Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

More stupid BULLSHIT, YES climate change is REAL, man made climate change or the ability of man to make even a scintilla of change to the climate is NOT real, it is a con game to take trillions of dollars from the people and give it to a group of central one world government initiatives. If you are to stupid to know that, you should be in an insane asylum.
So, you think man can spew all kinds of shit into our atmosphere & not change anything? Really?

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

But hey, what the fuck does NASA know, lets believe a lying, business cheat, women grioping orange asshole instead.

Actually one of the MAIN scientist that studied man made climate change for the NASA testified that the effect on the climate was negligible, and that political pressure was put on those in the division to Alter the findings to PROVE global warming. Of course he was only a revered scientist till he told the TRUTH. I live within a hundred miles of Marshal, and Have been to the space center many times and have seen the change, MMCC IS A SCAM!!! Pollution is something else, and is where the Climate change money needs to be instead of somewhere that it is wasted. As for your 97% the only 97% is of paid for results science manipulators that depend on a positive result for their grants to be renewed.[/QUOTE]
"one" One scientist from NASA who discovered he can make a lot more money as a fossil fuel dupe than working at NASA.
Bottom line people like you is DON'T do nothing and don't worry about it. That is not acceptable and indefensible.
Where do you think this planet is going if we don't don't act now?

How to shut off people like me that care about your future? How to shut off people like me permanently that care ? How much would it cost?
Answer: There are no amount that can be measured to save this planet both your future and your kids. There are no way way to shut off people that cares. It is much worse to look the other way---- your side.

You said it exactly: there is no amount.

Don't feel bad, that's the way most leftists feel: there is no amount.

What do I do? I recycle everything that can be recycled. I drive a car that get's 32 MPH. I work 18 miles from my home and I fill up once every two weeks. What do you do with your big boat avatar?????

And where do you think this planet would go with the Paris Accord? In one hundred years, we "may" lower the temperature by a fraction of one degree? That's worth trillions of dollars; mostly US dollars?

The more expensive you make it on industry, the more likely industry will take actions to avoid those costs like so many have in the past. That's why most of our goods are made in China; China who doesn't have to do one thing to reduce their footprint for over a decade.

Since you care so much about the planet, tell me, how much did it cost you to erect that windmill in your backyard? How much do you pay in bus fare to go everywhere you need to go? How much did you pay for those solar panels on the roof of your house? How low do you keep your thermostat in the winter, and how high in the summer?

I'd bet my dime to your dollar you don't do any of these things.
It's not a matter of lowering the temperature a fraction of a degree, that's not possible. It's about keeping the rise to less than 1.5 to 2.0 degrees which are going to be devastating to coastal areas. If we don't attain this goal, the chance of reversal global warming is slim to none.

Did you not read my previous post that, if my computations are correct, it would take almost 2.5 million cubic miles of ice to melt to raise the oceans 1.2 inched?

Reversal of global warm always is, and always has been, impossible to reverse because it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. There has never been, or will there ever be even 50 years of constant climate. The ONLY thing about that doesn't change about the climate changing is change happens.

Some of the things that do effect climate is the earth orbit are the sun wobbles. For some period of years we are closer to the sun, other periods of years we are farther away. Another thing is that the pulsates, sometimes hotter, others cooler.

The fact the the climate is getting warmer is not in doubt. The contention a
that it's caused by man is highly debatable. The only "evidence" to support that claim is gotten through theory, assumptions, and wishful thinking. 0 of the last 30 years predictions have come close to happening. Hell, in the 70's climatologists were crying that pollution in the upper atmosphere was reflecting solar radiation and we were headed into a new ice age. How'd that work out for them?

Just like cancer research, globa... Oops, "Climate Change" is nothing more than a money maker and a tool to justify the redistribution of wealth.

If you read the research and dissenting opinions with logic, a touch of climate knowledge, and an open mind, you will see through the fear mongering of it all. Concerning globa... oops again, climate change, the Liberal Media screams "Armageddon is coming". People are easily convinced (brainwashed?) and will pay big bucks to avert their doom.

Fortunately many of us have called "Bullshit" on this scam. Others, you ask? Their indoctrination has taken too strong of a hold on them. They won't let little things like facts interfere with their "Manchurian Candidate" level of brainwashing.
If it's a hoax, it is probably the greatest that has every been perpetrated with virtually 100% all major scientific academies in agreement, 97% of climate scientists, and 198 countries committed to reducing greenhouse gases.

But let's assume they are all wrong and man is not the cause of global warming, we will still have to deal with the results regardless of the cause. Also, development of cleaner renewable forms of energy have huge long term advantages.

But let's assume the scientists are right, it would be insane to do nothing and just hope it all went away.

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

Report: 95 percent of global warming models are wrong
97% of climatologists. Climatologists.
The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
The Paris "agreement" swindle.
The mental midget is a View attachment 130766 Hannity impersonator.
The head lemming speaks!
This from the asshole in chief. My God, when have you ever posted anything that was true & not direct from Limbaugh, Bretbsrt or fox.
Don't take my word for it---- go look it up and research it out. The Paris Accord is a scam to yet again like all other "deals" set forth in the past, just bilk more money out from the USA like a fat cow and put into the deep pockets of globalists! Want to know why people like Angela Merkel got that funny look on her face? Because for years AMERICAN POLITICIANS LIKE HILLARY CLINTON have been selling out their country for money, for a price, they will "cut you in." Now that Trump is here,. he IS NOT A PLAYER, he cannot be threatened or bribed.

ALL THESE OTHER COUNTRIES in EU and NATO, etc., PART OF THEIR ECONOMY IS LONG BEEN BASED ON SUCKING THE USA for MONEY!! Now that Trump is in, Merkel really meant it that for once, countries like Germany are really going to have to start carrying their own weight. And they are terrified.

Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.
Don't take my word for it---- go look it up and research it out. The Paris Accord is a scam to yet again like all other "deals" set forth in the past, just bilk more money out from the USA like a fat cow and put into the deep pockets of globalists! Want to know why people like Angela Merkel got that funny look on her face? Because for years AMERICAN POLITICIANS LIKE HILLARY CLINTON have been selling out their country for money, for a price, they will "cut you in." Now that Trump is here,. he IS NOT A PLAYER, he cannot be threatened or bribed.

ALL THESE OTHER COUNTRIES in EU and NATO, etc., PART OF THEIR ECONOMY IS LONG BEEN BASED ON SUCKING THE USA for MONEY!! Now that Trump is in, Merkel really meant it that for once, countries like Germany are really going to have to start carrying their own weight. And they are terrified.

Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.
Don't take my word for it---- go look it up and research it out. The Paris Accord is a scam to yet again like all other "deals" set forth in the past, just bilk more money out from the USA like a fat cow and put into the deep pockets of globalists! Want to know why people like Angela Merkel got that funny look on her face? Because for years AMERICAN POLITICIANS LIKE HILLARY CLINTON have been selling out their country for money, for a price, they will "cut you in." Now that Trump is here,. he IS NOT A PLAYER, he cannot be threatened or bribed.

ALL THESE OTHER COUNTRIES in EU and NATO, etc., PART OF THEIR ECONOMY IS LONG BEEN BASED ON SUCKING THE USA for MONEY!! Now that Trump is in, Merkel really meant it that for once, countries like Germany are really going to have to start carrying their own weight. And they are terrified.

Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.
There is NOTHING in the Paris Accord that tells us what to do. Like I said you & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

Its called science. Something you & Trump don't know shit about.
"Pittsburgh, not Paris."

The Left snickers.

Regular Americans nod and say: "That makes sense to me."
It would.

The Paris Accord has nothing to do with the people of Paris.

Pittsburgh is no a manufacturing center nor a mining center.
Having us pay for other Nations pollution is as dumb as it gets

Take responsibility for your actions. We spewed more shit into the atmosphere while we were developing putting the planet in the position it is today.
It makes a nice fairytale for an angry, non contributing prosperity hater such as yourself
The vacated treaty made the USA responsible for others pollution and charged us for it
Skies and water cleaner than they have ever been, bad air quality days in major metros 10% of what it was from 60s into 80s
The whole world rightly took Obama to be a fool and were waiting to get their share of the loot from this swindle.

Like what? Be specific.
The Paris "agreement" swindle.
The mental midget is a View attachment 130766 Hannity impersonator.
The head lemming speaks!
This from the asshole in chief. My God, when have you ever posted anything that was true & not direct from Limbaugh, Bretbsrt or fox.
If they didn't have their propaganda sites they'd have no links to present.
Tramp going against the American people again.
2. By a more than 5 to 1 margin, voters say the U.S. should participate in the Paris Agreement.
In a nationally representative survey conducted after the election, we found that seven in ten registered voters (69%) say the U.S. should participate in the COP21 agreement, compared with only 13% who say the U.S. should not. Majorities of Democrats (86%) and Independents (61%), and half of Republicans (51%) say the U.S. should participate (including 73% of moderate/liberal Republicans). Only conservative Republicans are split, with marginally more saying the U.S. should participate (40%) than saying we should not participate (34%).

And wait for it....,

3. About half of Trump voters say the U.S. should participate in the Paris Agreement.
Almost half of Trump’s voters (47%) say the U.S. should participate in the Paris agreement, compared with only 28% who say the U.S. should not.

This one stings like a motherfucker.

Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

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