highest recorded level of PM2.5 (particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in size), was at nearly 1,000 μg per cubic meter. Traces of smog from mainland China has been observed to reach as far as California. Large-scale use of formaldehyde in make home building products in construction and furniture also contributes to indoor air pollution.

INDIA. Taken strait from Wiki:
Air pollution in India is quite a serious issue with the major sources being fuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion. In autumn and winter months, large scale crop residue burning in agriculture fields – a low cost alternative to mechanical tilling – is a major source of smoke, smog and particulate pollution. India has a low per capita emissions of greenhouse gases but the country as a whole is the third largest greenhouse gas polluter. A 2013 study on non-smokers has found that Indians have 30% lower lung function compared to Europeans. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1981 to regulate air pollution and there have been some measurable improvements. However, the 2016 Environmental Performance Index ranked India 141 out of 180 countries.

2. THE USA. Taken straight from Wiki:
Pollution in the United States has plummeted in the recent decade, with pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide decreasing despite the fact the number of vehicles on the road isn't. This is due to better regulations, economic shifts, and technological innovations. With respect to nitrogen dioxide, NASA reported a 32% decrease in New York City and a 42% decrease in Atlanta between the periods of 2005-2007 and 2009-2011.
3. California has the worst air quality of any state, and in most surveys the cities in California rank in the top 5 or top 10 of most polluted air in the United States.

Last I checked, Nimrod, most of your major cities in California lie right along the coast, YOU KNOW, the Pacific Ocean, the LARGEST BODY OF WATER IN THE WORLD.

4. If the Paris Accord wants to worry about real air quality and climate change, ask the people of China and India what they think? These places need to get their act together, not the USA and Trump was right to say Nyet to the Accord rather than foot the bill for other people's problems!!!

1. Wrong again. I never said China and India don't have a pollution problem. Never.
2. This is funny. From your own words-------- US pollution plummeted in the recent decade. DUE to better *regulation*, economic shift and technological innovations ( reusable energy). In short according to you Obama did a very good job. Thank you.
But you purposely omit the increase of natural gas usage which is cheaper to extract and cleaner air compared to coal.
3. I am fully aware of the dirty air here in Ca. From #1 to #4 all of those are located inland. And if you go towards east surrounded by mountains blocking smog. The same with Los Angeles blocked by LA national forest, go south blocked by San Bernardino mountains. For #6 (picture) please don't tell me that is a smog.
We also have drought which causes warmer weather that results increased levels of ozone or smog.

Top 10 most ozone-polluted cities:
1. Fresno-Madera, Calif.
2. Bakersfield, Calif.
3. Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, Calif.
4. Modesto-Merced, Calif.
5. Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif.
6. San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, Calif.

The 10 most polluted cities in the U.S.

View attachment 131555

4. China and India are very concern and worried of their air, land and sea quality. And as far as I know they are trying to do something. But to phase out in next 12 years is impossible----- That is why the 2030 time frame come in to place. What made you or others think they are not doing anything?

Trump pulled out from Paris accord is to revive a dying coal industry and believed its a hoax. *Nothing* more repeat nothing more. At the same time Trump believed in Climate Change according Pruiit and Haley.

Trump’s E.P.A. Chief Is Not Telling the Truth About Coal

Any questions Einstein?

Are those cities better or worse than your list of ten?

The 10 most polluted cities in the World

Or these?

List of most polluted cities by particulate matter concentration - Wikipedia
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

AGAIN------ Are you saying 7 out of 10 Americans, CEOs, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, BP, Ivanka, Tillerson etc etc etc. that support this accord------- Are all democrats?
Withdrawing from this accord didn't make us the leader but a laughing and embarrassing around the world.
So if we act independently why not part of group of a great movement?

So far you have not answer any of my questions Ray. Why is that?

Trump withdrew from the accord only because of coal industry but pure dumb and do not accept that the climate change is a hoax. So what are you trying to say Ray? Crap.

You are 100% the Republicans have house, congress and the White House------ So how are they doing? Let say replace and repeal Obamacare with the same garbage, total chaos, non stop self inflicting wounds, continue sucking Putin dick, Russian scandal, republicans investigating republicans, an embarrassment around the world, discombobulated toxic administration. What an accomplishment.

Did anyone came up in support of Trump from withdrawing from the accord? except maybe 8 GOPs.
Keep your accord to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it

Then you are the minority here in America and the rest of the world.
Nicaragua didn't joined the accord because it's not strong or not good enough.
Syria because of on going civil war.
US just because of Trump trying to revive a dying coal industry. That makes the laughing stock and putting backwards. LMAO.
/--- Pres Trump never pulled out of the accord because we were never in it. You tool.
View attachment 131571

That's a lie. Try harder.
/---- You need to try harder in Civics class. "The Founders incorporated the idea of treaties into the Constitution. Article II, Section 2 grants the president power “with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.”"
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
So what's new in dealing with North Korea, ISIS and Syria? I don't see anything new.

You're kidding right?

* YOU DON'T SEE that in short order, we've gone from an invisible red line of total impotence in the sand that Obama's bluff was called on long ago leading to the slaughter of many thousands of lives to a missile attack that took out half of Assad's airforce, stopped the use of chemical weapons and made the world take serious Trump's resolve?

* YOU DON'T SEE that ISIS went from a free-running terror agency which had long since stopped taking America seriously to one day having the world's largest bomb dropped on its tunnel network killing many agents and slowing or stopping its tunnel system in and out of Afghanistan?

* And YOU DON'T SEE North Korea going from totally unchecked, to having China its closest ally now down its throat on one side working with us cutting off vital markets to our having a large military presence off shore ready to respond, meetings with Japan, a test of our strategist missile defense, to preparations to defending South Korea?

If you don't see any of that, you are indeed more than blind, you are willingly obtuse.

I see ISIS still attacking so that one bomb did squat.

I see NK firing missile after missile while El Dumster is Tweeting about Comey.

A missile strike on a abandoned air field? Really? You are bragging about that?


The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

Surely you're joking.

RWNJs still know nothing about what they're for or against.

It's not just that they're stupid. They're willfully ignorant. Just like trump.


Sent from my iPad using

Ignorant meaning they dare disagree with your kind about ANYTHING you believe?
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Then you are doing exactly what I'm telling you. China is doing everything they can to improve their land, air, sea and the emissions output long before 2030. They signed with the accord to show the world that they are part of a good movement for the sake of one planet.
For you and Trump or anybody to say China is not doing anything till 2030 is pure idiotic.

And STOP cutting my post to fit your nonsense agenda.

Specifically what is China required to do prior to 2030. For that matter, what are they REQUIRED to do after 2030?

If they're doing something now, what purpose is the accord?

That's the point, nothing. Nobody is REQUIRED to do anything under the accord.
So what's new in dealing with North Korea, ISIS and Syria? I don't see anything new.

You're kidding right?

* YOU DON'T SEE that in short order, we've gone from an invisible red line of total impotence in the sand that Obama's bluff was called on long ago leading to the slaughter of many thousands of lives to a missile attack that took out half of Assad's airforce, stopped the use of chemical weapons and made the world take serious Trump's resolve?

* YOU DON'T SEE that ISIS went from a free-running terror agency which had long since stopped taking America seriously to one day having the world's largest bomb dropped on its tunnel network killing many agents and slowing or stopping its tunnel system in and out of Afghanistan?

* And YOU DON'T SEE North Korea going from totally unchecked, to having China its closest ally now down its throat on one side working with us cutting off vital markets to our having a large military presence off shore ready to respond, meetings with Japan, a test of our strategist missile defense, to preparations to defending South Korea?

If you don't see any of that, you are indeed more than blind, you are willingly obtuse.

She has her Bammy Blinders on.
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?

The accord? No, sorry, it isn't. The President does not have the authority to put a treaty in place all by his lonesome.
Then you are doing exactly what I'm telling you. China is doing everything they can to improve their land, air, sea and the emissions output long before 2030. They signed with the accord to show the world that they are part of a good movement for the sake of one planet.
For you and Trump or anybody to say China is not doing anything till 2030 is pure idiotic.

And STOP cutting my post to fit your nonsense agenda.

Specifically what is China required to do prior to 2030. For that matter, what are they REQUIRED to do after 2030?

If they're doing something now, what purpose is the accord?

That's the point, nothing. Nobody is REQUIRED to do anything under the accord.
That is correct. Trump lied his ass off when he said otherwise.
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?

The accord? No, sorry, it isn't. The President does not have the authority to put a treaty in place all by his lonesome.

What is with this treaty BS?
Don't waste your time. I have shown repeatedly in this thread how that statement is wrong. This is a TREATY.
Or should I say WAS

It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:
It has never been called a treaty. Check our constitution and see who has to approve a treaty and how.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

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